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Line 22: l_range_or_match pay_user_tables.range_or_match%type;

18: p_row_value in varchar2,
19: p_effective_date in date default null)
20: return varchar2 is
21: l_effective_date date;
22: l_range_or_match pay_user_tables.range_or_match%type;
23: l_table_id pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;
24: l_value pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type;
25: l_value_num NUMBER;

Line 23: l_table_id pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;

19: p_effective_date in date default null)
20: return varchar2 is
21: l_effective_date date;
22: l_range_or_match pay_user_tables.range_or_match%type;
23: l_table_id pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;
24: l_value pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type;
25: l_value_num NUMBER;
27: begin

Line 62: from pay_user_tables

58: -- get the type of query to be performed, either range or match
59: --
60: select range_or_match, user_table_id
61: into l_range_or_match, l_table_id
62: from pay_user_tables
63: where upper(user_table_name) = upper(p_table_name)
64: and nvl (business_group_id,
65: p_bus_group_id) = p_bus_group_id
66: and nvl(legislation_code, g_leg_code) = g_leg_code;

Line 75: , pay_user_tables TAB

71: into l_value
72: from pay_user_column_instances_f CINST
73: , pay_user_columns C
74: , pay_user_rows_f R
75: , pay_user_tables TAB
76: where TAB.user_table_id = l_table_id
77: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
78: and nvl (C.business_group_id,
79: p_bus_group_id) = p_bus_group_id

Line 118: , pay_user_tables TAB

114: into l_value
115: from pay_user_column_instances_f CINST
116: , pay_user_columns C
117: , pay_user_rows_f R
118: , pay_user_tables TAB
119: where TAB.user_table_id = l_table_id
120: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
121: and nvl (C.business_group_id,
122: p_bus_group_id) = p_bus_group_id

Line 167: , pay_user_tables TAB

163: into l_value
164: from pay_user_column_instances_f CINST
165: , pay_user_columns C
166: , pay_user_rows_f R
167: , pay_user_tables TAB
168: where TAB.user_table_id = l_table_id
169: and C.user_table_id = TAB.user_table_id
170: and nvl (C.business_group_id,
171: p_bus_group_id) = p_bus_group_id