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Line 91: FROM hxt_earning_policies hep;

87: , hep.pip_id
88: , hep.pep_id
89: , hep.egt_id
90: , nvl(hep.business_group_id,-1) bg_id
91: FROM hxt_earning_policies hep;
92: --
93: -- cursor to get all Shift Differential Policies.
94: --
95: CURSOR c_get_shift_diffs IS

Line 119: , hxt_earning_policies epg

115: , ass.business_group_id ass_bg
116: , nvl(hdp.business_group_id,-1) hdp_bg
117: FROM hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
118: , hxt_rotation_plans rpl
119: , hxt_earning_policies epg
120: , hxt_shift_diff_policies sdp
121: , hxt_hour_deduct_policies hdp
122: , per_assignments_f ass
123: WHERE aai.assignment_id = ass.assignment_id

Line 1556: from hxt_earning_policies hep

1552: CURSOR c_get_ass_epols is
1553: select distinct
1554: hep.id ep_id
1555: , count(distinct(ass.business_group_id)) count_bg
1556: from hxt_earning_policies hep
1557: , hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
1558: , per_assignments_f ass
1559: where hep.id = aai.earning_policy
1560: and aai.assignment_id = ass.assignment_id

Line 1570: from hxt_earning_policies hep

1566: , hep.hcl_id hcl_id
1567: , hep.pip_id pip_id
1568: , hep.pep_id pep_id
1569: , hep.egt_id egt_id
1570: from hxt_earning_policies hep
1571: where hep.business_group_id is null
1572: and not exists(select 'X'
1573: from hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
1574: where aai.earning_policy = hep.id);

Line 1681: UPDATE hxt_earning_policies

1677: Begin
1678: l_ep_id := p_ep_id;
1679: l_bg_id := p_bg_id;
1680: --
1681: UPDATE hxt_earning_policies
1682: SET business_group_id = l_bg_id
1683: WHERE id = l_ep_id;
1684: --
1685: hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Updating Earning Policy ID '||l_ep_id||' With Business Group ID '||l_bg_id);

Line 1771: from hxt_earning_policies

1767: , effective_end_date
1768: , organization_id
1769: , round_up
1770: , min_tcard_intvl
1771: from hxt_earning_policies
1772: where id = p_ep_id;
1773: --
1774: CURSOR c_earnrule_rec is
1775: select element_type_id

Line 1802: Insert into hxt_earning_policies

1798: For earnpols in c_earnpol_rec loop
1799: --
1800: l_counter := l_counter +1;
1801: --
1802: Insert into hxt_earning_policies
1803: ( id
1804: , hcl_id
1805: , fcl_earn_type
1806: , name

Line 1906: delete from hxt_earning_policies

1902: --
1903: delete from hxt_earning_rules
1904: where egp_id = p_ep_id;
1905: --
1906: delete from hxt_earning_policies
1907: where id = p_ep_id;
1908: --
1909: End duplicate_earn_policies;
1910: --