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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 163

     select nvl(drop_ship_flag,'N')
       into l_drop_ship_flag
       from po_line_locations_all
     where line_location_id = X_po_line_location_id;
Line: 320

   SELECT plt.outside_operation_flag
     INTO l_osp_flag
     FROM po_line_types plt,
          po_lines      pl
    WHERE plt.line_type_id = pl.line_type_id
      AND pl.po_line_id = p_po_line_id;
Line: 348

      SELECT 1
      INTO   valid_open_job
      WHERE  WRS.ORGANIZATION_ID = X_to_organization_id
      AND    WRS.STATUS_TYPE IN (3,4);
Line: 384

      SELECT 1
      INTO   valid_open_job
      WHERE  WDJ.ORGANIZATION_ID = X_to_organization_id
      AND    WDJ.WIP_ENTITY_ID   = X_wip_entity_id
      AND    WDJ.STATUS_TYPE IN (3,4);
Line: 451

      SELECT count(1)
      INTO   X_number_of_inv_dest
      FROM   po_distributions pd
      WHERE  pd.line_location_id = X_line_location_id
      AND    pd.destination_type_code = 'INVENTORY';
Line: 461

      SELECT count(1)
      INTO   X_number_of_inv_dest
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines rsl
      WHERE  rsl.shipment_line_id = X_shipment_line_id
      AND    rsl.destination_type_code = 'INVENTORY';
Line: 698

      SELECT  nvl(max(hre.full_name),'notfound')
        INTO  x_del_per_val
        FROM   hr_employees_current_v hre
       WHERE (hre.inactive_date IS NULL
        OR  hre.inactive_date > sysdate)
        AND hre.employee_id = x_deliver_to_person_id;
Line: 786

   SELECT count (1)
   INTO   X_num_of_distributions
   FROM   po_distributions pod
   WHERE  pod.line_location_id = X_po_line_location_id;
Line: 796

      SELECT count (1)
      INTO   X_num_of_receipts
      FROM   rcv_supply rs
      WHERE  rs.po_line_location_id = X_po_line_location_id;
Line: 858

   SELECT   we.wip_entity_name   job,
            wn.operation_seq_num sequence,
            bd.department_code   department
   INTO     X_job,
   FROM     wip_entities we,
            bom_departments bd,
            wip_operation_resources wr,
            wip_operations wn,
            wip_operations wo
   WHERE    wo.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
   AND      wo.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
   AND      nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
               nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
   AND      wo.operation_seq_num = X_wip_operation_seq_num
   AND      wr.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
   AND      wr.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
   AND      nvl(wr.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
               nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
   AND      wr.operation_seq_num = X_wip_operation_seq_num
   AND      wr.resource_seq_num = X_wip_resource_seq_num
   AND      wn.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
   AND      wn.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
   AND      nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
               nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
   AND      wn.operation_seq_num =
              decode(wr.autocharge_type,  4,
                 nvl(wo.next_operation_seq_num, wo.operation_seq_num),
   AND      bd.department_id = wn.department_id
   AND      we.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
   AND      we.organization_id = X_to_organization_id;
Line: 895

   SELECT we.wip_entity_name job
     INTO X_job
     FROM wip_entities we
    WHERE we.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
      AND we.organization_id = X_to_organization_id;
Line: 908

   SELECT  wn.operation_seq_num sequence,
           bd.department_code   department
     INTO  X_sequence, X_department
     FROM  bom_departments bd,
           wip_operation_resources wr,
           wip_operations wn,
           wip_operations wo
    WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
      AND  wo.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
      AND  wo.operation_seq_num = X_wip_operation_seq_num
      AND  wr.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
      AND  wr.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wr.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
      AND  wr.operation_seq_num = X_wip_operation_seq_num
      AND  wr.resource_seq_num = X_wip_resource_seq_num
      AND  wn.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
      AND  wn.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
      AND  wn.operation_seq_num = wo.operation_seq_num
   -- Bug#2738959 : Removed the decode statement for autocharge_type 4
   --               Replaced the following statement with the one above.
   --               Comparing with operation_seq_num instead of next_operation_seq_num
   --   AND  wn.operation_seq_num =
   --        decode(wr.autocharge_type,  4,
   --            nvl(wo.next_operation_seq_num, wo.operation_seq_num),
   --               wo.operation_seq_num)
      AND  bd.department_id = wn.department_id;
Line: 944

       select bd.department_code department
         into X_department
         from bom_departments bd,wip_operations wn
        where wn.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
          and wn.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
          and nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
    	  nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
          and bd.department_id = wn.department_id;
Line: 958

        SELECT  wo.operation_seq_num sequence
          INTO  X_sequence
          FROM  wip_operations wo
         WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = X_wip_entity_id
           AND  wo.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
           AND  nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
               nvl(X_wip_repetitive_schedule_id, -1)
           AND  wo.operation_seq_num = X_wip_operation_seq_num;
Line: 978

	select wl.line_code
	into   X_line_num
	from   wip_lines wl
	where  wl.organization_id = X_to_organization_id
	and    wl.line_id = X_wip_line_id;
Line: 1026

      select displayed_field, lookup_code
      into   x_destination_type_dsp, x_destination_type_code
      from   po_lookup_codes
      where  lookup_code = 'RECEIVING'
      and    lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 1035

      select oel.subinventory,
             NVL(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id),
      into   x_deliver_to_sub,
      from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
             oe_order_headers_all oeh
      where  oeh.header_id = x_oe_order_header_id
      and    oel.line_id = x_oe_order_line_id;
Line: 1051

      select haou.location_id,
      into   x_deliver_to_location_id,
      from   hr_all_organization_units haou,
             hr_locations_all hla
      where  haou.organization_id = x_to_organization_id
      and    haou.location_id = hla.location_id;