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1 package hxc_timecard_attributes_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: hxctcrda.pkh 115.2 2002/06/10 13:31:12 pkm ship    $ */
3 --
4 -- function get_timecard_attribute
5 --
6 --
7 -- description Returns the first found Attribute for the given Detail Building
8 --             block.
9 --
10 -- parameters
11 --        p_timecard_id		  - Detail Building block id of timecard
12 --        p_timecard_ovn          - Detail Building block ovn of the timecard
13 --        p_map                   - Map for the attribute from the mappings
14 --        p_field_name            - Field Name of the attribute from the mappings
15 --
16 -- returns 	Attribute
17 --
18 FUNCTION get_timecard_attribute(
19            p_timecard_id number,
20            p_timecard_ovn number,
21            p_map varchar2,
22            p_field_name varchar2)
23 RETURN varchar2;
25 END hxc_timecard_attributes_pkg;