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Line 196: if ecx_utils.g_rec_tp_id is not null

192: retmsg OUT NOCOPY varchar2
193: )
194: is
195: begin
196: if ecx_utils.g_rec_tp_id is not null
197: then
198: get_tp_info
199: (
200: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_rec_tp_id,

Line 200: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_rec_tp_id,

196: if ecx_utils.g_rec_tp_id is not null
197: then
198: get_tp_info
199: (
200: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_rec_tp_id,
201: p_party_id => p_party_id,
202: p_party_site_id => p_party_site_id,
203: p_org_id => p_org_id,
204: p_admin_email => p_admin_email,

Line 209: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30,'ECX_RCVR_NOT_SETUP', 'p_tp_header_id', ECX_UTILS.G_rec_tp_id);

205: retcode => retcode,
206: retmsg => retmsg
207: );
208: else
209: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30,'ECX_RCVR_NOT_SETUP', 'p_tp_header_id', ECX_UTILS.G_rec_tp_id);
210: retcode := 1;
211: retmsg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_RCVR_NOT_SETUP');
212: end if;

Line 233: if ecx_utils.g_snd_tp_id is not null

229: retmsg OUT NOCOPY varchar2
230: )
231: is
232: begin
233: if ecx_utils.g_snd_tp_id is not null
234: then
235: get_tp_info
236: (
237: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_snd_tp_id,

Line 237: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_snd_tp_id,

233: if ecx_utils.g_snd_tp_id is not null
234: then
235: get_tp_info
236: (
237: p_tp_header_id => ECX_UTILS.G_snd_tp_id,
238: p_party_id => p_party_id,
239: p_party_site_id => p_party_site_id,
240: p_org_id => p_org_id,
241: p_admin_email => p_admin_email,

Line 246: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30, 'ECX_SNDR_NOT_ENABLED','p_tp_header_id',ECX_UTILS.G_snd_tp_id);

242: retcode => retcode,
243: retmsg => retmsg
244: );
245: else
246: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30, 'ECX_SNDR_NOT_ENABLED','p_tp_header_id',ECX_UTILS.G_snd_tp_id);
247: retcode := 1;
248: retmsg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_SNDR_NOT_SETUP');
249: end if;

Line 280: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;

276: and eth.party_site_id = l_party_site_id
277: and (l_party_type is null or et.party_type = l_party_type);
280: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;
281: retcode := 0;
283: Exception
284: When no_data_found Then

Line 294: raise ecx_utils.program_exit;

291: /* Start of bug #2183619*/
292: when too_many_rows then
293: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,'ECX_PARTY_TYPE_NOT_SET');
294: raise ecx_utils.program_exit;
295: /* End of bug #2183619 */
297: When Others Then
298: retcode := 2;

Line 342: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;

338: ELSE
339: email_address := wf_core.translate('ECX_SYS_ADMIN_EMAIL');
340: END IF;
342: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;
343: retcode := 0;
344: Exception
345: When Others Then
346: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30,

Line 383: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;

379: And etpd.tp_header_id = etph.tp_header_id
380: And etpd.transaction_type = p_transaction_type
381: And etpd.transaction_subtype = p_transaction_subtype;
383: ecx_utils.error_type := 10;
384: p_retcode := 0;
385: Else
386: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30, 'ECX_PARTY_SITE_ID_NOT_NULL');
387: End If;

Line 394: p_retcode := ecx_utils.i_ret_code;

390: End If;
391: Else
392: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30, 'ECX_PARTY_TYPE_NOT_NULL');
393: End IF;
394: p_retcode := ecx_utils.i_ret_code;
395: p_errmsg := ecx_utils.i_errbuf;
397: When no_data_found Then
398: p_retcode := 1;

Line 395: p_errmsg := ecx_utils.i_errbuf;

391: Else
392: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(1,30, 'ECX_PARTY_TYPE_NOT_NULL');
393: End IF;
394: p_retcode := ecx_utils.i_ret_code;
395: p_errmsg := ecx_utils.i_errbuf;
397: When no_data_found Then
398: p_retcode := 1;
399: p_errmsg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_NO_UNIQUE_TP_SETUP');

Line 414: i_error_type := ecx_utils.error_type;

410: Procedure get_error_type ( i_error_type OUT NOCOPY pls_integer,
411: retcode OUT NOCOPY pls_integer,
412: errmsg OUT NOCOPY varchar2) Is
413: Begin
414: i_error_type := ecx_utils.error_type;
415: retcode := 0;
416: Exception
417: When Others Then
418: ecx_debug.setErrorInfo(2,30, SQLERRM);

Line 554: ecx_utils.g_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');

550: is
551: i_string varchar2(2000);
552: begin
553: --- Check for the Installation Type ( Standalone or Embedded );
554: ecx_utils.g_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');
555: if ecx_utils.g_install_mode = 'EMBEDDED'
556: then
557: i_string := 'begin
558: fnd_profile.get('||'''ECX_OAG_LOGICALID'''||',ecx_trading_partner_pvt.g_oag_logicalid);

Line 555: if ecx_utils.g_install_mode = 'EMBEDDED'

551: i_string varchar2(2000);
552: begin
553: --- Check for the Installation Type ( Standalone or Embedded );
554: ecx_utils.g_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');
555: if ecx_utils.g_install_mode = 'EMBEDDED'
556: then
557: i_string := 'begin
558: fnd_profile.get('||'''ECX_OAG_LOGICALID'''||',ecx_trading_partner_pvt.g_oag_logicalid);
559: end;';