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Line 302: Call FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName

298: If person_party_id in fnd_user = person_party_id from step 1 above
299: we are fine, do nothing
301: Case B: Record NOT found in fnd_user
302: Call FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName
303: --@ TestUserName() returns:
304: --@ USER_OK_CREATE constant pls_integer := 0;
305: --@ USER_INVALID_NAME constant pls_integer := 1;
306: --@ USER_EXISTS_IN_FND constant pls_integer := 2;

Line 310: CALL FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty

306: --@ USER_EXISTS_IN_FND constant pls_integer := 2;
307: --@ USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
308: --@ USER_EXISTS_NO_LINK_ALLOWED constant pls_integer := 4;
309: IF l_test_user IN (0,3) THEN
310: CALL FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty
311: Note : Call FND_CRYPTO for generating the password (track bug 4358822)
312: FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.insert_assignment with responsibility as 'OKS_ERN_WEB'
313: ELSE -- l_test_user <> 0 ,3
314: -- error, raise exception

Line 463: fnd_user_pkg.testusername (x_user_name => l_user_name);

459: --@ USER_EXISTS_IN_FND constant pls_integer := 2;
460: --@ USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
461: --@ USER_EXISTS_NO_LINK_ALLOWED constant pls_integer := 4;
462: l_test_user :=
463: fnd_user_pkg.testusername (x_user_name => l_user_name);
465: IF l_test_user IN (0, 3)
466: THEN
467: IF l_test_user = 0

Line 479: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty

475: 3
476: )) ||
477: ROUND (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (100, 999));
478: l_user_id :=
479: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
480: (x_user_name => UPPER
481: (TRIM
482: (p_user_name)),
483: x_owner => 'CUST',

Line 493: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID

489: x_person_party_id => l_qtc_person_party_id
490: );
491: ELSE -- l_test_user = 3
492: -- USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
493: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID
494: -- in Notification, put the password as *******'
495: l_user_id :=
496: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
497: (x_user_name => UPPER

Line 496: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty

492: -- USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
493: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID
494: -- in Notification, put the password as *******'
495: l_user_id :=
496: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
497: (x_user_name => UPPER
498: (TRIM
499: (p_user_name)),
500: x_owner => 'SEED',

Line 570: fnd_user_pkg.updateuserparty

566: ELSE -- l_row_notfound is false i.e record exists in fnd_user
567: x_password := '******';
568: IF l_fnd_person_party_id IS NULL
569: THEN
570: fnd_user_pkg.updateuserparty
571: (x_user_name => UPPER
572: (TRIM
573: (p_user_name)),
574: x_owner => 'CUST',

Line 2557: Call FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName

2553: Step 3: If no record found in step 2 above then check in fnd_user if record exists with the user name as quote to contact email
2555: CASE A: Record NOT Found in fnd_user
2557: Call FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName
2558: --@ TestUserName() returns:
2559: --@ USER_OK_CREATE constant pls_integer := 0;
2560: --@ USER_INVALID_NAME constant pls_integer := 1;
2561: --@ USER_EXISTS_IN_FND constant pls_integer := 2;

Line 2566: CALL FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty

2562: --@ USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
2563: --@ USER_EXISTS_NO_LINK_ALLOWED constant pls_integer := 4;
2565: IF l_test_user IN (0,3) THEN
2566: CALL FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty
2567: FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.insert_assignment with responsibility as 'OKS_ERN_WEB'
2569: ELSE -- l_test_user <> 0 ,3
2570: -- error, raise exception

Line 3075: 'Creating New user, calling FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName for username :'||l_suggested_user_name);

3072: -- log file
3073: fnd_file.put_line
3074: (fnd_file.LOG,
3075: 'Creating New user, calling FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName for username :'||l_suggested_user_name);
3076: l_test_user :=
3077: fnd_user_pkg.testusername
3078: (x_user_name => l_suggested_user_name);

Line 3077: fnd_user_pkg.testusername

3073: fnd_file.put_line
3074: (fnd_file.LOG,
3075: 'Creating New user, calling FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName for username :'||l_suggested_user_name);
3076: l_test_user :=
3077: fnd_user_pkg.testusername
3078: (x_user_name => l_suggested_user_name);
3080: -- debug log
3081: IF (fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level)

Line 3094: 'After calling FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName l_test_user : ' ||

3091: -- log file
3092: fnd_file.put_line
3093: (fnd_file.LOG,
3094: 'After calling FND_USER_PKG.TestUserName l_test_user : ' ||
3095: l_test_user);
3097: IF l_test_user IN (0, 3)
3098: THEN

Line 3116: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty

3112: fnd_crypto.randomstring
3113: (NVL (fnd_profile.VALUE ('SIGNON_PASSWORD_LENGTH'),
3114: 4));
3115: l_user_id :=
3116: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
3117: (x_user_name => l_suggested_user_name,
3118: x_owner => 'SEED',
3119: x_unencrypted_password => x_password,
3120: x_description => 'Electronic renewals User',

Line 3130: 'FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty l_user_id : ' ||

3126: x_user_name := l_suggested_user_name;
3127: -- log file
3128: fnd_file.put_line
3129: (fnd_file.LOG,
3130: 'FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty l_user_id : ' ||
3131: l_user_id);
3132: ELSE -- l_test_user = 3
3133: -- USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
3134: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID

Line 3134: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID

3130: 'FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty l_user_id : ' ||
3131: l_user_id);
3132: ELSE -- l_test_user = 3
3133: -- USER_SYNCHED constant pls_integer := 3;
3134: -- Call the FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty WITHOUT password as password exists in OID
3135: -- in Notification, put the password as '******'
3137: -- log file
3138: fnd_file.put_line

Line 3140: 'USER_SYNCHED , calling FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty');

3137: -- log file
3138: fnd_file.put_line
3139: (fnd_file.LOG,
3140: 'USER_SYNCHED , calling FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty');
3141: l_user_id :=
3142: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
3143: (x_user_name => l_suggested_user_name,
3144: x_owner => 'SEED',

Line 3142: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty

3138: fnd_file.put_line
3139: (fnd_file.LOG,
3140: 'USER_SYNCHED , calling FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty');
3141: l_user_id :=
3142: fnd_user_pkg.createuseridparty
3143: (x_user_name => l_suggested_user_name,
3144: x_owner => 'SEED',
3145: x_description => 'Electronic renewals User',
3146: x_email_address => UPPER

Line 3156: 'FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty l_user_id : ' ||

3152: x_password := '******';
3153: -- log file
3154: fnd_file.put_line
3155: (fnd_file.LOG,
3156: 'FND_USER_PKG.CreateUserIdParty l_user_id : ' ||
3157: l_user_id);
3158: END IF; -- l_test_user = 0 or 3
3160: -- debug log