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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

	(p_delete_level                     VARCHAR2
        ,p_proposal_id		            NUMBER
	,p_version_id		            NUMBER
        ,p_budget_period_id                 NUMBER    := null
        ,p_line_item_id                     NUMBER    := null
        ,p_budget_personnel_detail_id       NUMBER    := null
        ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS
/* possible values of p_delete_level are  'BUDGET_VERSION', 'BUDGET_PERIOD', 'BUDGET_LINE', 'BUDGET_PERSONNEL' */
  l_api_name   varchar2(30)  := 'MANAGE_BUDGET_DELETION';
Line: 15

  if p_delete_level = 'BUDGET_VERSION' then

    delete from igw_budget_persons
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 21

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pbp
    where  pbp.budget_personnel_detail_id IN (select pb.budget_personnel_detail_id
                                              from   igw_budget_personnel_details pb
                                              where  pb.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
                                              and    pb.version_id = p_version_id);
Line: 28

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_details
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 32

    delete from igw_budget_details_cal_amts
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 36

    delete from igw_budget_details
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 40

    delete from igw_budget_periods
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 44

    delete from igw_prop_rates
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 48

  elsif p_delete_level = 'BUDGET_PERIOD' then

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pbp
    where  pbp.budget_personnel_detail_id IN (select pb.budget_personnel_detail_id
                                              from   igw_budget_personnel_details pb
                                              where  pb.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
                                              and    pb.version_id = p_version_id
                                              and    pb.budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id);
Line: 57

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_details
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id
    and    budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id;
Line: 62

    delete from igw_budget_details_cal_amts
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id
    and    budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id;
Line: 67

    delete from igw_budget_details
    where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    and    version_id = p_version_id
    and    budget_period_id = p_budget_period_id;
Line: 72

  elsif  p_delete_level = 'BUDGET_LINE' then

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pbp
    where  pbp.budget_personnel_detail_id IN (select pb.budget_personnel_detail_id
                                              from   igw_budget_personnel_details pb
                                              where  pb.line_item_id = p_line_item_id);
Line: 79

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_details
    where  line_item_id  = p_line_item_id;
Line: 82

    delete from igw_budget_details_cal_amts
    where  line_item_id  = p_line_item_id;
Line: 85

  elsif p_delete_level = 'BUDGET_PERSONNEL' then

    delete from igw_budget_personnel_cal_amts  pbp
    where  pbp.budget_personnel_detail_id = p_budget_personnel_detail_id;
Line: 108

    SELECT ibc.proposal_id
    ,      ibc.budget_period_id
    ,      ibc.expenditure_type
    ,	   ibc.expenditure_category_flag
    ,      nvl(ibc.line_item_cost,0)+nvl(igw_budget_integration.get_eb_cost_ss(ibc.line_item_id),0)  direct_cost
    ,      ibc.line_item_cost
    ,      igw_budget_integration.get_oh_cost_ss(ibc.line_item_id)    indirect_cost
    ,      ibp.start_date
    ,      ibp.end_date
    FROM   igw_budgets                 ib
    ,      igw_budget_periods          ibp
    ,      igw_budget_details       ibc
    WHERE  ib.proposal_id = ibp.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibp.version_id
    AND    ib.final_version_flag = 'Y'
    AND    ibp.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ibp.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ibp.budget_period_id = ibc.budget_period_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = p_proposal_id;
Line: 133

    SELECT ibc.proposal_id
    ,      ibc.budget_period_id
    ,      ibc.expenditure_type
    ,	   ibc.expenditure_category_flag
    ,      nvl(ibc.line_item_cost,0)+nvl(ibc.eb_cost,0)  direct_cost
    ,      ibc.oh_cost    indirect_cost
    ,      ibp.start_date
    ,      ibp.end_date
    FROM   igw_budgets                 ib
    ,      igw_budget_periods          ibp
    ,      igw_budget_complete_v       ibc
    WHERE  ib.proposal_id = ibp.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibp.version_id
    AND    ib.final_version_flag = 'Y'
    AND    ibp.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ibp.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ibp.budget_period_id = ibc.budget_period_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = p_proposal_id;
Line: 157

    SELECT ibc.budget_period_id
    ,      sum(igw_budget_integration.get_oh_cost_ss(ibc.line_item_id))    indirect_cost
    FROM   igw_budgets                 ib
    ,      igw_budget_periods          ibp
    ,      igw_budget_details       ibc
    WHERE  ib.proposal_id = ibp.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibp.version_id
    AND    ib.final_version_flag = 'Y'
    AND    ibp.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ibp.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ibp.budget_period_id = ibc.budget_period_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    GROUP BY ibc.budget_period_id;
Line: 176

    SELECT ibc.budget_period_id
    ,      sum(ibc.oh_cost)    indirect_cost
    FROM   igw_budgets                 ib
    ,      igw_budget_periods          ibp
    ,      igw_budget_complete_v       ibc
    WHERE  ib.proposal_id = ibp.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibp.version_id
    AND    ib.final_version_flag = 'Y'
    AND    ibp.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ibp.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ibp.budget_period_id = ibc.budget_period_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = ibc.proposal_id
    AND    ib.version_id = ibc.version_id
    AND    ib.proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    GROUP BY ibc.budget_period_id;
Line: 220

    SELECT version_id
    INTO l_version_id
    FROM igw_budgets
    WHERE proposal_id = p_proposal_id
    AND   final_version_flag = 'Y';
Line: 228

    select project_id, task_id
    into l_project_id, l_task_id
    from igw_project_fundings
    where proposal_installment_id = p_proposal_installment_id
    AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 236

    select ia.award_id
    into l_award_id
    from igw_awards ia,
         igw_installments ii
    where ii.proposal_installment_id = p_proposal_installment_id
    and   ii.proposal_award_id = ia.proposal_award_id;
Line: 245

     select  pbem.time_phased_type_code
     ,       pbem.entry_level_code
     into    l_time_phased_type_code
     ,       l_entry_level_code
     from    pa_projects_all        pp
     ,       pa_project_types_all   ppt
     ,       pa_budget_entry_methods   pbem
     where   pp.project_id = l_project_id
     and     pp.project_type = ppt.project_type
     and     ppt.cost_budget_entry_method_code = pbem.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 258

     select   nvl(preaward_date, start_date_active), end_date_active
              into     l_awd_start_date, l_awd_end_date
              from     gms_awards_all
              where    award_id = l_award_id;
Line: 265

              select   nvl(start_date,l_awd_start_date), nvl(completion_date,l_awd_end_date)
              into     l_proj_start_date, l_proj_end_date
              from     pa_projects_all
              where    project_id = l_project_id;
Line: 272

              l_msg_data := 'after project date selection';
Line: 281

      select task_id
      into   l_task_id
      from   pa_tasks_top_v
      where  project_id = l_project_id
      and    wbs_sort_order = (select min(wbs_sort_order) from pa_tasks_top_v where project_id = l_project_id);
Line: 287

      select task_id
      into   l_task_id
      from   pa_tasks_lowest_v
      where  project_id = l_project_id
      and    wbs_sort_order = (select min(wbs_sort_order) from pa_tasks_lowest_v where project_id = l_project_id);
Line: 300

      select task_id
      into   l_task_id
      from   pa_tasks_lowest_v
      where  project_id = l_project_id
      and    top_task_id = l_task_id
      and    wbs_sort_order = (select min(wbs_sort_order)
                               from pa_tasks_lowest_v
                               where project_id = l_project_id
                               and   top_task_id = l_task_id);
Line: 315

      select task_id
      into   l_task_id
      from   pa_tasks
      where  project_id = l_project_id
      and    (PA_TASK_UTILS.CHECK_CHILD_EXISTS(TASK_ID) = 0 or TOP_TASK_ID = task_id)
      and     top_task_id = l_task_id
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 330

      select igw_award_budget_s.nextval into l_award_budget_id from dual;
Line: 338

       select   period_name
       into     l_period_name
       from     pa_budget_periods_v pv
       where    period_type_code = l_time_phased_type_code
       and      period_start_date >=  l_budget_start_date
       and      period_end_date <= l_budget_end_date
       and      rownum < 2;
Line: 356

	 p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
	,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
	,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_details.budget_period_id
	,p_expenditure_type_cat         => rec_budget_details.expenditure_type
	,p_expenditure_category_flag    => rec_budget_details.expenditure_category_flag
	,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_details.direct_cost
	,p_indirect_flag                => 'N'
	,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        ,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
	,p_period_name                  => l_period_name
	,p_start_date                   => rec_budget_details.start_date
	,p_end_date                     => rec_budget_details.end_date
	,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        ,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        ,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 376

       select start_date, end_date
       into   l_start_date, l_end_date
       from   igw_installments
       where  proposal_installment_id = p_proposal_installment_id;
Line: 382

	 p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
	,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
	,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_details.budget_period_id
	,p_expenditure_type_cat         => rec_budget_details.expenditure_type
	,p_expenditure_category_flag    => rec_budget_details.expenditure_category_flag
	,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_details.direct_cost
	,p_indirect_flag                => 'N'
	,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        ,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
	,p_period_name                  => null
	,p_start_date                   => l_start_date  -- rec_budget_details.start_date
	,p_end_date                     => l_end_date  -- rec_budget_details.end_date
	,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        ,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        ,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 400

	 p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
	,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
	,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_details.budget_period_id
	,p_expenditure_type_cat         => rec_budget_details.expenditure_type
	,p_expenditure_category_flag    => rec_budget_details.expenditure_category_flag
	,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_details.direct_cost
	,p_indirect_flag                => 'N'
	,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        ,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
	,p_period_name                  => null
	,p_start_date                   => l_budget_start_date
	,p_end_date                     => l_budget_end_date
	,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        ,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        ,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 424

            select igw_award_budget_s.nextval into l_award_budget_id from dual;
Line: 426

            select start_date, end_date
            into l_start_date, l_end_date
            from igw_budget_periods
            where proposal_id = p_proposal_id
            and   version_id = l_version_id
            and   budget_period_id = rec_budget_indirect_cost.budget_period_id;
Line: 435

                  select   period_name
          	  into     l_period_name
                  from     pa_budget_periods_v
                  where    period_type_code = l_time_phased_type_code
                  and      period_start_date >=  l_budget_start_date
                  and      period_end_date <= l_budget_end_date
                  and      rownum < 2;
Line: 449

	 	 	p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
			,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
			,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_indirect_cost.budget_period_id
			,p_expenditure_type_cat         => null
			,p_expenditure_category_flag    => null
			,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_indirect_cost.indirect_cost
			,p_indirect_flag                => 'Y'
			,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        		,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
			,p_period_name                  => l_period_name
			,p_start_date                   => l_start_date
			,p_end_date                     => l_end_date
			,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        		,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        		,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 469

               select start_date, end_date
               into   l_start_date, l_end_date
               from   igw_installments
               where  proposal_installment_id = p_proposal_installment_id;
Line: 474

	 	 	 p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
			,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
			,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_indirect_cost.budget_period_id
			,p_expenditure_type_cat         => null
			,p_expenditure_category_flag    => null
			,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_indirect_cost.indirect_cost
			,p_indirect_flag                => 'Y'
			,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        		,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
			,p_period_name                  => null
			,p_start_date                   => l_start_date
			,p_end_date                     => l_end_date
			,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        		,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        		,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 491

	 		 p_award_budget_id              => l_award_budget_id
			,p_proposal_installment_id      => p_proposal_installment_id
			,p_budget_period_id             => rec_budget_indirect_cost.budget_period_id
			,p_expenditure_type_cat         => null
			,p_expenditure_category_flag    => null
			,p_budget_amount                => rec_budget_indirect_cost.indirect_cost
			,p_indirect_flag                => 'Y'
			,p_project_id 	                => l_project_id
        		,p_task_id                      => l_task_id
			,p_period_name                  => null
			,p_start_date                   => l_budget_start_date
			,p_end_date                     => l_budget_end_date
			,p_transferred_flag		=> 'N'
        		,x_rowid                        => x_rowid
        		,x_return_status                => l_return_status);
Line: 550

      select version_id
      into   l_final_version
      from   igw_budgets
      where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
      and    final_version_flag = 'Y';
Line: 565

      select count(*)
      into l_award_budget_count
      from igw_award_budgets
      where proposal_installment_id = p_proposal_installment_id
      and transferred_flag = 'N';
Line: 617

  select rate_class_id
  into   x_rate_class_id
  from   igw_rate_classes
  where  description = p_rate_class_name;
Line: 646

  select final_version_flag
  into   l_final_version_flag
  from   igw_budgets
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and    version_id <> nvl(p_version_id,0)
  and    final_version_flag = 'Y';
Line: 678

  select line_item_id
  from   igw_budget_details
  where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
  and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 710

  select distinct proposal_form_number
  into   x_proposal_form_number
  from   igw_report_seed_header_v
  where  proposal_form_number = p_proposal_form_number;
Line: 852

        select proposal_start_date, proposal_end_date
        into   l_start_date, l_end_date
        from   igw_proposals_all
        where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id;
Line: 862

        select nvl(max(version_id),0)+1
        into   l_version_id
        from   igw_budgets
        where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id;
Line: 873

	p_proposal_id            => p_proposal_id
	,p_version_id             => l_version_id
	,p_start_date             => l_start_date
	,p_end_date               => l_end_date
	,p_total_cost             => p_total_cost
	,p_total_direct_cost      => p_total_direct_cost
	,p_total_indirect_cost    => p_total_indirect_cost
	,p_cost_sharing_amount    => p_cost_sharing_amount
	,p_underrecovery_amount   => p_underrecovery_amount
	,p_residual_funds         => p_residual_funds
	,p_total_cost_limit       => p_total_cost_limit
	,p_oh_rate_class_id       => l_rate_class_id
	,p_proposal_form_number   => p_proposal_form_number
	,p_comments               => p_comments
	,p_final_version_flag     => p_final_version_flag
	,p_budget_type_code	  => p_budget_type_code
        ,p_enter_budget_at_period_level  => p_enter_budget_at_period_level
        ,p_apply_inflation_setup_rates   => p_apply_inflation_setup_rates
        ,p_apply_eb_setup_rates   => p_apply_eb_setup_rates
        ,p_apply_oh_setup_rates   => p_apply_oh_setup_rates
        ,p_attribute_category     => p_attribute_category
	,p_attribute1             => p_attribute1
	,p_attribute2             => p_attribute2
	,p_attribute3             => p_attribute3
	,p_attribute4             => p_attribute4
	,p_attribute5             => p_attribute5
	,p_attribute6             => p_attribute6
	,p_attribute7             => p_attribute7
	,p_attribute8             => p_attribute8
	,p_attribute9             => p_attribute9
	,p_attribute10            => p_attribute10
	,p_attribute11            => p_attribute11
	,p_attribute12            => p_attribute12
	,p_attribute13            => p_attribute13
	,p_attribute14            => p_attribute14
	,p_attribute15            => p_attribute15
        ,x_rowid                  => x_rowid
        ,x_return_status          => l_return_status);
Line: 924

     	           p_proposal_id             => p_proposal_id
     	           ,p_version_id             => l_version_id
                   ,p_budget_period_id       => l_budget_period
	           ,p_start_date             => l_period_start_date
	           ,p_end_date               => l_period_end_date
	           ,p_total_cost             => 0
	           ,p_total_direct_cost      => 0
	           ,p_total_indirect_cost    => 0
	           ,p_cost_sharing_amount    => 0
	           ,p_underrecovery_amount   => 0
	           ,p_total_cost_limit       => 0
	           ,p_program_income         => 0
	           ,p_program_income_source  => null
                   ,x_rowid                  => x_rowid
                   ,x_return_status          => l_return_status);
Line: 948

     	           p_proposal_id             => p_proposal_id
     	           ,p_version_id             => l_version_id
                   ,p_budget_period_id       => l_budget_period
	           ,p_start_date             => l_period_start_date
	           ,p_end_date               => l_period_end_date
	           ,p_total_cost             => 0
	           ,p_total_direct_cost      => 0
	           ,p_total_indirect_cost    => 0
	           ,p_cost_sharing_amount    => 0
	           ,p_underrecovery_amount   => 0
	           ,p_total_cost_limit       => 0
	           ,p_program_income         => 0
	           ,p_program_income_source  => null
                   ,x_rowid                  => x_rowid
                   ,x_return_status          => l_return_status);
Line: 1024

  procedure update_budget_version
       (p_init_msg_list               IN    VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
        ,p_commit                     IN    VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
        ,p_validate_only              IN    VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
	,p_proposal_id		            NUMBER
	,p_version_id		            NUMBER
  	,p_start_date		            DATE
  	,p_end_date		            DATE
  	,p_total_cost		            NUMBER
  	,p_total_direct_cost	            NUMBER
	,p_total_indirect_cost	            NUMBER
	,p_cost_sharing_amount	            NUMBER
	,p_underrecovery_amount	            NUMBER
	,p_residual_funds	            NUMBER
	,p_total_cost_limit	            NUMBER
	,p_oh_rate_class_id	            NUMBER
        ,p_oh_rate_class_name               VARCHAR2
	,p_proposal_form_number             VARCHAR2
	,p_comments		            VARCHAR2
	,p_final_version_flag	            VARCHAR2
	,p_budget_type_code	            VARCHAR2 := 'PROPOSAL_BUDGET'
        ,p_enter_budget_at_period_level     VARCHAR2
        ,p_apply_inflation_setup_rates      VARCHAR2
        ,p_apply_eb_setup_rates             VARCHAR2
        ,p_apply_oh_setup_rates             VARCHAR2
	,p_attribute_category	            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute1		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute2		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute3		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute4		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute5		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute6		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute7		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute8		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute9		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute10		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute11		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute12		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute13		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute14		            VARCHAR2 := null
	,p_attribute15  	            VARCHAR2 := null
        ,p_record_version_number        IN  NUMBER
        ,p_rowid                        IN  ROWID
        ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
        ,x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        ,x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

  cursor c_rate_class is
  select oh_rate_class_id
  from   igw_budgets
  where  rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1076

  l_api_name           VARCHAR2(30)     := 'UPDATE_BUDGET_VERSION';
Line: 1089

      SAVEPOINT update_budget_version;
Line: 1177

      SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
      FROM   igw_budgets
      WHERE  ((proposal_id  = p_proposal_id  AND   version_id = p_version_id)
	  OR rowid = p_rowid)
      AND record_version_number  = p_record_version_number;
Line: 1209

        p_rowid                   =>  p_rowid
	,p_proposal_id            => p_proposal_id
	,p_version_id             => p_version_id
	,p_start_date             => p_start_date
	,p_end_date               => p_end_date
	,p_total_cost             => p_total_cost
	,p_total_direct_cost      => p_total_direct_cost
	,p_total_indirect_cost    => p_total_indirect_cost
	,p_cost_sharing_amount    => p_cost_sharing_amount
	,p_underrecovery_amount   => p_underrecovery_amount
	,p_residual_funds         => p_residual_funds
	,p_total_cost_limit       => p_total_cost_limit
	,p_oh_rate_class_id       => l_rate_class_id
	,p_proposal_form_number   => p_proposal_form_number
	,p_comments               => p_comments
	,p_final_version_flag     => p_final_version_flag
	,p_budget_type_code	  => p_budget_type_code
        ,p_enter_budget_at_period_level     => p_enter_budget_at_period_level
        ,p_apply_inflation_setup_rates   => p_apply_inflation_setup_rates
        ,p_apply_eb_setup_rates   => p_apply_eb_setup_rates
        ,p_apply_oh_setup_rates   => p_apply_oh_setup_rates
        ,p_attribute_category     => p_attribute_category
	,p_attribute1             => p_attribute1
	,p_attribute2             => p_attribute2
	,p_attribute3             => p_attribute3
	,p_attribute4             => p_attribute4
	,p_attribute5             => p_attribute5
	,p_attribute6             => p_attribute6
	,p_attribute7             => p_attribute7
	,p_attribute8             => p_attribute8
	,p_attribute9             => p_attribute9
	,p_attribute10            => p_attribute10
	,p_attribute11            => p_attribute11
	,p_attribute12            => p_attribute12
	,p_attribute13            => p_attribute13
	,p_attribute14            => p_attribute14
	,p_attribute15            => p_attribute15
        ,p_record_version_number  => p_record_version_number
        ,x_return_status          => l_return_status);
Line: 1253

        update igw_budget_details
        set    apply_inflation_flag = p_apply_inflation_setup_rates
        where  proposal_id = p_proposal_id
        and    version_id = p_version_id;
Line: 1294

       ROLLBACK TO update_budget_version;
Line: 1306

       ROLLBACK TO update_budget_version;
Line: 1312

       ROLLBACK TO update_budget_version;
Line: 1322

Line: 1326

procedure delete_budget_version
       (p_init_msg_list                 IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
        ,p_commit                       IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_FALSE
        ,p_validate_only                IN  VARCHAR2   := FND_API.G_TRUE
        ,p_proposal_id                  IN  NUMBER
        ,p_version_id                   IN  NUMBER
        ,p_record_version_number        IN  NUMBER
        ,p_rowid                        IN  ROWID
        ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
        ,x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        ,x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)is

  l_api_name          VARCHAR2(30)    := 'DELETE_BUDGET_VERSION';
Line: 1349

      SAVEPOINT delete_budget_version;
Line: 1359

      SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
      FROM   igw_budgets
      WHERE  ((proposal_id  = p_proposal_id  AND   version_id = p_version_id)
	 OR rowid = p_rowid)
      AND record_version_number  = p_record_version_number;
Line: 1391

     igw_budgets_tbh.delete_row (
       p_rowid => p_rowid,
       p_proposal_id => p_proposal_id,
       p_version_id =>  p_version_id,
       p_record_version_number => p_record_version_number,
       x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 1399

                   p_delete_level        =>  'BUDGET_VERSION'
		   ,p_proposal_id        =>  p_proposal_id
		   ,p_version_id         =>  p_version_id
                   ,x_return_status      =>  l_return_status);
Line: 1427

       ROLLBACK TO delete_budget_version;
Line: 1439

       ROLLBACK TO delete_budget_version;
Line: 1445

       ROLLBACK TO delete_budget_version;
Line: 1456