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Line 406: CURSOR check_resp_id_cur (cp_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE,

402: END Check_Constraints;
404: PROCEDURE Check_Parent_Existance AS
405: -- pkpatel,Bug 4163187 (Modified the cursors to remove the hard cording of application id to 8405/8406)
406: CURSOR check_resp_id_cur (cp_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE,
407: cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS
408: SELECT 'X'
409: FROM fnd_responsibility
410: WHERE application_id = cp_appl_id AND

Line 407: cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS

404: PROCEDURE Check_Parent_Existance AS
405: -- pkpatel,Bug 4163187 (Modified the cursors to remove the hard cording of application id to 8405/8406)
406: CURSOR check_resp_id_cur (cp_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE,
407: cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS
408: SELECT 'X'
409: FROM fnd_responsibility
410: WHERE application_id = cp_appl_id AND
411: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;

Line 409: FROM fnd_responsibility

405: -- pkpatel,Bug 4163187 (Modified the cursors to remove the hard cording of application id to 8405/8406)
406: CURSOR check_resp_id_cur (cp_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE,
407: cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS
408: SELECT 'X'
409: FROM fnd_responsibility
410: WHERE application_id = cp_appl_id AND
411: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;
413: CURSOR check_applresp_id_cur (cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS

Line 413: CURSOR check_applresp_id_cur (cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS

409: FROM fnd_responsibility
410: WHERE application_id = cp_appl_id AND
411: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;
413: CURSOR check_applresp_id_cur (cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS
414: SELECT 'X'
415: FROM fnd_responsibility resp, fnd_application appl
416: WHERE resp.application_id = appl.application_id AND
417: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;

Line 415: FROM fnd_responsibility resp, fnd_application appl

411: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;
413: CURSOR check_applresp_id_cur (cp_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%TYPE) IS
414: SELECT 'X'
415: FROM fnd_responsibility resp, fnd_application appl
416: WHERE resp.application_id = appl.application_id AND
417: responsibility_id = cp_resp_id;
419: --kumma, 2758856, added the following cursor

Line 433: l_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE;

429: security_group_id = p_security_group_id AND
430: NVL(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
432: l_var VARCHAR2(1);
433: l_appl_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%TYPE;
434: BEGIN
436: IF (((old_references.auth_resp_id = new_references.auth_resp_id )) OR
437: ((new_references.AUTH_RESP_ID IS NULL))) THEN