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Line 1162: l_quality_plan_exist := qa_txn_grp.evaluate_triggers(

1158: END IF;
1160: BEGIN
1161: -- Check whether qualtiy collection plan exist or not
1162: l_quality_plan_exist := qa_txn_grp.evaluate_triggers(
1163: p_txn_number => qa_ss_const.wip_move_txn,
1164: p_org_id => p_org_id,
1165: p_context_values => l_context_values,
1166: x_plan_txn_ids => l_plan_txn_ids);

Line 1169: -- qa_txn_grp.commit_allowed().

1165: p_context_values => l_context_values,
1166: x_plan_txn_ids => l_plan_txn_ids);
1167: IF(l_quality_plan_exist = fnd_api.g_false)THEN
1168: -- If no collection plan exist, there is no need to call
1169: -- qa_txn_grp.commit_allowed().
1170: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1171: END IF;
1172: -- If quality collection plan exist, we have to check whether it is
1173: -- mandatory or not.

Line 1177: l_commit_allow := qa_txn_grp.is_commit_allowed(

1173: -- mandatory or not.
1174: -- Fixed bug 5335024.Call is_commit_allowed() instead of commit_allowed()
1175: -- because is_commit_allowed will also check child quality plan.
1176: -- Moreover, is_commit_allowed will also return quality plan name.
1177: l_commit_allow := qa_txn_grp.is_commit_allowed(
1178: p_txn_number => qa_ss_const.wip_move_txn,
1179: p_org_id => p_org_id,
1180: p_plan_txn_ids => l_plan_txn_ids,
1181: --Pass 0 as Bryan suggested.