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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

*** 28 Nov 01  nnaresh     1.1           Updated for GSCC Standards
*** 29 Nov 01  nnaresh     1.2           Replaced REM with ***
*** 03 DEC 02  Ragovind    1.7           Added NOCOPY for the function range_code.
*** 18 FEB 03  nanuradh    1.8  2786549  Removed number_of_copies parameter when setting
***                                      printer options
*** 25 FEB 03  nanuradh    1.9  2786549  Removed the fix done for the bug #2786549
*** 29 MAY 03  apunekar    1.10 2920725  Corrected base tables to support security model
*** 17 NOV 03  avenkatk    1.11 3132172  Added support for printing report on
***                                      duplex printers.
*** 10 FEB 04  punmehta    1.12 3098353  Added check for archive flag
*** 21 JUL 04  srrajago    1.13 3768288  Modified cursor 'csr_get_print_options' to fetch value 'number_of_copies'
***                                      and the same is passed to fnd_request.set_print_options.Resolved GSCC warning in
***                                      assigning value -1 to ps_request_id.
*** 09 AUG 04  abhkumar    1.14 2610141  Legal Employer Enhancement
*** 09 DEC 04  ksingla     1.15 3937976  Added check for archive flag X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG
*** 06 DEC 05  avenkatk    1.16 4859876  Added support for XML Publisher PDF Template
*** 02 JAN 06  avenkatk    1.17 4891196  Added support for PDF and Postscript generation of report.
*** 03 Jan 06  abhargav    1.18 4726357  Added function to get the self serivce option.
*** 28_feb-07  abhargav    1.20 5743270  Added check so that empty self printed report will not be generated
***                                      for cases where for all the assignment Self Printed flag is set 'Yes'.
*** 09-Jan-08  avenkatk  115.21 6470581  Added Changes for Amended Payment Summary
*** 23-Jan-08  avenkatk  115.22 6470581  Resolved GSCC Errors
*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------+

  g_debug       boolean;  /* Bug 6470581 */
Line: 52

      p_sql := ' select distinct p.person_id'                                     ||
             ' from   per_people_f p,'                                        ||
                    ' pay_payroll_actions pa'                                     ||
             ' where  pa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id'                  ||
             ' and    p.business_group_id = pa.business_group_id'                 ||
             ' order by p.person_id';
Line: 89

         select  distinct a.assignment_id,
                 pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', pa.legislative_parameters) archive_action_id,
                from   per_assignments_f a,
                       per_people_f p,
                       pay_payroll_actions pa,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions ppac
                where  pa.payroll_action_id   = c_payroll_action_id
                 and    p.person_id             between c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
                 and    p.person_id           = a.person_id
                 and    p.business_group_id   = pa.business_group_id
                 and    ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_action_id
                 and    a.assignment_id       = ppac.assignment_id
                 and    ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', pa.legislative_parameters)
                 And    ppa.action_type       = 'X'
                 and    ppa.action_status     = 'C'
                 and    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG', ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'   --3098353
                 and    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG', ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'   --3937976
                 and  not exists
                            (select locked_action_id
                             FROM   pay_action_interlocks pail
                           WHERE pail.locked_action_id=ppac.assignment_action_id)
                 and ppac.assignment_action_id in
                         (select max(ppac1.assignment_action_id)
                          from pay_assignment_actions ppac1,
                               pay_payroll_Actions    ppaa
                          where ppaa.action_type       ='X'
                           and  ppaa.action_status     ='C'
                           and  pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', ppaa.legislative_parameters) =
                                pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', pa.legislative_parameters) --2610141
                           and  ppaa.report_type       ='AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY'
                           and  ppaa.payroll_Action_id = ppac1.payroll_action_id
                          group by ppac1.assignment_id);
Line: 125

        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        from   dual;
Line: 136

SELECT to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', ppa.legislative_parameters)) registered_employer
      ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters)           archive_id
      ,NVL(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('PAY_SUM_TYPE', ppa.legislative_parameters),'O')       payment_summary_type
      ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR', ppa.legislative_parameters)       fin_year
FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id;
Line: 152

SELECT  DISTINCT a.assignment_id
        ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', pa.legislative_parameters) archive_action_id
        ,pmaa.assignment_action_id datafile_action_id
FROM     per_assignments_f a
        ,per_people_f p
        ,pay_payroll_actions pa
        ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
        ,pay_assignment_actions ppac
        ,pay_assignment_actions pmaa
        ,pay_payroll_actions pmpa
WHERE  pa.payroll_action_id   = c_payroll_action_id
AND    p.person_id             between c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
AND    p.person_id           = a.person_id
AND    p.business_group_id   = pa.business_group_id
AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_action_id
AND    a.assignment_id       = ppac.assignment_id
AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = c_archive_id
AND    ppa.action_type       = 'X'
AND    ppa.action_status     = 'C'
AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG', ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'
AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG', ppac.assignment_action_id)='NO'
AND    pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_TYPE', ppac.assignment_action_id)='A'   /* Indicates something has changed */
AND    pmaa.assignment_id    = ppac.assignment_id
AND    pmaa.payroll_action_id = pmpa.payroll_action_id
AND    pmpa.report_type       = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE'
AND    pmpa.action_type       = 'X'
AND    pmpa.action_status     = 'C'
AND    pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', pmpa.legislative_parameters) = c_reg_emp
AND    pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FINANCIAL_YEAR', pmpa.legislative_parameters) = c_financial_year
        (SELECT locked_action_id
         FROM  pay_action_interlocks pail
         WHERE pail.locked_action_id=ppac.assignment_action_id)
AND ppac.assignment_action_id IN
                        (SELECT MAX(ppac1.assignment_action_id)
                         FROM   pay_assignment_actions ppac1,
                                pay_payroll_Actions    ppaa
                         WHERE ppaa.action_type       ='X'
                         AND   ppaa.action_status     ='C'
                         AND   pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', ppaa.legislative_parameters) =
                                pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REGISTERED_EMPLOYER', pa.legislative_parameters) --2610141
                         AND  ppaa.report_type       ='AU_PAY_SUMM_AMEND'
                         AND  ppaa.payroll_Action_id = ppac1.payroll_action_id
                         GROUP BY ppac1.assignment_id);
Line: 241

        hr_utility.set_location('inserted assigment action assignment '|| process_rec.assignment_id ,15);
Line: 319

 select p.current_chunk_number
 from pay_payroll_actions p
 where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 325

 SELECT a.formula_id
 FROM     ff_formulas_f a,
          ff_formula_types t
 WHERE a.formula_name      = p_formula_name
          AND business_group_id   IS NULL
          AND legislation_code    = 'AU'
          AND a.formula_type_id   = t.formula_type_id
          AND t.formula_type_name = 'Oracle Payroll';
Line: 336

 SELECT printer,
          decode(save_output_flag, 'Y', 'TRUE', 'N', 'FALSE') save_output,
          number_of_copies  /* Bug: 3768288 */
    FROM  pay_payroll_actions pact,
          fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
    WHERE fcr.request_id = pact.request_id
    AND   pact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 349

  select count(ppav.assignment_id)
    from   pay_au_eoy_values_v ppav,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa,
           pay_assignment_actions pac
           where ppa.payroll_action_id= p_payroll_action_id
           and   ppav.payroll_action_id =pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)
           and   ppa.report_type='AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
           and   ppav.assignment_id=pac.assignment_id
           and   ppav.X_REPORTING_FLAG = 'YES'
           and   ppav.X_CURR_TERM_0_BAL_FLAG='NO'
           and   pac.payroll_action_id=p_payroll_action_id
           and decode(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('SS_PREF',ppa.legislative_parameters),'N',ss_pref(pac.assignment_id),'N') ='N'
Line: 577

select  paf.business_group_id, paf.location_id, paf.organization_id,paf.person_id
from per_assignments_f paf
where paf.assignment_id = p_assignemnt_id
  and   paf.effective_start_date =
    (select max(effective_start_date)
     from per_assignments_f paf2
     where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
Line: 592

SELECT online_opt
       Select PEI_INFORMATION2 online_opt, 1 sort_col
        from PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO ppit
        where   ppit.person_id=c_person_id
          and  ppit.pei_information1= 'PAYMENTSUMMARY'
	  and  ppit.information_type='HR_SELF_SERVICE_PER_PREFERENCE'
        Select LEI_INFORMATION2 online_opt, 2 sort_col
        FROM hr_location_extra_info hlei
        WHERE hlei.location_id = c_loc_id
	  And hlei.lei_information1= 'PAYMENTSUMMARY'
          AND hlei.information_type = 'HR_SELF_SERVICE_LOC_PREFERENCE'
        SELECT org_information2 online_opt,
               3 sort_col
        FROM hr_organization_information hoi
        WHERE hoi.organization_id = c_org_id
	  and hoi.org_information1 = 'PAYMENTSUMMARY'
          AND hoi.org_information_context = 'HR_SELF_SERVICE_ORG_PREFERENCE'
         SELECT org_information2 online_opt,
                4 sort_col
         FROM hr_organization_information hoi
         WHERE hoi.organization_id = c_bg_id
	       And hoi.org_information1 = 'PAYMENTSUMMARY'
               AND hoi.org_information_context = 'HR_SELF_SERVICE_BG_PREFERENCE'
    WHERE online_opt IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY sort_col;