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Line 254: per_all_assignments_f instead of

253: 14-AUG-2001 SSarma 40.46 EOY 2001: Changes for security.
254: per_all_assignments_f instead of
255: per_assignmentes_f.
256: New items archived for Employer.
257: Legislation code checks for
258: ff_user_entities join.

Line 1164: FROM per_all_assignments_f ASG,

1160: ,cp_start_person_id in number
1161: ,cp_end_person_id in number) is
1163: ASG.person_id person_id
1164: FROM per_all_assignments_f ASG,
1165: pay_all_payrolls_f PPY
1166: WHERE exists
1167: (select /*+ INDEX(paa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)

Line 1197: per_all_assignments_f asg,

1193: ,cp_chunk_number in number) is
1194: select DISTINCT
1195: asg.person_id person_id
1196: from pay_population_ranges ppr,
1197: per_all_assignments_f asg,
1198: pay_all_payrolls_f ppy
1199: where exists
1200: (select /*+ INDEX(paa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)

Line 1228: from per_all_assignments_f paf

1224: CURSOR c_get_asg_id(cp_person_id in number
1225: ,cp_period_start in date
1226: ,cp_period_end in date) IS
1227: SELECT assignment_id
1228: from per_all_assignments_f paf
1229: where person_id = cp_person_id
1230: and primary_flag = 'Y'
1231: and assignment_type = 'E'
1232: and paf.effective_start_date = (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)

Line 1233: from per_all_assignments_f paf2

1229: where person_id = cp_person_id
1230: and primary_flag = 'Y'
1231: and assignment_type = 'E'
1232: and paf.effective_start_date = (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
1233: from per_all_assignments_f paf2
1234: where paf2.primary_flag = 'Y'
1235: and paf2.assignment_type = 'E'
1236: and paf2.effective_start_date <= cp_period_end
1237: and paf2.effective_end_date >= cp_period_start

Line 1254: per_all_assignments_f paf,

1250: ,cp_period_end in date) IS
1251: select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')
1252: ||lpad(paa.assignment_action_id,15,'0')),16))
1253: from pay_assignment_actions paa,
1254: per_all_assignments_f paf,
1255: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
1256: pay_action_classifications pac
1257: where paf.person_id = cp_person_id
1258: and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id

Line 3050: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3046: cursor c_get_city is
3047: select distinct pcty.jurisdiction_code pcty
3048: from pay_us_city_tax_info_f cti,
3049: pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f pcty,
3050: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3051: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3052: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3053: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3054: and pcty.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id

Line 3069: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3065: /*
3066: cursor c_get_county is
3067: select distinct pcnt.jurisdiction_code
3068: from pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f pcnt,
3069: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3070: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3071: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3072: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3073: and pcnt.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id

Line 3082: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3078: cursor c_get_county is
3079: select distinct pcnt.jurisdiction_code
3080: from pay_us_county_tax_info_f cnti,
3081: pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f pcnt,
3082: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3083: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3084: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3085: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3086: and pcnt.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id

Line 3102: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3098: cursor c_get_state is
3099: select distinct pst.jurisdiction_code
3100: from pay_us_state_tax_info_f sti,
3101: pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f pst,
3102: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3103: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3104: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3105: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3106: and paf1.assignment_id = pst.assignment_id

Line 3118: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3115: cursor c_get_state is
3116: select distinct pst.jurisdiction_code
3117: from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f pst,
3118: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3119: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3120: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3121: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3122: and paf1.assignment_id = pst.assignment_id

Line 3130: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3126: cursor c_get_cnt_sd is
3127: select distinct pcnt.state_code || '-'|| pcnt.school_district_code,
3128: pcnt.county_code
3129: from pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f pcnt,
3130: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3131: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3132: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3133: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3134: and paf1.assignment_id = pcnt.assignment_id

Line 3144: per_all_assignments_f paf1

3140: select distinct pcty.state_code || '-'|| pcty.school_district_code,
3141: county_code,
3142: city_code
3143: from pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f pcty,
3144: per_all_assignments_f paf1
3145: where paf1.person_id = l_person_id
3146: and paf1.effective_end_date >= l_year_start
3147: and paf1.effective_start_date <= l_year_end
3148: and pcty.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id

Line 3161: per_all_assignments_f paf,

3157: CURSOR c_get_latest_asg(p_person_id number ) IS
3158: select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')
3159: ||lpad(paa.assignment_action_id,15,'0')),16))
3160: from pay_assignment_actions paa,
3161: per_all_assignments_f paf,
3162: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
3163: pay_action_classifications pac
3164: where paf.person_id = p_person_id
3165: and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id

Line 3211: from per_all_assignments_f paf , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck

3207: and information_type= 'PAY_US_PENSION_REPORTING';
3209: CURSOR c_get_disability_plan_scl_info(cp_assignment_id in number , cp_tax_unit_id in number) IS
3210: select hsck.segment19
3211: from per_all_assignments_f paf , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
3212: where assignment_id = cp_assignment_id and
3213: paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id and
3214: hsck.segment1 = to_char(cp_tax_unit_id) and
3215: paf.effective_end_date = (select max(effective_end_date)

Line 3216: from per_all_assignments_f paf1 , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck1

3212: where assignment_id = cp_assignment_id and
3213: paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id and
3214: hsck.segment1 = to_char(cp_tax_unit_id) and
3215: paf.effective_end_date = (select max(effective_end_date)
3216: from per_all_assignments_f paf1 , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck1
3217: where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id and
3218: paf1.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck1.soft_coding_keyflex_id and
3219: hsck1.segment1 = hsck.segment1);

Line 3239: , per_all_assignments_f ASS

3235: ,cp_ele_info1 IN VARCHAR2) IS
3236: SELECT TARGET.result_value
3237: FROM pay_assignment_actions BAL_ASSACT
3238: , pay_payroll_actions BACT
3239: , per_all_assignments_f ASS
3240: , pay_assignment_actions ASSACT
3241: , pay_payroll_actions PACT
3242: , pay_run_results RR
3243: , pay_run_result_values TARGET

Line 3270: and ASS.person_id = (select person_id from per_all_assignments_f START_ASS

3266: and PACT.effective_date between petf.effective_start_date
3267: and petf.effective_end_date
3268: and RR.status in ('P','PA')
3269: and ASSACT.assignment_id = ASS.assignment_id
3270: and ASS.person_id = (select person_id from per_all_assignments_f START_ASS
3271: where START_ASS.assignment_id = BAL_ASSACT.assignment_id
3272: and rownum = 1)
3273: and PACT.effective_date between ASS.effective_start_date
3274: and ASS.effective_end_date;

Line 4488: FROM per_all_assignments_f ASG,

4484: l_step := 1;
4485: hr_utility.trace('In eoy_range_cursor');
4487: eoy_gre_range := 'SELECT distinct ASG.person_id
4488: FROM per_all_assignments_f ASG,
4489: pay_us_asg_reporting puar,
4490: pay_payroll_actions PPA
4491: WHERE PPA.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
4492: AND puar.tax_unit_id = substr(legislative_parameters,