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Line 692: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_EMPNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then

688: --
689: -- altering profile option
690: --
691: if p_person_type = 'EMP' then
692: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_EMPNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then
693: RAISE e_ProfileUpdFailed;
694: end if;
695: open csr_max_emp_num(p_person_type);
696: fetch csr_max_emp_num into l_max_number;

Line 700: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_APLNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then

696: fetch csr_max_emp_num into l_max_number;
697: close csr_max_emp_num;
699: elsif p_person_type = 'APL' then
700: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_APLNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then
701: RAISE e_ProfileUpdFailed;
702: end if;
703: open csr_max_apl_num(p_person_type);
704: fetch csr_max_apl_num into l_max_number;

Line 708: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_CWKNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then

704: fetch csr_max_apl_num into l_max_number;
705: close csr_max_apl_num;
707: elsif p_person_type = 'CWK' then
708: if not fnd_profile.save(g_xbg_CWKNum_profile,'Y','SITE') then
709: RAISE e_ProfileUpdFailed;
710: end if;
711: open csr_max_cwk_num(p_person_type);
712: fetch csr_max_cwk_num into l_max_number;

Line 769: -- FND_PROFILE.get_specific is required to read from the database

765: l_value varchar2(100);
766: l_defined boolean;
767: l_result boolean;
768: --
769: -- FND_PROFILE.get_specific is required to read from the database
770: -- in case Conc. Program that changes profile value already ran.
771: -- The value is cached once the profile value is set to 'Y';
772: -- FND_PROFILE.value is not used because it reads from cache thus existing
773: -- forms sessions will get old values.

Line 772: -- FND_PROFILE.value is not used because it reads from cache thus existing

768: --
769: -- FND_PROFILE.get_specific is required to read from the database
770: -- in case Conc. Program that changes profile value already ran.
771: -- The value is cached once the profile value is set to 'Y';
772: -- FND_PROFILE.value is not used because it reads from cache thus existing
773: -- forms sessions will get old values.
774: --
775: BEGIN
776: l_result := FALSE;

Line 780: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_EMPNum_profile

776: l_result := FALSE;
777: if p_person_type = 'EMP' then
778: if g_X_EMPprofileset is null then
779: --
780: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_EMPNum_profile
781: ,val_z => l_value
782: ,defined_z => l_defined);
783: if l_defined and nvl(l_value,'N')= 'Y' then
784: g_X_EMPprofileset := TRUE;

Line 796: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_APLNum_profile

792: --
793: elsif p_person_type = 'APL' then
794: if g_X_APLprofileset is null then
795: --
796: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_APLNum_profile
797: ,val_z => l_value
798: ,defined_z => l_defined);
799: if l_defined and nvl(l_value,'N')= 'Y' then
800: g_X_APLprofileset := TRUE;

Line 812: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_CWKNum_profile

808: --
809: elsif p_person_type = 'CWK' then
810: if g_X_CWKprofileset is null then
811: --
812: FND_PROFILE.get_specific(name_z => g_xbg_CWKNum_profile
813: ,val_z => l_value
814: ,defined_z => l_defined);
815: if l_defined and nvl(l_value,'N')= 'Y' then
816: g_X_CWKprofileset := TRUE;