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Line 6: g_last_updated_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;

2: -- $Header: cnvwkshb.pls 120.26 2008/01/14 19:56:55 rnagired ship $
3: g_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'CN_Payment_Worksheet_PVT';
5: --G_last_update_date DATE := sysdate;
6: g_last_updated_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
7: --G_creation_date DATE := sysdate;
8: g_created_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
9: g_last_update_login NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;
10: g_credit_type_id CONSTANT NUMBER := -1000;

Line 8: g_created_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;

4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'CN_Payment_Worksheet_PVT';
5: --G_last_update_date DATE := sysdate;
6: g_last_updated_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
7: --G_creation_date DATE := sysdate;
8: g_created_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
9: g_last_update_login NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;
10: g_credit_type_id CONSTANT NUMBER := -1000;

Line 9: g_last_update_login NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;

5: --G_last_update_date DATE := sysdate;
6: g_last_updated_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
7: --G_creation_date DATE := sysdate;
8: g_created_by NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
9: g_last_update_login NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;
10: g_credit_type_id CONSTANT NUMBER := -1000;
13: PROCEDURE update_ptd_details (

Line 1786: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;

1783: l_batch_rec.posting_batch_id := recv_posting_batch_id;
1784: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'PMTPLN batch number:' || l_get_payrun_rec.payrun_id || ':' || p_worksheet_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
1785: l_calc_rec_tbl(i).quota_id || ':' || recv_posting_batch_id;
1786: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1787: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
1788: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1789: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
1790: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

Line 1788: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

1784: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'PMTPLN batch number:' || l_get_payrun_rec.payrun_id || ':' || p_worksheet_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
1785: l_calc_rec_tbl(i).quota_id || ':' || recv_posting_batch_id;
1786: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1787: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
1788: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1789: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
1790: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
1791: -- Create the Posting Batches
1792: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',

Line 1790: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

1786: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1787: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
1788: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
1789: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
1790: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
1791: -- Create the Posting Batches
1792: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',
1793: x_rowid => l_rowid,
1794: x_posting_batch_rec => l_batch_rec,

Line 2661: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;

2657: THEN
2658: l_batch_rec.posting_batch_id := l_posting_batch_id;
2659: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'Refresh batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
2660: l_posting_batch_id;
2661: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2662: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2663: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2664: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2665: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

Line 2663: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

2659: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'Refresh batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
2660: l_posting_batch_id;
2661: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2662: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2663: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2664: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2665: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
2666: -- Create the Posting Batches
2667: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',

Line 2665: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

2661: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2662: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2663: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2664: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2665: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
2666: -- Create the Posting Batches
2667: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',
2668: x_rowid => l_rowid,
2669: x_posting_batch_rec => l_batch_rec,

Line 2751: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;

2747: THEN
2748: l_batch_rec.posting_batch_id := carryover_posting_batch_id;
2749: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'Refresh batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
2750: carryover_posting_batch_id;
2751: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2752: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2753: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2754: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2755: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

Line 2753: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

2749: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'Refresh batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
2750: carryover_posting_batch_id;
2751: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2752: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2753: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2754: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2755: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
2756: -- Create the Posting Batches
2757: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',

Line 2755: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

2751: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2752: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
2753: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
2754: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
2755: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
2756: -- Create the Posting Batches
2757: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',
2758: x_rowid => l_rowid,
2759: x_posting_batch_rec => l_batch_rec,

Line 2872: fnd_global.user_id,

2868: nvl(cl.commission_amount, 0),
2869: -- Bug 2875120 : remove cn_api function call in sql statement
2870: decode(l_payroll_flag, NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', qp.pay_element_type_id, NULL) pay_element_type_id,
2871: SYSDATE,
2872: fnd_global.user_id,
2873: --R12
2874: wksht_rec.org_id,
2875: 1,
2876: cl.processed_date

Line 2971: fnd_global.user_id,

2967: nvl(cl.commission_amount, 0),
2968: -- Bug 2875120 : remove cn_api function call in sql statement
2969: decode(l_payroll_flag, NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', qp.pay_element_type_id, NULL) pay_element_type_id,
2970: SYSDATE,
2971: fnd_global.user_id,
2972: --R12
2973: wksht_rec.org_id,
2974: 1,
2975: cl.processed_date

Line 3097: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;

3094: l_batch_rec.posting_batch_id := recv_posting_batch_id;
3095: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'PMTPLN batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
3096: l_calc_rec_tbl(i).quota_id || ':' || recv_posting_batch_id;
3097: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3098: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
3099: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3100: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
3101: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

Line 3099: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

3095: l_batch_rec.NAME := 'PMTPLN batch number:' || wksht_rec.payrun_id || ':' || wksht_rec.salesrep_id || ':' ||
3096: l_calc_rec_tbl(i).quota_id || ':' || recv_posting_batch_id;
3097: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3098: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
3099: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3100: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
3101: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
3102: -- Create the Posting Batches
3103: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',

Line 3101: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;

3097: l_batch_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3098: l_batch_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;
3099: l_batch_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
3100: l_batch_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
3101: l_batch_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
3102: -- Create the Posting Batches
3103: cn_prepostbatches.begin_record(x_operation => 'INSERT',
3104: x_rowid => l_rowid,
3105: x_posting_batch_rec => l_batch_rec,

Line 4024: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,

4020: bb_pmt_recovery_plans = s_bb_pmt_recovery_plans,
4021: current_earnings = l_curr_earnings,
4022: current_earnings_due = s_curr_earnings_due,
4023: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
4024: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
4025: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
4026: object_version_number = l_wksht_sum_rec.object_version_number + 1
4027: WHERE payment_worksheet_id = l_wksht_sum_rec.payment_worksheet_id;
4028: END LOOP;

Line 4025: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

4021: current_earnings = l_curr_earnings,
4022: current_earnings_due = s_curr_earnings_due,
4023: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
4024: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
4025: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
4026: object_version_number = l_wksht_sum_rec.object_version_number + 1
4027: WHERE payment_worksheet_id = l_wksht_sum_rec.payment_worksheet_id;
4028: END LOOP;

Line 4081: l_conc_request_id NUMBER(15) := fnd_global.conc_request_id;

4077: l_logical_batch_id NUMBER;
4078: l_max_batch_id NUMBER;
4079: l_physical_batch_id NUMBER;
4080: l_job_count NUMBER := 0;
4081: l_conc_request_id NUMBER(15) := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
4082: l_runner_count NUMBER := 0;
4083: l_error_count NUMBER := 0;
4084: l_warning_count NUMBER := 0;
4085: mysysdate CONSTANT DATE := SYSDATE;

Line 4166: fnd_global.user_id,

4162: 'VOID',
4163: p_org_id,
4164: p_params.conc_program_name,
4165: mysysdate,
4166: fnd_global.user_id,
4167: mysysdate,
4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,

Line 4168: fnd_global.user_id,

4164: p_params.conc_program_name,
4165: mysysdate,
4166: fnd_global.user_id,
4167: mysysdate,
4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,

Line 4169: fnd_global.login_id,

4165: mysysdate,
4166: fnd_global.user_id,
4167: mysysdate,
4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,
4173: mysysdate);

Line 4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,

4166: fnd_global.user_id,
4167: mysysdate,
4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,
4173: mysysdate);

Line 4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,

4167: mysysdate,
4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,
4173: mysysdate);
4175: END IF;

Line 4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,

4168: fnd_global.user_id,
4169: fnd_global.login_id,
4170: fnd_global.conc_request_id,
4171: fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
4172: fnd_global.conc_program_id,
4173: mysysdate);
4175: END IF;