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1 PACKAGE igs_re_the_lgcy_pub AS
2 /* $Header: IGSRE20S.pls 120.1 2006/01/17 03:39:21 rnirwani noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The Research Thesis Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data
5  * during a system conversion.  This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment and
6  * Records when importing rows from the IGS_RE_LGCY_THE_INT interface table.
7  * @rep:scope public
8  * @rep:product IGS
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Research Thesis
11  * @rep:compatibility S
13  */
14  -- irep annotations above.
16 --Start of comments
17 --      API name        : Thesis Details
18 --      Type            : Public.
19 --      Function        :
20 --      Pre-reqs        : None.
21 --      Parameters      :
22 --      IN              : p_api_version           IN NUMBER       Required
23 --                        p_init_msg_list         IN VARCHAR2     Optional Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
24 --                        p_commit                IN VARCHAR2     Optional Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
25 --                        p_validation_level      IN NUMBER       Optional Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
26 --                        p_the_dtls_rec          IN the_dtls_rec_type (this is a record type declared in the spec
27 --                                                                      contains the below mentioned fields)
28 --          {
29 --           person_number               :Person Number which will be resolved to get PERSON_ID.
30 --           program_cd                  :The program code in which the thesis applies.
31 --           title                       :Describes the title of the research student's thesis.
32 --           final_title_ind             :Indicates and specifies if the nominated title is the final title for
33 --                                        the thesis, or a working title. Selecting the check box indicates the
34 --                                        thesis title is final.
35 --           short_title                 :The short title of the thesis.
36 --           abbreviated_title           :The abbreviated title of the thesis.
37 --           final_thesis_result_cd      :Describes the final result that has been allocated to the thesis.
38 --                                        This result must be mapped to a system result of type final.
39 --           expected_submission_dt      :The date that the thesis is expected to be submitted. This field would be
40 --                                        entered once the student had given notification of intention to submit.
41 --           library_lodgement_dt        :Contains the date the research students thesis was lodged in the library.
42 --           library_catalogue_number    :Contains the library catalogue number of the thesis.
43 --           embargo_expiry_dt           :The expiry date of any embargo placed on the release of the thesis.
44 --           thesis_format               :Describes the format of the thesis.
45 --           embargo_details             :Records the details of any embargo placed on the release of the thesis.
46 --           thesis_topic                :Describes the topic of the thesis.
47 --           citation                    :Contains citation information to be read during a graduation ceremony.
48 --           comments                    :General comments.
49 --           submission_dt               :The date that the thesis was submitted for examination.
50 --           thesis_exam_type            :The type of examination that is being undertaken. For example, written,
51 --                                        performance, oral.Must be an uppercase value.
52 --           thesis_panel_type           :The type of panel used for the thesis examination.Must be an uppercase value.
53 --           thesis_result_cd            :The thesis result that is an outcome of the panel members having provided
54 --                                        their recommended results.Must be an uppercase value.
55 --          }
56 --      OUT             : x_return_status         OUT     VARCHAR2(1)
57 --                        x_msg_count             OUT     NUMBER
58 --                        x_msg_data              OUT     VARCHAR2(2000)
59 --
60 --      Version : Current version       1.0
61 -- End of comments
62 --
63 -- Change History :
64 -- Who             When            What
65 -- (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
67 TYPE the_dtls_rec_type IS RECORD (
68 person_number              igs_re_lgcy_the_int.person_number%TYPE,
69 program_cd                 igs_re_lgcy_the_int.program_cd%TYPE,
70 title                      igs_re_lgcy_the_int.title%TYPE,
71 final_title_ind            igs_re_lgcy_the_int.final_title_ind%TYPE,
72 short_title                igs_re_lgcy_the_int.short_title%TYPE,
73 abbreviated_title          igs_re_lgcy_the_int.abbreviated_title%TYPE,
74 final_thesis_result_cd     igs_re_lgcy_the_int.final_thesis_result_cd%TYPE,
75 expected_submission_dt     igs_re_lgcy_the_int.expected_submission_dt%TYPE,
76 library_lodgement_dt       igs_re_lgcy_the_int.library_lodgement_dt%TYPE,
77 library_catalogue_number   igs_re_lgcy_the_int.library_catalogue_number%TYPE,
78 embargo_expiry_dt          igs_re_lgcy_the_int.embargo_expiry_dt%TYPE,
79 thesis_format              igs_re_lgcy_the_int.thesis_format%TYPE,
80 embargo_details            igs_re_lgcy_the_int.embargo_details%TYPE,
81 thesis_topic               igs_re_lgcy_the_int.thesis_topic%TYPE,
82 citation                   igs_re_lgcy_the_int.citation%TYPE,
83 comments                   igs_re_lgcy_the_int.comments%TYPE,
84 submission_dt              igs_re_lgcy_the_int.submission_dt%TYPE,
85 thesis_exam_type           igs_re_lgcy_the_int.thesis_exam_TYPE%TYPE,
86 thesis_panel_type          igs_re_lgcy_the_int.thesis_panel_TYPE%TYPE,
87 thesis_result_cd           igs_re_lgcy_the_int.thesis_result_cd%TYPE
88 );
90 -- irep annotations below.
91 /*#
92  * The Research Thesis Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data
93  * during a system conversion.  This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment and
94  * Records when importing rows from the IGS_RE_LGCY_THE_INT interface table.
95  * @param p_api_version The version number will be used to compare with claim public api's current version number.Unexpected error is raised if version in-compatibility exists.
96  * @param P_init_msg_list Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API automatically to initialize message list.
97  * @param p_commit Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API to commit automatically.
98  * @param p_validation_level Public API will always perform full level of validation.
99  * @param p_the_dtls_rec Legacy Research Thesis record type. Refer to IGS_EN_LGCY_THE_INT for detail column descriptions.
100  * @param x_return_status The return status values are as follows; Success - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ; Error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ; Unexpected error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR.
101  * @param x_msg_count Message count.
102  * @param x_msg_data Message data.
103  * @rep:scope public
104  * @rep:lifecycle active
105  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Research Thesis
106  */
107 PROCEDURE create_the
108 (       p_api_version           IN   NUMBER,
109         p_init_msg_list         IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE ,
110         p_commit                IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE ,
111         p_validation_level      IN   NUMBER DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL   ,
112         p_the_dtls_rec          IN   the_dtls_rec_type ,
113         x_return_status         OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
114         x_msg_count             OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
115         x_msg_data              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
117 END igs_re_the_lgcy_pub;