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APPS.IGS_PS_GEN_008 dependencies on IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY

Line 2471: CURSOR cur_check(cp_creation_dt igs_ge_s_log_entry.creation_dt%TYPE) IS

2467: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2470: --This cursor added by sarakshi,bug#2332807
2471: CURSOR cur_check(cp_creation_dt igs_ge_s_log_entry.creation_dt%TYPE) IS
2472: SELECT 'X'
2473: FROM igs_ge_s_log_entry
2474: WHERE s_log_type='USEC-ROLL'
2475: AND creation_dt=cp_creation_dt;

Line 2473: FROM igs_ge_s_log_entry

2470: --This cursor added by sarakshi,bug#2332807
2471: CURSOR cur_check(cp_creation_dt igs_ge_s_log_entry.creation_dt%TYPE) IS
2472: SELECT 'X'
2473: FROM igs_ge_s_log_entry
2474: WHERE s_log_type='USEC-ROLL'
2475: AND creation_dt=cp_creation_dt;

Line 2616: -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which

2612: l_c_usec_status igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_section_status%TYPE;
2614: -- jbegum As part of bug#2563596 the call to IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry was modified .
2615: -- The concatenated string being passed to parameter p_key has the substring FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', l_message_name)
2616: -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which
2617: -- was in turn causing function IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo to throw up an unhandled exception.
2618: -- Also the concatenated string being passed to parameter p_text has only l_message_name concatenated to it instead of
2619: -- FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', l_message_name)

Line 3125: --If any error condition occurs , from the exception handlers we are inserting to igs_ge_s_log_entry table

3121: FETCH cur_check_log INTO l_var_log;
3122: IF cur_check_log%NOTFOUND THEN
3124: --Added by sarakshi, as a part of bug#2332807
3125: --If any error condition occurs , from the exception handlers we are inserting to igs_ge_s_log_entry table
3126: --which is child table so here inserting in the parent table first which is to be deleted if no child
3127: --entries are found
3128: igs_ge_s_log_pkg.insert_row( x_rowid => l_rowid ,
3129: x_s_log_type => 'USEC-ROLL',

Line 3858: -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which

3854: END;
3856: -- jbegum As part of bug#2563596 the call to IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry was modified .
3857: -- The concatenated string being passed to parameter p_key has the substring FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', p_message_name)
3858: -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which
3859: -- was in turn causing function IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo to throw up an unhandled exception.
3860: -- Also the concatenated string being passed to parameter p_text has only p_message_name concatenated to it instead of
3861: -- FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', p_message_name)