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Line 116: from pay_element_types_f

112: l_proc_name Varchar2(72) := g_proc_name || 'get_object_id';
113: --
114: cursor c2 (c_object_name varchar2) is
115: select element_type_id
116: from pay_element_types_f
117: where element_name = c_object_name
118: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
119: --
120: cursor c3 (c_object_name in Varchar2) is

Line 192: ,pay_element_types_f pet

188: select input_value_id
189: ,piv.name
190: ,piv.element_type_id
191: from pay_input_values_f piv
192: ,pay_element_types_f pet
193: where element_name = c_ele_name
194: and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
195: and (piv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id or
196: piv.business_group_id is null)

Line 275: l_object_version_number pay_element_types_f.object_version_number%type;

271: l_template_id pay_shadow_element_types.template_id%type;
272: l_base_element_type_id pay_template_core_objects.core_object_id%type;
273: l_er_base_element_type_id pay_template_core_objects.core_object_id%type;
274: l_source_template_id pay_element_templates.template_id%type;
275: l_object_version_number pay_element_types_f.object_version_number%type;
276: l_proc_name Varchar2(80) := g_proc_name || 'create_user_template';
277: l_element_type_id Number;
278: l_balance_type_id Number;
279: l_eei_element_type_id Number;

Line 307: type t_ele_name is table of pay_element_types_f.element_name%type

303: type t_shadow_ele_info is table of shadow_ele_rec
304: index by Binary_Integer;
305: l_shadow_element t_shadow_ele_info;
307: type t_ele_name is table of pay_element_types_f.element_name%type
308: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
309: l_ele_name t_ele_name;
310: l_ele_new_name t_ele_name;
311: l_main_ele_name t_ele_name;

Line 319: type t_ele_reporting_name is table of pay_element_types_f.reporting_name%type

315: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
316: l_bal_name t_bal_name;
317: l_bal_new_name t_bal_name;
319: type t_ele_reporting_name is table of pay_element_types_f.reporting_name%type
320: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
321: l_ele_reporting_name t_ele_reporting_name;
323: type t_ele_description is table of pay_element_types_f.description%type

Line 323: type t_ele_description is table of pay_element_types_f.description%type

319: type t_ele_reporting_name is table of pay_element_types_f.reporting_name%type
320: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
321: l_ele_reporting_name t_ele_reporting_name;
323: type t_ele_description is table of pay_element_types_f.description%type
324: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
325: l_ele_description t_ele_description;
327: type t_ele_pp is table of pay_element_types_f.processing_priority%type

Line 327: type t_ele_pp is table of pay_element_types_f.processing_priority%type

323: type t_ele_description is table of pay_element_types_f.description%type
324: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
325: l_ele_description t_ele_description;
327: type t_ele_pp is table of pay_element_types_f.processing_priority%type
328: index by BINARY_INTEGER;
329: l_ele_pp t_ele_pp;
331: type t_eei_info is table of pay_element_type_extra_info.eei_information19%type