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Line 27: -- COMMENT : Creates or updates a record in wsh_new_deliveries table with information

23: -- p_detail_info_tab Table of attributes for the containers
24: -- x_OUT_rec not used (bms)
25: -- VERSION : current version 1.0
26: -- initial version 1.0
27: -- COMMENT : Creates or updates a record in wsh_new_deliveries table with information
28: -- specified in p_delivery_info
29: --========================================================================
30: PROCEDURE create_update_containers
31: ( p_api_version IN NUMBER,

Line 1768: wsh_new_deliveries d

1764: select s.trip_id, l2.delivery_id
1765: from wsh_trip_stops s,
1766: wsh_delivery_legs l1,
1767: wsh_delivery_legs l2,
1768: wsh_new_deliveries d
1769: where d.initial_pickup_location_id = s.stop_location_id
1770: and l1.delivery_id = d.delivery_id
1771: and l1.pick_up_stop_id = s.stop_id
1772: and d.delivery_id = p_del_id

Line 1779: wsh_new_deliveries d

1775: cursor c_pickup_trip(p_del_id in NUMBER) is
1776: select s.trip_id
1777: from wsh_trip_stops s,
1778: wsh_delivery_legs l,
1779: wsh_new_deliveries d
1780: where d.initial_pickup_location_id = s.stop_location_id
1781: and l.delivery_id = d.delivery_id
1782: and l.pick_up_stop_id = s.stop_id
1783: and d.delivery_id = p_del_id;