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1 package FND_SSO_MANAGER as
2 /* $Header: fndssos.pls 120.3 2005/09/23 21:35:05 scheruku noship $ */
3 /*# This package provides APIs for central Login/Logout Management
4 * features. It provides an abstraction for Apps/SSO management of the above
5 * features.
6 * @rep:scope public
7 * @rep:product FND
8 * @rep:displayname SSO Manager
10 */
12  userNotFound EXCEPTION;
14 /*#
15 * This procedure takes a fnd_user.user_name as input and retrieves the user
16 * information from Oracle Internet Directory (OID). It checks if a TCA
17 * person party exists for the fnd_user. If it does not exist a new TCA
18 * person party is created. If one already exists the existing person party
19 * is updated with the details from OID.
20 * <p>
21 * This procedure assumes that the information in OID is the source of truth.
22 * <p>
23 *
24 * @param p_user_name  The fnd_user.user_name for whom the TCA person party
25 *                  information needs to be synchronized from OID
26 * <p>
27 *@rep:displayname Synchronize the LDAP user attributes into TCA with username
28 *
29 */
30 procedure synch_user_from_LDAP(p_user_name in fnd_user.user_name%type);
31 --
32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 /*#
34 * This function should be used by applications with delegated user
35 * administration. In certain deployments, Oracle E-Business Suite may
36 * not be the desired source to create or update users. These may be Single
37 * Sign-On (SSO) and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) integrated deployments,
38 * or, just native Oracle E-Business Suite deployments. Regardless of the
39 * type of deployment, applications should be capable of turning off user
40 * creation and updation. The central user provisioning APIs will throw an
41 * exception if applications try to create or update users when the
42 * deployment has disabled them.
43 * <p>
44 * This function returns <code>true</code> if the users can be created
45 * or updated in Oracle E-Business Suite or a <code>false</code> otherwise.
46 * <p>
47 * The function currently relies on the profile option Applications SSO User
48 * Creation and Updation Allowed (APPS_SSO_USER_CREATE_UPDATE). In future
49 * releases it may also look at the synchronization profile registered in
50 * OID, if available.
51 * <p>
52 * @return <code>true<code> if APPS_SSO_USER_CREATE_UPDATE is DISABLED
53 * @rep:displayname Is User Create and Update Allowed
54 *
55 */
56 function isUserCreateUpdateAllowed return boolean;
57 --
58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 /*# API return the login URL with requestUrl and cancelUrl as URL parameters
60 *
61 * This function returns the URL to the central login servlet. You will need to
62 * redirect to the URL to see the login page. You may be redirected to the
63 * either the local login page or the SSO server. The redirection decision
64 * is based on factors like:<ul>
65 *   <li>the deployment (whether SSO or local authentication)
66 *   <li>whether the user has previously logged into the system
67 *   <li>the previous login page
68 *   <li>the session state, if one exists
69 *   </ul>
70 * <p>
71 * The parameters are appended to the URL in the form of name-value pairs.
72 * The parameter values are encoded with the correct character set. The
73 * langCode parameter is appended only if it is not null.
74 * <p>
75 *
76 * @param requestURL  A fully qualified URL that you want to redirect to
77 *                    after a successful authentication
78 * @param cancelURL   A fully qualified URL that you want to redirect to
79 *                    when user clicks on Cancel button in Login page
80 * @param langCode    The Oracle language code (not the HTTP Language code)
81 *                    that is installed in Oracle E-Business Suite
82 * <p>
83 *
84 * @return            A fully qualified URL with the parameters
85 * <p>
86 *
87 * @rep:displayname Get Login URL
88 *
89 */
90 function getLoginUrl(requestUrl    in      varchar2 default NULL,
91                      cancelUrl     in      varchar2 default NULL,
92                      langCode in varchar2 default NULL)
93 return varchar2;
95 --
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 /*#
98 * This function returns the URL to the central logout servlet. You will need
99 * to redirect to the URL to logout of Oracle E-Business Suite. You may be
100 * redirected to the either the local logout routine or the SSO server to do
101 * a global logout. The redirection decision is based on factors like:<ul>
102 *   <li>the deployment (whether SSO or local authentication)
103 *   <li>the login page you used to access the system
104 *   <li>the session state, if one exists
105 *   </ul>
106 * <p>
107 * The parameters are appended to the URL in the form of name-value pairs.
108 * The parameter values are encoded with the correct character set.
109 * <p>
110 *
111 * @param returnURL   A fully qualified URL that you want to redirect to
112 *                    after logging out of Oracle E-Business Suite
113 * <p>
114 *
115 * @return            A fully qualified logout URL with the parameter
116 * <p>
117 *
118 * @rep:displayname   Get Logout URL with returnURL
119 */
120 function getLogoutUrl(returnUrl	in	varchar2 default NULL)
121 return varchar2;
122 --
123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 /*#
125 * This function returns the value of the nickname attribute of the OID user
126 * to which the input fnd username is linked to.
127 *
128 * @param p_user_name   FND_USER user_name
129 *
130 * @return            The nickname attribute of the OID user linked to the input
131 *                    FND_USER. It returns null if the user is not linked or if the
132 *                    deployment is not sso enabled. The return is a varchar2 of size 4000
133 * <p>
134 *
135 * @rep:displayname   Get nickname attribute of OID user.
136 */
137 function get_ldap_user_name(p_user_name in fnd_user.user_name%type)
138 return varchar2;
139 --
140 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 function modplsql_currentUrl
142 return varchar2;
143 --
144 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 /*#
146 * This function tells if the password for the given user is changeable
147 * from within Oracle E-Business Suite. This method should be used by
148 * applications to check if Oracle E-Business Suite is allowed to change
149 * user passwords. In certain SSO deployments, user passwords may be
150 * externally managed in Oracle Internet Directory (OID) or similar LDAP
151 * directories. The passwords may not even be stored within Oracle
152 * E-Business Suite. In these deployments the password change should be
153 * redirected to the externally managed change password user interfaces.
154 * <p>
155 *
156 * @param username  The fnd_user.user_name whose password needs to be changed
157 * <p>
158 *
159 * @return          <code>true</code> if the password is changeable,
160 *                  <code>false</code> otherwise
161 * <p>
162 *
163 * <p>
164 *
165 * @rep:displayname   Is Password Changeable
166 */
167 function isPasswordChangeable(username in varchar2) return boolean;
168 --
169 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------