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Line 1006: wsh_delivery_details c

1002: FROM wsh_freight_costs a
1003: WHERE a.delivery_detail_id in (
1004: SELECT c.delivery_detail_id
1005: FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v b,
1006: wsh_delivery_details c
1007: WHERE b.delivery_id = c_delivery_id AND
1008: c.delivery_detail_id = b.delivery_detail_id AND
1009: c.released_status <> 'D' ) AND
1010: NVL(a.charge_source_code, 'MANUAL' ) = 'MANUAL' AND

Line 1169: FROM wsh_freight_costs a, wsh_delivery_details wdd

1165: a.currency_code,
1166: NVL(conversion_type_code, 'Corporate'),
1167: NVL(conversion_date, SYSDATE),
1168: conversion_rate
1169: FROM wsh_freight_costs a, wsh_delivery_details wdd
1170: WHERE wdd.delivery_detail_id=c_det_id AND
1171: wdd.released_status <> 'D' AND
1172: a.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id AND
1173: NVL(a.charge_source_code, 'MANUAL') IN ('PRICING_ENGINE','MANUAL') AND

Line 1301: from wsh_delivery_details

1297: CONNECT BY PRIOR delivery_detail_id = parent_delivery_detail_id;
1299: CURSOR c_iscontainer(p_detailid NUMBER) IS
1300: select 'Y'
1301: from wsh_delivery_details
1302: where delivery_detail_id=p_detailid
1303: and container_flag='Y';
1305: l_dd_ids wsh_util_core.id_tab_type;

Line 1499: from wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd

1495: --l_container_flag_no varchar2(1) ; -- BugFix3788678
1497: cursor c_get_contindel(p_delid NUMBER) is
1498: select wdd.delivery_detail_id
1499: from wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd
1500: where wda.delivery_detail_id=wdd.delivery_detail_id
1501: and wdd.container_flag= 'Y'
1502: and wda.delivery_id=p_delid
1503: and wda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null;

Line 1507: from wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd

1503: and wda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null;
1505: cursor c_get_ddindel(p_delid NUMBER) is
1506: select wdd.delivery_detail_id
1507: from wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, wsh_delivery_details wdd
1508: where wda.delivery_detail_id=wdd.delivery_detail_id
1509: and wdd.container_flag= 'N'
1510: and wda.delivery_id=p_delid
1511: and wda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null;

Line 2221: wsh_delivery_details c

2217: FROM wsh_freight_costs a
2218: WHERE a.delivery_detail_id in (
2219: SELECT c.delivery_detail_id
2220: FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v b,
2221: wsh_delivery_details c
2222: WHERE b.delivery_id = c_delivery_id AND
2223: c.delivery_detail_id = b.delivery_detail_id AND
2224: c.released_status <> 'D') AND
2225: NVL(a.charge_source_code, 'MANUAL' ) in('MANUAL', 'PRICING_ENGINE') AND