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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 166

      select object_id
      into v_object_id
      from fnd_objects
      where obj_name=p_object_name;
Line: 195

      select function_id
      into v_function_id
      from fnd_form_functions
      where function_name=p_function_name;
Line: 229

         select 1
         into l_dummy
         from wf_user_roles
         where user_name = p_user_name
         and rownum = 1;
Line: 308

    SELECT pk1_column_name
           , database_object_name
    FROM fnd_objects
    WHERE obj_name=p_object_name  ;
Line: 552

    SELECT party_type
      FROM hz_parties
    WHERE party_id=cp_party_id;
Line: 570

        SELECT 'X'
        FROM fnd_grants grants,
             fnd_objects obj,
             fnd_menus menus
        WHERE grants.grantee_key=cp_grantee_key
        AND  grants.grantee_type=cp_grantee_type
        AND  grants.menu_id=menus.menu_id
        AND  menus.menu_name=cp_menu_name
        AND  grants.object_id = obj.object_id
        AND obj.obj_name=cp_object_name
        AND grants.instance_type=cp_instance_type
        AND ((grants.instance_pk1_value=cp_instance_pk1_value )
            OR((grants.instance_pk1_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk1_value IS NULL)))
        AND ((grants.instance_pk2_value=cp_instance_pk2_value )
            OR((grants.instance_pk2_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk2_value IS NULL)))
        AND ((grants.instance_pk3_value=cp_instance_pk3_value )
            OR((grants.instance_pk3_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk3_value IS NULL)))
        AND ((grants.instance_pk4_value=cp_instance_pk4_value )
            OR((grants.instance_pk4_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk4_value IS NULL)))
        AND ((grants.instance_pk5_value=cp_instance_pk5_value )
            OR((grants.instance_pk5_value = '*NULL*') AND (cp_instance_pk5_value IS NULL)))
        AND ((grants.instance_set_id=cp_instance_set_id )
            OR((grants.instance_set_id IS NULL ) AND (cp_instance_set_id IS NULL)))
        AND (((grants.start_date<=cp_start_date )
            AND (( grants.end_date IS NULL) OR (cp_start_date <=grants.end_date )))
        OR ((grants.start_date >= cp_start_date )
            AND (( cp_end_date IS NULL)  OR (cp_end_date >=grants.start_date))));
Line: 802

     SELECT grant_guid
     FROM fnd_grants
     WHERE grant_guid=HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id);
Line: 858

     SELECT g1.grant_guid
     FROM fnd_grants g1, fnd_grants g2
     WHERE g1.grant_guid=HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id)
      AND g2.grant_guid<>HEXTORAW(cp_grant_id)
      AND g1.object_id=g2.object_id
      AND g1.menu_id=g2.menu_id
      AND g1.instance_type=g2.instance_type
      AND g1.instance_pk1_value=g2.instance_pk1_value
      AND g1.grantee_type=g2.grantee_type
      AND g1.grantee_key=g2.grantee_key
      AND (
            ((g2.start_date<=cp_start_date )
            AND (( g2.end_date IS NULL) OR (cp_start_date<=g2.end_date )))
        OR ((g2.start_date >= cp_start_date )
            AND (( cp_end_date IS NULL)  OR (cp_end_date>=g2.start_date)))
Line: 882

           fnd_grants_pkg.update_grant (
              p_api_version => p_api_version,
              p_grant_guid  => HEXTORAW(p_grant_guid),
              p_start_date  => p_start_date,
              p_end_date    => p_end_date,
              x_success     => x_return_status
Line: 890

                                 p_grant_guid		=> HEXTORAW(p_grant_guid),
                                 p_new_start_date	=> p_start_date,
                                 p_new_end_date		=> p_end_date,
                                 x_success		=> x_return_status);
Line: 992

         select 1 from
         where exists
         SELECT /*+ INDEX(g, FND_GRANTS_N1) */ 1
           FROM fnd_grants g
          WHERE  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
                 OR (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
            AND g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
Line: 1028

         select 1 from
         where exists
         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */ 'X'
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g
         WHERE rownum = 1
              AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
              and g.object_id = cp_object_id
              and ((cp_function_id = -1)
                   or (g.menu_id in
                        (select cmf.menu_id
                           from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                          where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
              and (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                   or g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
              and (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                   OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
              and g.start_date <= SYSDATE
              and (   g.end_date IS NULL
                   OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
              and g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
Line: 1078

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
               union all
              select  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 1128

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 1176

         SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 1683

                 else /* Has references to grant table so we subselect */
                      /* against the grants table */
-- abedajna begin

top := 	' SELECT g.grant_guid ' ||
           ' FROM fnd_grants g, fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf ' ||
          '  WHERE g.instance_type = '||''''||'SET'||'''' ||
          '  and g.instance_set_id = ' || d_instance_set_id ||
          '  AND g.menu_id = cmf.menu_id AND cmf.function_id = '|| l_function_id;
Line: 1696

                  ' (select role_name ' ||
                  '    from wf_user_roles ' ||
                  '   where user_name in ' ||
                  '    (select incrns.name ' ||
                  '       from wf_local_roles src, ' ||
                  '            wf_local_roles incrns ' ||
                  '      where src.name                = '||''''||l_user_name||''''  ||
                  '        and src.parent_orig_system  = incrns.parent_orig_system ' ||
                  '        and src.parent_orig_system_id  = incrns.parent_orig_system_id) ' ||
                  '  )) ' ||
                  '  OR (g.grantee_type = '||''''|| 'GLOBAL'|| '''' || ')) ';
Line: 1710

                  ' (select role_name ' ||
                  '    from wf_user_roles ' ||
                  '   where user_name in ' ||
                  '    (select incrns.name ' ||
                  '       from wf_local_roles src ' ||
                  '            ,wf_local_roles incrns ' ||
                  '      where src.name                = '||''''||l_user_name||''''  ||
                  '        and src.parent_orig_system  = ' ||
                  '                        incrns.parent_orig_system ' ||
                  '        and src.parent_orig_system_id  = ' ||
                  '                        incrns.parent_orig_system_id) ' ||
                  ' )) ';
Line: 1754

                         ' exists (select null'||
                                      ' from fnd_grants gnt'||
                                     ' where gnt.grant_guid in ' || guid_subquery,
                                                    1, c_pred_buf_size);
Line: 1816

           ' exists (select null'||
                     ' from fnd_grants gnt';
Line: 1841

                                  ' (select role_name '||
                                     ' from wf_user_roles wur'||
                                    ' where wur.user_name  in '||
                                       ' (select incrns.name '||
                                          ' from wf_local_roles src '||
                                              ' ,wf_local_roles incrns '||
                                         ' where src.name = ' ||
                                              l_user_name_bind ||
                                           ' and src.parent_orig_system '||
                                               ' = incrns.parent_orig_system '||
                                           ' and src.parent_orig_system_id  '||
                                               ' = incrns.parent_orig_system_id)))';
Line: 1871

                  ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
                     ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
                    ' where cmf.function_id = :FUNCTION_ID_BIND )';
Line: 1885

                  ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
                     ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
                    ' where cmf.function_id = '||l_function_id||')';