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1 package WF_STANDARD as
2 /* $Header: wfstds.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/25 14:45:46 appldev ship $ */
5 -- AbortProcess
6 --   cover to wf_engine abort process used in error process.
7 procedure AbortProcess(itemtype   in varchar2,
8                        itemkey    in varchar2,
9                        actid      in number,
10                        funcmode   in varchar2,
11                        resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
13 -- OrJoin
14 --   Parallel Or Join.
15 --   Always returns 'NULL' result immediately, since an 'Or' succeeds
16 --   as soon as first in-transition activity completes.
17 -- IN
18 --   itemtype  - item type
19 --   itemkey   - item key
20 --   actid     - process activity instance id
21 --   funcmode  - execution mode
22 -- OUT
23 --   result    - 'NULL'
24 procedure OrJoin(itemtype  in varchar2,
25                  itemkey   in varchar2,
26                  actid   in number,
27                  funcmode  in varchar2,
28                  resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
30 -- AndJoin
31 --   Parallel And Join
32 --   Returns 'NULL' if all in-transition activities have completed.
33 --   Returns 'WAITING' if at least one in-transition activity is not
34 --   complete, or is complete with the wrong result.
35 -- IN
36 --   itemtype  - item type
37 --   itemkey   - item key
38 --   actid     - process activity instance id
39 --   funcmode  - execution mode
40 -- OUT
41 --   result    - 'WAITING' | 'NULL'
42 procedure AndJoin(itemtype  in varchar2,
43                   Itemkey   in varchar2,
44                   actid     in number,
45                   funcmode  in varchar2,
46                   resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
48 -- Assign
49 --   Assign value to an item attribute
50 -- IN
51 --   itemtype  - item type
52 --   itemkey   - item key
53 --   actid     - process activity instance id
54 --   funcmode  - execution mode
55 -- OUT
56 --   result    - 'NULL'
58 --   ATTR         - Item attribute to set
59 --   DATE_VALUE   - date value
60 --   NUMBER_VALUE - number value
61 --   TEXT_VALUE   - text value
62 procedure Assign(itemtype  in varchar2,
63                  itemkey   in varchar2,
64                  actid     in number,
65                  funcmode  in varchar2,
66                  resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
68 -- Compare
69 --   Standard Compare function.
70 --   Compare two values and return TRUE/FALSE.
71 -- IN
72 --   itemtype  - item type
73 --   itemkey   - item key
74 --   actid     - process activity instance id
75 --   funcmode  - execution mode
76 -- OUT
77 --   comparison result (WFSTD_COMPARISON lookup code)
79 --   VALUE1 - Item attribute reference
80 --   VALUE2 - Constant value of correct type
81 procedure Compare(itemtype  in varchar2,
82                   itemkey   in varchar2,
83                   actid     in number,
84                   funcmode  in varchar2,
85                   resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
87 -- CompareExecutionTime
88 --   Compare Execution Time function.
89 -- OUT
90 --   comparison value (LT, EQ, GT, NULL)
92 --   EXECUTIONTIME - Execution time Test value in seconds
93 procedure CompareExecutionTime(itemtype  in varchar2,
94                   itemkey   in varchar2,
95                   actid     in number,
96                   funcmode  in varchar2,
97                   resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
99 -- CompareEventProperty
100 --  Compare a property on an event
101 -- IN
102 --   itemtype  - item type
103 --   itemkey   - item key
104 --   actid     - process activity instance id
105 --   funcmode  - execution mode
106 -- OUT
107 --   comparison result (WFSTD_COMPARISON lookup code)
108 --   GT LT EQ NULL
110 --   VALUE1 - Event Property Reference (Based on the lookup of EVENTPROPERTY
111 --   VALUE2 - Constant value of correct type
112 procedure CompareEventProperty(itemtype  in varchar2,
113                   itemkey   in varchar2,
114                   actid     in number,
115                   funcmode  in varchar2,
116                   resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
118 --  SetEventProperty
119 --  Set the property in an Event to a given value
120 -- IN
121 --   itemtype  - item type
122 --   itemkey   - item key
123 --   actid     - process activity instance id
124 --   funcmode  - execution mode
125 -- OUT
126 --   NONE
128 --   EVENT - Event whose property is to be compared
129 --   PROPERTY - Event Property Reference (Based on the lookup of EVENTPROPERTY
130 --   VALUE - Constant value of correct type
131 procedure SetEventProperty(itemtype  in varchar2,
132                            itemkey   in varchar2,
133                            actid     in number,
134                            funcmode  in varchar2,
135                            resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
137 --  GetEventProperty
138 --  Get a property of an Event and assign it to an Item Attribute
139 -- IN
140 --   itemtype  - item type
141 --   itemkey   - item key
142 --   actid     - process activity instance id
143 --   funcmode  - execution mode
144 -- OUT
145 --   NONE
147 --   EVENT - Event whose property is to be compared
148 --   PROPERTY - Event Property Reference (Based on the lookup of EVENTPROPERTY
149 --   VALUE - Constant value of correct type
150 procedure GetEventProperty(itemtype  in varchar2,
151                            itemkey   in varchar2,
152                            actid     in number,
153                            funcmode  in varchar2,
154                            resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
156 -- LaunchProcess
157 --   launches a process
158 -- IN
159 --   itemtype  - item type
160 --   itemkey   - item key
161 --   actid     - process activity instance id
162 --   funcmode  - execution mode
163 -- OUT
164 --   result    - NULL
167 procedure LaunchProcess
168               (itemtype   in varchar2,
169                itemkey    in varchar2,
170                actid      in number,
171                funcmode   in varchar2,
172                resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
175 -- LaunchProcess
176 --   Forks the item by creating a duplicate item with the same history.
177 --   The new forked item will be identical up to the point of this activity.
178 --   However this activity will be marked as NOTIFIED. It will be upto the user
179 --   to push it forward using CompleteActivity.
180 --   NOTE: this is not permitted for #SYNCH items.
181 -- IN
182 --   itemtype  - item type
183 --   itemkey   - item key
184 --   actid     - process activity instance id
185 --   funcmode  - execution mode
186 -- OUT
187 --   result    - NULL
189 --   NEW_ITEMKEY   - the itemkey for the new item (required)
190 --   SAME_VERSION  - TRUE creates a duplicate, FALSE uses the latest version
191 procedure ForkItem(itemtype   in varchar2,
192                itemkey    in varchar2,
193                actid      in number,
194                funcmode   in varchar2,
195                resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
197 -- Noop
198 --   Does nothing
199 -- IN
200 --   itemtype  - item type
201 --   itemkey   - item key
202 --   actid     - process activity instance id
203 --   funcmode  - execution mode
204 -- OUT
205 --   result    - NULL
207 --   none
208 procedure Noop(itemtype   in varchar2,
209                itemkey    in varchar2,
210                actid      in number,
211                funcmode   in varchar2,
212                resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
214 -- Notify
215 --   Public wrapper to engine notification call
216 --   the engine notification package will retrieve the activity attributes.
217 -- OUT
218 --   result    - NULL
219 procedure Notify(itemtype   in varchar2,
220                  itemkey    in varchar2,
221                  actid      in number,
222                  funcmode   in varchar2,
223                  resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
225 -- Block
226 --   Stop and wait for external completion
227 -- IN
228 --   itemtype  - item type
229 --   itemkey   - item key
230 --   actid     - process activity instance id
231 --   funcmode  - execution mode
232 -- OUT
233 --   result    - NOTIFIED
234 procedure Block(itemtype   in varchar2,
235                itemkey    in varchar2,
236                actid      in number,
237                funcmode   in varchar2,
238                resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
240 -- Block
241 --   Defers the thread by requesting a wait of zero seconds
242 -- OUT
243 --   result    - DEFERRED:sysdate
244 procedure Defer(itemtype   in varchar2,
245                 itemkey    in varchar2,
246                 actid      in number,
247                 funcmode   in varchar2,
248                 resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
250 -- Wait
251 --   Wait until given date or elapsed time
252 -- IN
253 --   itemtype  - item type
254 --   itemkey   - item key
255 --   actid     - process activity instance id
256 --   funcmode  - execution mode
257 -- OUT
258 --   result    - 'DEFERRED' or 'NULL'
259 --     'DEFERRED' if this is the first call and wait is beginning
260 --     'NULL' if this is the second call and wait period has completed
262 --   WAIT_MODE - Lookup
263 --     'ABSOLUTE' - Wait until date in WAIT_ABSOLUTE_DATE
264 --     'RELATIVE' - Wait until time WAIT_RELATIVE_TIME after current date
265 --     'DAY_OF_WEEK' - Wait until next occurrence of day of week
266 --     'DAY_OF_MONTH' - Wait until next occurrence of day of month
267 --   WAIT_ABSOLUTE_DATE - Date
268 --     Date to wait until if WAIT_MODE = 'ABSOLUTE'
269 --     (Ignored if mode != 'ABSOLUTE')
270 --   WAIT_RELATIVE_TIME - Number (expressed in <days>.<fraction of days>)
271 --     Time to wait after current date if WAIT_MODE = 'RELATIVE'
272 --     (Ignored if mode != 'RELATIVE')
273 --   WAIT_DAY_OF_WEEK - Lookup
274 --     Next day of week (SUNDAY, MONDAY, etc) after current date
275 --     (Ignored if mode != 'DAY_OF_WEEK')
276 --   WAIT_DAY_OF_MONTH - Lookup
277 --     Next day of month (1, 2, ..., 31, LAST) after current date
278 --     (Ignored if mode != 'DAY_OF_MONTH');
279 --   WAIT_TIME - Date (format HH24:MI)
280 --     Time of day to complete activity.   Valid for all wait modes.
281 --     If null default time to 00:00 (midnight), except RELATIVE mode.
282 --     For RELATIVE mode, if time is null then complete relative to current
283 --     date and time.
284 -- NOTE:
285 --     For all WAIT_MODEs, the completion day is determined by the attribute
286 --   associated with the mode, and the completion time by the WAIT_TIME
287 --   attribute.
288 --     For all modes except RELATIVE, the completion time is WAIT_TIME on
289 --   the day selected by the mode's attribute.  If WAIT_TIME is null, the
290 --   default is 00:00 (midnight).
291 --     For RELATIVE mode, if WAIT_TIME is null the completion time is
292 --   figured relative to the current date and time.  If WAIT_TIME is not
293 --   null the completion time is WAIT_TIME on the day selected regardless
294 --   of the current time.
295 --
296 procedure Wait(itemtype   in varchar2,
297                itemkey    in varchar2,
298                actid      in number,
299                funcmode   in varchar2,
300                resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
302 -- ResetError
303 --   Reset the status of an errored activity in an ERROR process.
304 -- IN
305 --   itemtype  - item type
306 --   itemkey   - item key
307 --   actid     - process activity instance id
308 --   funcmode  - execution mode
309 -- OUT
310 --   result    - 'NULL'
312 --   COMMAND - 'RETRY' or 'SKIP'
313 --        'RETRY' clears the errored activity and runs it again
314 --        'SKIP' marks the errored activity complete and continues processing
315 --   RESULT - Result code to complete the activity with if COMMAND = 'SKIP'
316 procedure ResetError(itemtype   in varchar2,
317                      itemkey    in varchar2,
318                      actid      in number,
319                      funcmode   in varchar2,
320                      resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
324 -- InitializeErrors
325 --   Called by the  Error Process, this sets up various
326 --   item attributes.
327 -- IN
328 --   itemtype  - item type
329 --   itemkey   - item key
330 --   actid     - process activity instance id
331 --   funcmode  - execution mode
332 -- OUT
333 --   result    - 'NULL'
334 PROCEDURE InitializeErrors(     itemtype        VARCHAR2,
335                                 itemkey         VARCHAR2,
336                                 actid           NUMBER,
337                                 funcmode        VARCHAR2,
338                                 result          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
341 -- CheckErrorActive
342 --   Called by the  Error Process, this check if errored activity
343 --   is still in error
344 --   Use this in an error process to exit out of a timeout loop
345 -- IN
346 --   itemtype  - item type
347 --   itemkey   - item key
348 --   actid     - process activity instance id
349 --   funcmode  - execution mode
350 -- OUT
351 --   result    - T/F
352 PROCEDURE CheckErrorActive(     itemtype        IN VARCHAR2,
353                                 itemkey         IN VARCHAR2,
354                                 actid           IN NUMBER,
355                                 funcmode        IN VARCHAR2,
356                                 result          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
359 -- RoleResolution
360 --   Resole A Role which comprises a group to an individual
361 -- IN
362 --   itemtype  - item type
363 --   itemkey   - item key
364 --   actid     - process activity instance id
365 --   funcmode  - execution mode
366 -- OUT
367 --   result    - 'NULL'
370 --        'LOAD_BALANCE' Assigns to user with least open notifications
371 --        'ROUND_ROBIN'  Assigns notification to users sequencially
372 procedure RoleResolution(itemtype   in varchar2,
373                          itemkey    in varchar2,
374                          actid      in number,
375                          funcmode   in varchar2,
376                          resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
378 -- WaitForFlow
379 --   Wait for flow(Master or Detail) to complete
380 -- IN
381 --   itemtype  - item type
382 --   itemkey   - item key
383 --   actid     - process activity instance id
384 --   funcmode  - execution mode
385 -- OUT
386 --   result    - 'NULL'
388 --
390 --
392 --   CONTINUATION_ACTIVITY - Name of Activity that must be complete to continue
394 --                           - is Continuation Activity is in master or detail
395 procedure WaitForFlow(  itemtype   in varchar2,
396                         itemkey    in varchar2,
397                         actid      in number,
398                         funcmode   in varchar2,
399                         resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
401 -- ContinueFlow
402 --   Signal Flow(Master or Detail ) to continue
403 -- IN
404 --   itemtype  - item type
405 --   itemkey   - item key
406 --   actid     - process activity instance id
407 --   funcmode  - execution mode
408 -- OUT
409 --   result    - 'NULL'
412 --
414 --   WAITING_ACTIVITY  - Name of Activity that is waiting
416 --                       - is waiting activity is in a master or detail flow
417 procedure ContinueFlow( itemtype   in varchar2,
418                         itemkey    in varchar2,
419                         actid      in number,
420                         funcmode   in varchar2,
421                         resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
423 -- Loop Counter
424 --   Count the number of times the activity has been visited.
425 -- IN
426 --   itemtype  - item type
427 --   itemkey   - item key
428 --   actid     - process activity instance id
429 --   funcmode  - execution mode
430 -- OUT
431 --   result    - WFSTD_LOOP_COUNTER loookup code
433 --   MAX_TIMES
434 --
435 procedure LoopCounter(  itemtype   in varchar2,
436                         itemkey    in varchar2,
437                         actid      in number,
438                         funcmode   in varchar2,
439                         resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
441 -- GetURL
442 --   Get monitor URL, store in item attribute
443 -- IN
444 --   itemtype  - item type
445 --   itemkey   - item key
446 --   actid     - process activity instance id
447 --   funcmode  - execution mode
448 -- OUT
449 --   result    - 'NULL'
451 --   ATTR         - Item attribute to set
452 --   ADMIN_MODE   - administration mode (Y / N)
453 procedure GetURL(itemtype  in varchar2,
454                  itemkey   in varchar2,
455                  actid     in number,
456                  funcmode  in varchar2,
457                  resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
459 -- VoteForResultType
460 --     Standard Voting Function
461 -- IN
462 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
463 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
464 --   actid     - The process activity(instance id).
465 --   funcmode  - Run/Cancel
466 -- OUT
467 --   result    -
469 --      VOTING_OPTION
470 --          - WAIT_FOR_ALL_VOTES  - Evaluate voting after all votes are cast
471 --                                - or a Timeout condition closes the voting
472 --                                - polls.  When a Timeout occurs the
473 --                                - voting percentages are calculated as a
474 --                                - percentage ofvotes cast.
475 --
476 --          - REQUIRE_ALL_VOTES   - Evaluate voting after all votes are cast.
477 --                                - If a Timeout occurs and all votes have not
478 --                                - been cast then the standard timeout
479 --                                - transition is taken.  Votes are calculated
480 --                                - as a percenatage of users notified to vote.
481 --
482 --          - TALLY_ON_EVERY_VOTE - Evaluate voting after every vote or a
483 --                                - Timeout condition closes the voting polls.
484 --                                - After every vote voting percentages are
485 --                                - calculated as a percentage of user notified
486 --                                - to vote.  After a timeout voting
487 --                                - percentages are calculated as a percentage
488 --                                - of votes cast.
489 --
490 --      "One attribute for each of the activities result type codes"
491 --
492 --          - The standard Activity VOTEFORRESULTTYPE has the WFSTD_YES_NO
493 --          - result type assigned.
494 --          - Thefore activity has two activity attributes.
495 --
496 --                  Y       - Percenatage required for Yes transition
497 --                  N       - Percentage required for No transition
498 --
499 procedure VoteForResultType(    itemtype   in varchar2,
500                                 itemkey    in varchar2,
501                                 actid      in number,
502                                 funcmode   in varchar2,
503                                 resultout  in out nocopy varchar2);
504 -- InitializeEventError
505 --   Called by the  Error Process, this sets up various
506 --   item attributes.
507 -- IN
508 --   itemtype  - item type
509 --   itemkey   - item key
510 --   actid     - process activity instance id
511 --   funcmode  - execution mode
512 -- OUT
513 --   result    - 'ERROR' or 'WARNING'
514 procedure InitializeEventError( itemtype   in varchar2,
515                                 itemkey    in varchar2,
516                                 actid      in number,
517                                 funcmode   in varchar2,
518                                 resultout  out nocopy varchar2);
519 -- EventDetails
520 --   PL/SQL Document for Event Attributes
521 -- IN
522 --   document_id
523 --   display_type
524 --   document
525 --   document_type
526 procedure EventDetails   ( document_id   in varchar2,
527                            display_type  in varchar2,
528                            document      in out nocopy varchar2,
529                            document_type in out nocopy varchar2);
530 -- RetryRaise
531 --   Called by the  Error Process, raises event
532 -- IN
533 --   itemtype  - item type
534 --   itemkey   - item key
535 --   actid     - process activity instance id
536 --   funcmode  - execution mode
537 -- OUT
538 --   result    - 'NULL'
539 procedure RetryRaise          ( itemtype in     varchar2,
540                                 itemkey  in     varchar2,
541                                 actid    in     number,
542                                 funcmode in     varchar2,
543                                 resultout out nocopy    varchar2);
544 -- GetAgents
545 --   Gets the Event Subscription Out and To Agent
546 -- IN
547 --   itemtype  - item type
548 --   itemkey   - item key
549 --   actid     - process activity instance id
550 --   funcmode  - execution mode
551 -- OUT
552 --   result    - 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'
553 procedure GetAgents           ( itemtype in     varchar2,
554                                 itemkey  in     varchar2,
555                                 actid    in     number,
556                                 funcmode in     varchar2,
557                                 resultout out nocopy   varchar2);
558 -- GetAckAgent
559 --   Gets the Acknowledge To Agent based on the Event Message
560 -- IN
561 --   itemtype  - item type
562 --   itemkey   - item key
563 --   actid     - process activity instance id
564 --   funcmode  - execution mode
565 -- OUT
566 --   result    - 'NULL'
567 procedure GetAckAgent           ( itemtype in     varchar2,
568                                 itemkey  in     varchar2,
569                                 actid    in     number,
570                                 funcmode in     varchar2,
571                                 resultout out nocopy   varchar2);
573 -- SubscriptionDetails
574 --   PL/SQL Document to display subscription parameter details
575 -- IN
576 --   document_id
577 --   display_type
578 --   document
579 --   document_type
580 procedure SubscriptionDetails (document_id   in varchar2,
581                                display_type  in varchar2,
582                                document      in out nocopy varchar2,
583                                document_type in out nocopy varchar2);
585 -- ErrorDetails
586 --   PL/SQL Document to display event error details
587 -- IN
588 --   document_id
589 --   display_type
590 --   document
591 --   document_type
592 procedure ErrorDetails (document_id   in varchar2,
593                         display_type  in varchar2,
594                         document      in out nocopy varchar2,
595                         document_type in out nocopy varchar2);
597 -- Is_WS_Subscription
598 --   Checks if the current subscription's Action Type is INVOKE_WS_RG
599 procedure SubscriptionAction(itemtype  in varchar2,
600                              itemkey  in varchar2,
601                              actid     in number,
602                              funcmode  in varchar2,
603                              resultout in out nocopy varchar2);