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1 package body csf_auto_commit_pvt as
2 /* $Header: CSFVCMTB.pls 120.0 2005/05/24 17:47:23 appldev noship $ */
4   --================================================--
5   -- private constants, types, variables and cursors --
6   --================================================--
8   g_errbuf_success constant varchar2(250) :=
9     'Program completed successfully. ';
10   g_errbuf_warning constant varchar2(250) :=
11     'Program completed with exceptions. ';
12   g_errbuf_error   constant varchar2(250) :=
13     'Program terminated with exceptions. ';
15   g_retcode_success constant number := 0;
16   g_retcode_warning constant number := 1;
17   g_retcode_error   constant number := 2;
19   --=============================================--
20   -- private procedure and function declarations --
21   --=============================================--
23   procedure print ( p_data varchar2 );
25   --===========================================--
26   -- public procedure and function definitions --
27   --===========================================--
29   ------------------------------------------
30   -- procedure update_planned_task_status --
31   ------------------------------------------
32   procedure update_planned_task_status
33     ( x_errbuf       out nocopy varchar2
34     , x_retcode      out nocopy varchar2
35     , p_query_id     varchar2 default null
36     )
37   is
39     --
40     -- variables for API output parameters
41     --
42     l_return_status    varchar2(2000);
43     l_msg_data         varchar2(2000);
44     l_msg_count        number;
45     l_task_ovn         number;
46     l_task_status_name varchar2(2000);
47     l_task_status_id   number;
48    l1                  Number;
49     --
50     --
51     l_query_id number;
52     --
53     --
54   begin
55     --
56     --   initialise
57     --
58     l_query_id  := fnd_profile.value('CSF_DEFAULT_AUTO_COMMIT_QUERY');
59     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_AUTO_COMMIT_STARTED');
60     print(fnd_message.get);
61     --
62     x_errbuf   := g_errbuf_success;
63     x_retcode  := g_retcode_success;
64     fnd_msg_pub.Initialize;
65     --
66     If p_query_id is not null then
67         l_query_id := p_query_id;
68     end if;
69     --
70     csf_tasks_pub.commit_schedule(
71                                  p_api_version     => 1.0
72                                , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
73                                , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_true
74                                , x_return_status   => l_return_status
75                                , x_msg_count       => l_msg_count
76                                , x_msg_data        => l_msg_data
77                                , p_query_id        => l_query_id
78                                  );
80    if l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
81    then
82      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
83    end if;
84         --
85         --
86            if l_msg_count > 0 then
87                  FOR counter IN REVERSE 1..l_msg_count
88                   LOOP
89                      fnd_msg_pub.get(counter,FND_API.G_FALSE,l_msg_data,l1);
90                      print(l_msg_data);
91                   end loop;
92            end if;
93            fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_AUTO_COMMIT_DONE');
94            print(fnd_message.get);
95     --
96 exception
97     when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
98           x_errbuf := g_errbuf_warning;
99           x_retcode := g_retcode_warning;
100            if l_msg_count > 0 then
101                   FOR counter IN REVERSE 1..l_msg_count
102                   LOOP
103                      fnd_msg_pub.get(counter,FND_API.G_FALSE,l_msg_data,l1);
104                      print(l_msg_data);
105                   end loop;
106            end if;
107     when others then
108       x_errbuf  := g_errbuf_error;
109       x_retcode := g_retcode_error;
111            if l_msg_count > 0 then
112                  FOR counter IN REVERSE 1..l_msg_count
113                   LOOP
114                      fnd_msg_pub.get(counter,FND_API.G_FALSE,l_msg_data,l1);
115                      print(l_msg_data);
116                   end loop;
117            end if;
118       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_AUTO_COMMIT_EXCEPTION');
119       fnd_message.set_token('P_MESSAGE', sqlerrm);
120       print(fnd_message.get);
121       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_AUTO_COMMIT_ABORT');
122       print(fnd_message.get);
123   end update_planned_task_status;
125   --============================================--
126   -- private procedure and function definitions --
127   --============================================--
129    -----------------------------------------------------
130   -- print a message to the output and the log file ---
131   -----------------------------------------------------
132   procedure print ( p_data varchar2 )
133   is
134   begin
135     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, p_data);
136     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, p_data);
137   end print;
139 end csf_auto_commit_pvt;