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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

   |				 Generate_Password, added the call of fnd_user_pkg.update_user if the primary email of the person has been changed.
   |				 Create_Party, IGS_PE_TYP_INSTANCES_PKG.INSERT_row was commented
   |    24-APR-2003  pkpatel   Bug No: 2908802
   |                           Modified Create_Fnd_User procedure
   |    01-jul-2003  KUMMA,    2803555, Added the code to set the tokens for message IGS_PE_WF_EXISTS
   |                           added statement to add the blank lines between successive messages inside procedure Process_Group_ID
   |    23-JUL-2003  asbala    Bug No:2667343 Replaced Hard coded strings populating l_msg_data and errbuf with
   |                           new messages
   |    28-OCT-2003  ssaleem   Bug : 3198795 Part of the Dynamic/Static Person Groups modifications,
   |			       Procedure Process_Group_ID is modified.
   |    14-DEC-2004  pkpatel   Bug 3316053 (Modified the logic for person number/alt id in generate_user.
   |                           Set and Retrieve the new workflow item attribute in generate_user and ceate_party procedures.
   |    23-APR-2003  asbala    3528702: Modified cursor c_resp. The job can now assign responsibilities other than those mapped too 'OTHER'.
   |    23-JUN-2003  ssawhney  bug 3713297 ..need to always select primary address and primary will always be ACTIVE
   |    13-Apr-2005  ssaleem   Bug 4293911 Fnd User customer Id  replaced with person
   |			       party id
   |    21-SEP-2005  skpandey  Bug: 3663505
   |                           Description: Added ATTRIBUTES 21 TO 24 in create_party procedure to store additional information
   |    19-Jan-06    gmaheswa  4869740: random number generators: dbms_random package is replaced by FND_CRYPTO for generating random numbers.
   |    02-FEB-2006  skpandey  Bug#4937960: Changed call from igs_get_dynamic_sql to get_dynamic_sql as a part of literal fix
   |    04-May-2006  pkpatel   Bug 5081932(Used the sequence IGS_PE_GEN_USER_S in AUTO_GENERATE_USERNAME method to pass unique value to the event_key)
   |    17-May-2006  gmaheswa  Bug#5250820, modified Validate_Person to remove the Mutual Exclusive logic of Party number and prefered alternate id
                               Also modified Dup_Person_Check to process applicant, alumni  match not found condition, Multiple match.
			       Also created new function process_alumni_nomatch_event,generate_party_number.
			       introduced validate_password logic
   |	21-Sep-2006  gmaheswa  Bug 5546771 Modified generate_password logic to repeat for 500 times.
   +=======================================================================+  */

 l_prog_label CONSTANT VARCHAR2(500) :='igs.plsql.igs_pe_userid_pkg';
Line: 157

SELECT upper(substr(person_last_name,1,12)||'.'||substr(person_first_name,1,14))
FROM hz_parties
WHERE party_id = cp_party_id;
Line: 304

/* Select not defined person types */
 CURSOR c_setup IS
    FROM igs_lookup_values
   WHERE lookup_type = 'SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPES'
     AND lookup_code NOT IN
       ( SELECT s_person_type
           FROM igs_pe_typ_rsp_dflt );
Line: 385

Line: 404

FROM hz_parties
WHERE party_number = cp_party_num;
Line: 533

    UPDATE igs_pe_hz_parties
    SET oracle_username =l_user_name
    WHERE party_id = l_party_id;
Line: 637

     FROM wf_items
    WHERE item_type = item_type
      AND item_key like cp_item_key||'%'
Line: 645

   SELECT l_item_key||(max(NVL(substr(item_key,length(l_item_key)+1,10),0))+1)
     FROM wf_items
    WHERE item_type = cp_wf_name
      AND item_key like cp_item_key||'%' ;
Line: 651

  SELECT party_id
  FROM hz_parties
  WHERE party_number = cp_person_number;
Line: 656

   SELECT party_name
     FROM igs_or_inst_org_base_v
    WHERE party_number = cp_party_number
    AND   inst_org_ind = 'I';
Line: 797

  SELECT description
    FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ
   WHERE preferred_ind ='Y';
Line: 837

      ||                                 The fnd user was updated with the primary email address from hz_contact points
      ||                                 so that the mail will go to the person's primary email.
      ||  gmaheswa	 19-Jna-06       4869740: Stubbed
Line: 887

      SELECT pe.group_cd
      FROM   igs_pe_persid_group_all   pe
      WHERE  pe.group_id         = cp_group_id
      AND    pe.closed_ind       = 'N'
      AND    pe.create_dt       <= SYSDATE;
Line: 904

   IF NOT FND_SSO_MANAGER.IsUserCreateUpdateAllowed THEN

Line: 1034

      SELECT description
      FROM   igs_pe_persid_group_all
      WHERE  group_id = cp_group_id;
Line: 1038

   l_select VARCHAR2(32767);
Line: 1066

      SELECT email_address
      FROM   hz_parties
      WHERE  party_id     = cp_person_id;
Line: 1071

      SELECT fnd.user_name,end_date
      FROM   fnd_user      fnd
      WHERE  fnd.person_party_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1090

   l_select := ' SELECT ' ||
		  ' p.person_id , ' ||
		  ' p.person_number , ' ||
		  ' p.full_name, ' ||
		  ' p.gender sex , ' ||
		  ' p.birth_date, ' ||
		  ' p.title, ' ||
		  ' p.last_name surname, ' ||
		  ' p.first_name given_name , ' ||
		  ' p.known_as preferred_name , ' ||
		  ' p.suffix, ' ||
		  ' p.pre_name_adjunct prefix, ' ||
		  ' p.middle_name, ' ||
		  ' pit.api_person_id alternate_id ' ||
		' FROM  ' ||
		  ' igs_pe_person_base_v p, ' ||
		  ' igs_pe_person_id_type_v pit ' ||
		' WHERE ' ||
		  ' p.person_id = pit.pe_person_id (+)  AND ' ||
		  ' p.person_id IN ';
Line: 1117

   l_select := l_select || '(' || l_str || ')';
Line: 1149

    OPEN pgroup_refcur FOR l_select USING p_person_group_id ;
Line: 1151

    OPEN pgroup_refcur FOR l_select;
Line: 1327

   SELECT c.system_type
   FROM   igs_pe_typ_instances c
   WHERE c.person_id = cp_party_id
   AND   cp_sysdate BETWEEN c.start_date AND NVL(c.end_date, cp_sysdate);
Line: 1334

   SELECT st.responsibility_key resp_name,
          st.application_short_name apps_name,
          rsp.application_id  apps_id,
          rsp.responsibility_id resp_id
   FROM igs_pe_typ_rsp_dflt st,
        fnd_responsibility rsp,
        fnd_application ap
   WHERE st.s_person_type = cp_system_type
   AND st.responsibility_key=rsp.responsibility_key
   AND ap.application_id =rsp.application_id
   AND ap.application_short_name = st.application_short_name;
Line: 1350

   SELECT responsibility_id
   FROM fnd_user_resp_groups_direct
   WHERE user_id = cp_user_id
   AND responsibility_id = cp_responsibility_id
   AND responsibility_application_id = cp_resp_app_id;
Line: 1378

			     user_id => p_user_id,
			     responsibility_id => c_resp_rec.resp_id,
			     responsibility_application_id => c_resp_rec.apps_id,
			     security_group_id => 0,
			     start_date => l_sysdate,
			     end_date => null,
			     description => 'IGS WF autoassign');
Line: 1434

  SELECT person_id_type
  FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ
  WHERE preferred_ind ='Y';
Line: 1439

 SELECT email_address
 FROM hz_parties
 WHERE party_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 1446

 SELECT     fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cp_date)
 FROM       DUAL;
Line: 1502

         l_debug_str := 'Before Person Insert';
Line: 1506

       x_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
       x_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
       x_rowid                  => l_rowid,
       x_return_status          => l_return_status,
       x_person_id              => l_person_id,
       x_person_number          => l_person_number,
       x_surname                => l_surname,
       x_middle_name            => l_middle_name,
       x_given_names            => l_given_name,
       x_sex                    => l_gender,
       x_title                  => l_title,
       x_staff_member_ind       => '',
       x_deceased_ind           => 'N',
       x_suffix                 => l_suffix,
       x_pre_name_adjunct       => l_prefix,
       x_archive_exclusion_ind  => '',
       x_archive_dt             => '',
       x_purge_exclusion_ind    => '',
       x_purge_dt               => '',
       x_deceased_date          => null,
       x_proof_of_ins           => '',
       x_proof_of_immu          => '',
       x_birth_dt               => l_birth_dt,
       x_salutation             => '',
       x_oracle_username        => l_user_name,
       x_preferred_given_name   => l_pref_name,
       x_email_addr             => l_email_address,
       x_level_of_qual_id       => '',
       x_military_service_reg   => '',
       x_veteran                => '',
       x_hz_parties_ovn         => l_object_version_number,
       x_attribute_category     => '',
       x_attribute1             => '',
       x_attribute2             => '',
       x_attribute3             => '',
       x_attribute4             => '',
       x_attribute5             => '',
       x_attribute6             => '',
       x_attribute7             => '',
       x_attribute8             => '',
       x_attribute9             => '',
       x_attribute10            => '',
       x_attribute11            => '',
       x_attribute12            => '',
       x_attribute13            => '',
       x_attribute14            => '',
       x_attribute15            => '',
       x_attribute16            => '',
       x_attribute17            => '',
       x_attribute18            => '',
       x_attribute19            => '',
       x_attribute20            => '',
       x_person_id_type         => l_id_type,
       x_api_person_id          => l_alt_id,
       x_status                 => 'A',
       x_attribute21            => '',
       x_attribute22            => '',
       x_attribute23            => '',
       x_attribute24            => ''
Line: 1570

         l_debug_str := 'After Person Insert Call: l_return_status: '||l_return_status||'***l_person_id: '||l_person_id||'****l_msg_data/sqlerrm/l_msg_count:'||l_msg_data||'/'||l_msg_count;
Line: 1574

                 UMX_PUB.updateWfAttribute (p_event => p_event,
                                P_ATTR_NAME    => 'PERSON_PARTY_ID',
                                P_ATTR_VALUE   => l_person_id);
Line: 1584

        UMX_PUB.updateWfAttribute (p_event => p_event,
                                P_ATTR_NAME    => 'PERSON_PARTY_ID',
                                P_ATTR_VALUE   => l_person_id);
Line: 1596

	          l_label := 'igs.plsql.igs_pe_userid_pkg.umx_business_logic: After Successful Insert of Person';
Line: 1597

		  l_debug_str := 'Before insert/update of Email Address: l_new_address: '||l_new_address||'***l_email_address: '||l_email_address;
Line: 1603

		    p_action                 => 'INSERT',
		    p_rowid                  => l_rowid ,
		    p_status                 => 'A',
		    p_owner_table_name       => 'HZ_PARTIES',
		    p_owner_table_id         => l_person_id,
		    P_primary_flag           => 'Y',
		    p_email_format           => l_email_format,
		    p_email_address          => l_email_address,
		    p_return_status          => l_return_status,
		    p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
		    p_last_update_date       => l_date,
		    p_contact_point_id       => l_contact_point_id,
		    p_contact_point_ovn      => l_contact_point_ovn
		 ) ;
Line: 1733

SELECT count(*), max(person_id)
FROM igs_pe_person_base_v PE, IGS_PE_PERSON_ID_TYPE_V ALT
WHERE pe.person_id = alt.pe_person_id(+)
AND UPPER(pe.first_name) = UPPER(cp_first_name)
AND UPPER(pe.last_name) = UPPER(cp_last_name)
AND NVL(pe.birth_date,l_default_date) = NVL(cp_birth_date,l_default_date)
AND (cp_pref_alt_id IS NULL OR alt.api_person_id = cp_pref_alt_id )
AND (cp_person_num IS NULL OR pe.person_number = cp_person_num )
AND NVL(pe.gender,'X') = NVL(cp_gender,'X');
Line: 1745

SELECT user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE person_party_id = cp_party_id;
Line: 1759

 FROM igs_pe_alt_pers_id alt, igs_pe_person_id_typ typ
 WHERE alt.api_person_id = cp_alt_id
 AND typ.person_id_type = alt.person_id_type
 AND typ.preferred_ind = 'Y';
Line: 1768

 SELECT count(*), max(hz.party_id)
 FROM igs_pe_person_id_type_v alt, hz_parties hz, hz_person_profiles hzp
 WHERE hz.party_id = alt.pe_person_id(+)
 AND UPPER(hz.person_first_name) = UPPER(cp_first_name)
 AND UPPER(hz.person_last_name) = UPPER(cp_last_name)
 AND NVL(hzp.date_of_birth,l_default_date) = NVL(cp_birth_date,l_default_date)
 AND (cp_pref_alt_id IS NULL OR alt.api_person_id = cp_pref_alt_id )
 AND (cp_person_num IS NULL OR hz.party_number = cp_person_num )
 AND NVL(hzp.gender,'X') = NVL(cp_gender,'X')
 AND hzp.party_id = hz.party_id
 AND SYSDATE BETWEEN hzp.effective_start_date
 AND NVL(hzp.effective_end_date,sysdate)
 AND hz.POSTAL_CODE= cp_zipcode;
Line: 1786

Line: 1949

SELECT  person_id_type, unique_ind, description, format_mask
FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ
WHERE preferred_ind ='Y';
Line: 1954

Line: 2032

Line: 2074

Line: 2165

SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values
WHERE lookup_type = 'HZ_GENDER'
AND view_application_id = 222
AND language = USERENV('LANG')
AND security_group_id = 0
AND lookup_code = cp_gender;
Line: 2174

SELECT description
FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ
WHERE person_id_type = cp_pers_id_type;