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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

        SELECT ci_id
        FROM pa_control_items
        WHERE ci_id = c_Ci_Id;
Line: 27

        SELECT ci.project_id,
        FROM pa_control_items ci,
        pa_ci_types_b cib,
        (select project_status_code,
        from pa_project_statuses
        where status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM') s
        WHERE ci.ci_id = c_Ci_Id
        AND ci.ci_type_id = cib.ci_type_id
        AND ci.status_code = s.project_status_code;
Line: 47

        SELECT ci.ci_id
        FROM pa_project_statuses pps, pa_control_items ci
        WHERE pps.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
        AND pps.project_status_code = ci.status_code
        AND pps.enable_wf_flag = 'Y'
        AND pps.wf_success_status_code is not null
        AND pps.wf_failure_status_code is not null
        AND ci.ci_id = c_Ci_Id;
Line: 57

/*The update_impacts procedure will be called from Add__impact and
update__impact to create the impact, to update the details of impact and also
to implement the impact.*/
Procedure update_impacts (
        p_ci_id                        IN NUMBER    := G_PA_MISS_NUM,
        x_ci_impact_id                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        p_impact_type_code             IN VARCHAR2  := G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
        p_impact_description           IN VARCHAR2  := G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
        p_mode                         IN VARCHAR2,
        p_commit                       IN VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_api_version_number           IN NUMBER ,
        x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
        x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
        x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

/*Cursor for possible ci_impacts. */
cursor c_impact_types
        select distinct
        --pl.lookup_code impact_type_code,
        --pl.meaning impact_name,
        --pci.project_id project_id
        pa_control_items pci,
        pa_ci_impact_type_usage pcit,
        pa_lookups pl
        where pci.ci_type_id = pcit.ci_type_id
        and pl.lookup_type = 'PA_CI_IMPACT_TYPES'
        and decode(pcit.impact_type_code, 'FINPLAN_COST', 'FINPLAN', 'FINPLAN_REVENUE', 'FINPLAN', pcit.impact_type_code) = pl.lookup_code
        and pl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
        and Pa_ci_impacts_util.is_render_true(pl.lookup_code, pci.project_id) = 'Y'
        and ci_id = p_ci_id
        and impact_type_code = p_impact_type_code;
Line: 101

        select ci_impact_id ,status_code,description
        where ci_id = p_ci_id
        and impact_type_code = p_impact_type_code;
Line: 124

 l_mode                   VARCHAR2(20)  := 'INSERT'; --used to call the insert or update method.
Line: 132

 l_module_name            VARCHAR2(200):='PA_CONTROL_API_PVT.UPDATE_IMPACTS';
Line: 150

             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Start of Update Impacts  PVT method.';
Line: 212

        /*Check whether the impact exists are or not,if it already exists and the mode is 'INSERT'
         then it is an error and do the same for update for does not exist case*/
        open c_check_impact_exists;
Line: 219

               if p_mode = 'INSERT' then
                       PA_UTILS.add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
                                             ,p_msg_name       => 'PA_CI_IMPACT_EXIST');
Line: 224

                              pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Cannot be inserted as the record already exists for the given impact type code';
Line: 233

               if p_mode = 'UPDATE' then
                       PA_UTILS.add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
                                            ,p_msg_name       => 'PA_NO_CI_IMPACT');
Line: 238

                              pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Cannot update the impact, as there is no record exists';
Line: 254

         /*Security check for the CI_ID UpdateAccess*/
       if 'T' <> Pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_access (p_ci_id) then
             PA_UTILS.add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
                                  ,p_msg_name       => 'PA_CI_NO_UPDATE_ACCESS');
Line: 260

                    pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'the CI_ID does not have the update access';
Line: 266

             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'After call to pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_acces';
Line: 272

        if ('EDIT'<> pa_ci_impacts_util.get_update_impact_mode(l_ci_id, l_cr_status_code)) then
                PA_UTILS.add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
                                     ,p_msg_name       => 'PA_CI_NO_IMPACT_UPDATE_ACCESS');
Line: 277

                      pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'the CI_ID does not have the update Impact access';
Line: 284

             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'After call to pa_ci_impacts_util.get_update_impact_mode, to check for the update access';
Line: 311

        /* Check for the status control: check whether the action CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_UPDATE
        is allowed on the current status of the issue. */
       has_access   :=  pa_control_items_utils.CheckCIActionAllowed('CONTROL_ITEM', l_cr_status_code, 'CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_UPDATE',p_ci_id);
Line: 316

                                   ,p_msg_name       => 'PA_CI_NO_ALLOW_UPDATE');
Line: 319

                     pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'the CI_ID does not have the update access for the current status';
Line: 325

            pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'After checking for CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_UPDATE for the current status';
Line: 337

        if p_mode = 'INSERT' and x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then

                /*Validating the p_impact_description with the PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_XXX */
                if p_impact_description = G_PA_MISS_CHAR or p_impact_description is null then
                        l_impact_description := null;
Line: 367

        elsif p_mode = 'UPDATE' and x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then

                /*Validating the imapct description*/
                if p_impact_description = G_PA_MISS_CHAR then
                        l_impact_description := l_impact_description1;
Line: 378

                                p_api_version             => p_api_version_number,
                                p_init_msg_list           => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                p_commit                  => p_commit,
                                p_validate_only           => 'F',
                                p_max_msg_count           => null,
                                p_ci_impact_id            => l_ci_impact_id,
                                p_ci_id                   => p_ci_id,
                                p_impact_type_code        => p_impact_type_code,
                                p_status_code             => l_status_code,
                                p_description             => l_impact_description,
                                p_implementation_date     => null,
                                p_implemented_by          => null,
                                p_impby_name              => null,
                                p_impby_type_id           => null,
                                p_implementation_comment  => null,
                                p_record_version_number   => null,
                                p_impacted_task_id        => null,
                                x_return_status           => x_return_status,
                                x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
                                x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
Line: 400

                        x_ci_impact_id := 0;  --setting the ci_impact_id = 0 in update impact.
Line: 444

                                   p_procedure_name  => 'update_impacts',
                                   p_error_text      => substrb(sqlerrm,1,240));
Line: 456

END update_impacts;
Line: 462

to insert the details of the supplier
You can also call this procedure independently by passing necessary info.

Procedure add_supplier_details (
         p_ci_id                IN         NUMBER   := G_PA_MISS_NUM,
         p_ci_impact_id         IN         NUMBER ,
         p_supplier_det_tbl     IN         PA_CONTROL_API_PUB.SUPP_DET_TBL_TYPE,
         x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
         x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
         x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2


-- declaring local variables
 l_vendor_id             po_vendors.vendor_id%TYPE;
Line: 516

       select distinct po.segment1 PoNumber
       ,po.po_header_id PoHeaderId
       ,po.vendor_id    PoVendorId
       ,v.vendor_name   PoSupplierName
       ,po.currency_code PoCurrency
       ,po.org_id       Poorgid
       ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(po.org_id),1,30) PoOuname
       ,pod.project_id  PoProjectId
        From po_headers_all  po
       ,po_vendors v
       ,po_distributions_all pod
        Where po.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
        and NVL(po.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
        and pod.po_header_id = po.po_header_id
        and   (( po.org_id = c_org_id and c_org_id is NOT NULL ) or c_org_id is NULL )
        and pod.project_id = c_project_id
        and po.segment1 = c_po_number;
Line: 537

       select distinct po.segment1 PoNumber
       ,po.po_header_id PoHeaderId
       ,po.vendor_id    PoVendorId
       ,v.vendor_name   PoSupplierName
       ,po.currency_code PoCurrency
       ,po.org_id       Poorgid
       ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(po.org_id),1,30) PoOuname
       ,pod.project_id  PoProjectId
        From po_headers_all  po
       ,po_vendors v
       ,po_distributions_all pod
        Where po.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
        and NVL(po.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
        and pod.po_header_id = po.po_header_id
        and   (( po.org_id = c_org_id and c_org_id is NOT NULL ) or c_org_id is NULL )
        and pod.project_id = c_project_id
        and po.po_header_id = c_po_header_id;
Line: 559

       select pol.po_line_id PoLineId
      ,pol.line_num PoLineNum
      ,(pol.quantity * pol.unit_price) PolineAmount
      ,poh.po_header_id  Poheaderid
      ,poh.segment1   Ponumber
      ,pod.project_id  Projectid
      ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(pod.org_id),1,30) Ouname
      ,pod.po_distribution_id Podistid
      From  po_lines_all pol
     ,po_headers_all poh
     ,po_distributions_all pod
      Where poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
      and pod.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
      and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
      and NVL(poh.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
      and pod.project_id = c_project_id
      and poh.segment1 = c_po_number    --ponumber is passed
      and pol.line_num = c_po_line_num;
Line: 581

       select pol.po_line_id PoLineId
      ,pol.line_num PoLineNum
      ,(pol.quantity * pol.unit_price) PolineAmount
      ,poh.po_header_id  Poheaderid
      ,poh.segment1   Ponumber
      ,pod.project_id  Projectid
      ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(pod.org_id),1,30) Ouname
      ,pod.po_distribution_id Podistid
      From  po_lines_all pol
     ,po_headers_all poh
     ,po_distributions_all pod
      Where poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
      and pod.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
      and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
      and NVL(poh.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
      and pod.project_id = c_project_id
      and poh.segment1 = c_po_number    --ponumber is passed
      and pol.po_line_id = c_po_line_id;
Line: 604

     select currency_code CurrencyCode
    ,Name  CurrencyName
     from fnd_currencies_vl
     where enabled_flag = 'Y'
     and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
     and nvl(end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
     and currency_code = c_currency;
Line: 615

        select  pci.project_id
        pa_control_items pci
        where pci.ci_id = c_ci_id;
Line: 623

     select ci_type_id from pa_control_items a , pa_ci_impacts b
     where a.ci_id = b.ci_id
     and a.ci_id = p_ci_id
Line: 707

                l_calling_mode       := 'VALIDATEANDINSERT';
Line: 713

                l_check_vendor_query := 'select v.vendor_id SupplierId ,v.vendor_name  SupplierName From po_vendors v ';
Line: 715

        /*Check the ci_id and P_CHANGE_TYPE (should be either CREATE or UPDATE) are valid or not*/
        if  p_ci_id is null or p_ci_id = G_PA_MISS_NUM
            or p_change_type is null or p_change_type = G_PA_MISS_CHAR  then
                 PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name  => 'PA',
                                      p_msg_name        => 'PA_CI_ID_CHANGE_TYPE_NULL',
                                      p_token1          => 'NUMBER',
                                      p_value1          =>  i);
Line: 727

        elsif p_change_type is not null and (p_change_type <> 'CREATE' and p_change_type <> 'UPDATE') then
                 PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name  => 'PA',
                                      p_msg_name        => 'PA_CHANGE_TYPE_INVALID',
                                      p_token1          => 'NUMBER',
                                      p_value1          =>  i);
Line: 755

        /*if change_type is UPDATE then user must pass PO details*/
        elsif   p_change_type is NOT NULL and p_change_type = 'UPDATE'
        and (  (p_po_number is  NULL or p_po_number = G_PA_MISS_CHAR)
                 and (p_po_header_id is  NULL or p_po_header_id = G_PA_MISS_NUM)
                 and (p_po_line_num is  null or p_po_line_num = G_PA_MISS_NUM)
                 and (p_po_line_id  is  null or p_po_line_id = G_PA_MISS_NUM) )
                   PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name  => 'PA',
                                      p_msg_name        => 'PA_CHANGE_TYPE_INVALID',
                                      p_token1          => 'NUMBER',
                                      p_value1          =>  i);
Line: 806

                if p_change_type = 'UPDATE' then
                        l_check_vendor_query := l_check_vendor_query || ' where EXISTS (select * from po_distributions_all pod ,po_headers_all poh where pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id and  pod.project_id = '||
                                                  l_project_id ||' and poh.vendor_id = v.vendor_id and  v.vendor_id = '''||p_vendor_id ||''') ';
Line: 839

                But where as in UPDATE we can derive the vendor id from the given header id or po_line id details */
                PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name  => 'PA',
                                             p_msg_name        => 'PA_VENDOR_ID_NULL',
                                             p_token1          => 'NUMBER',
                                             p_value1          =>  i);
Line: 1112

                               pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Before calling the PA_CI_SUPPLIER_UTILS.validateSI to validate and insert';
Line: 1115

      /*Call the procedure to  insert the details*/
      if x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then
/*              PA_CI_SUPPLIER_UTILS.validateSI(
                        p_ROWID                     =>  x_rowid
                       ,p_RECORD_STATUS             =>  l_record_status
                       ,p_CI_ID                     =>  p_ci_id
                       ,p_CI_TYPE_ID                =>  l_ci_type_id
                       ,p_CI_IMPACT_ID              =>  p_ci_impact_id
                       ,P_CALLING_MODE              =>  l_calling_mode
                       ,P_ORG_ID                    =>  l_org_id
                       ,p_VENDOR_NAME               =>  l_supplier_name
                       ,p_PO_NUMBER                 =>  l_po_number
                       ,p_PO_LINE_NUM               =>  l_line_num
                       ,p_ADJUSTED_TRANSACTION_ID   =>  null
                       ,p_CURRENCY_CODE             =>  l_currency_code
                       ,p_CHANGE_AMOUNT             =>  l_po_line_Amount
                       ,p_CHANGE_TYPE               =>  p_change_type
                       ,p_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION        =>  l_change_description
                       ,p_CI_TRANSACTION_ID         =>  x_ci_transaction_id
                       ,x_return_status             =>  x_return_status
                       ,x_msg_data                  =>  x_msg_data
                       ,x_msg_count                 =>  x_msg_count
Line: 1138

                       PA_CI_SUPPLIER_PKG.insert_row (
                                        x_rowid                   => x_rowid
                                        ,x_ci_transaction_id      => x_ci_transaction_id
                                        ,p_CI_TYPE_ID             => l_ci_type_id   --passed as null as from UI also this is getting stamped as null
                                        ,p_CI_ID                  => p_ci_id
                                        ,p_CI_IMPACT_ID           => l_ci_impact_id --p_ci_impact_id Passing null value as from UI also this is getting stamped as null
                                        ,p_VENDOR_ID              => l_vendor_id
                                        ,p_PO_HEADER_ID           => l_header_id
                                        ,p_PO_LINE_ID             => l_line_id
                                        ,p_ADJUSTED_TRANSACTION_ID => null        --passed as null as from UI
                                        ,p_CURRENCY_CODE           => l_currency_code
                                        ,p_CHANGE_AMOUNT           => l_po_line_Amount
                                        ,p_CHANGE_TYPE             => p_CHANGE_TYPE
                                        ,p_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION      => l_change_description
                                        ,p_CREATED_BY              => FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                                        ,p_CREATION_DATE           => trunc(sysdate)
                                        ,p_LAST_UPDATED_BY         => FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                                        ,p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE        => trunc(sysdate)
                                        ,p_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       => FND_GLOBAL.login_id
                                        ,p_ci_status               => null
                                        ,x_return_status           => x_return_status
                                        ,x_error_msg_code          => l_error_msg_code  );
Line: 1162

                raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;   --error while inserting the records raise
Line: 1205

                                   p_procedure_name  => 'update_impacts',
                                   p_error_text      => substrb(sqlerrm,1,240));
Line: 1238

  select project_id
  from pa_projects_all
  where segment1 = p_project_number;
Line: 1243

  select project_id
  from pa_projects_all
  where name = p_project_name;
Line: 1248

  select project_id
  from pa_projects_all
  where project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 1253

  select ci_type_class_code,
  from pa_ci_types_b
  where ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id;
Line: 1262

  select 'Y'
  from pa_ci_types_vl
  where ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
  and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_ci(p_ci_type_id, p_project_id)='T'
  and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate);
Line: 1439

            pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'Either the project type or role selected by you doesnt have privilge to create the control item';
Line: 1576

  select hp.party_id ,ppf.full_name
  from pa_project_parties party,
       pa_project_role_types rtype,
       hz_parties hp,
       per_all_people_f ppf
  where party.project_id = p_project_id
  and   party.project_role_id = rtype.project_role_id
  and   rtype.project_role_type = 'PROJECT MANAGER'
  and   party.resource_source_id = pa_project_parties_utils.get_project_manager(p_project_id)
  and   hp.orig_system_reference = 'PER:'||party.resource_source_id
  and   ppf.person_id = party.resource_source_id;
Line: 1590

  select  pstat.project_status_code, pstat.project_status_name, pstat.project_system_status_code
  pa_obj_status_lists obj,
  pa_status_lists list,
  pa_status_list_items item,
  pa_project_statuses pstat
  where obj.object_id = p_ci_type_id
  and   obj.status_list_id = list.status_list_id
  and   list.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
  and   sysdate between list.start_date_active and nvl(list.end_date_active,sysdate)
  and   list.status_list_id = item.status_list_id
  and   pstat.project_status_code = item.project_status_code
  and   pstat.project_system_status_code in ('CI_DRAFT','CI_WORKING')
  and   pstat.project_status_name = p_status; /*where clause on status name*/
Line: 1607

  select  pstat.project_status_code, pstat.project_status_name, pstat.project_system_status_code
  pa_obj_status_lists obj,
  pa_status_lists list,
  pa_status_list_items item,
  pa_project_statuses pstat
  where obj.object_id = p_ci_type_id
  and   obj.status_list_id = list.status_list_id
  and   list.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
  and   sysdate between list.start_date_active and nvl(list.end_date_active,sysdate)
  and   list.status_list_id = item.status_list_id
  and   pstat.project_status_code = item.project_status_code
  and   pstat.project_system_status_code in ('CI_DRAFT','CI_WORKING')
  and   pstat.project_status_code  = p_status_code; /*where clause on status code*/
Line: 1624

  select distinct resource_party_id,
  where party_type <> 'ORGANIZATION'
  and project_id = p_project_id
  and resource_party_id = p_owner_id;
Line: 1633

  select project_status_code
  from   pa_project_statuses
  (trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active, trunc(sysdate)) and nvl(end_date_active, trunc(sysdate)))
  and status_type = 'PROGRESS'
  and project_status_code = p_progress_status_code;
Line: 1642

  select cat.class_code_id code
  from   pa_class_codes cat
        ,pa_ci_types_b typ
  where (trunc(sysdate) between cat.start_date_active and nvl(cat.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate)))
  and typ.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
  and cat.class_category = typ.classification_category
  and cat.class_code_id = p_classification_code;
Line: 1652

  select cat.class_code_id code
     from   pa_class_codes cat
           ,pa_ci_types_b typ
     where (trunc(sysdate) between cat.start_date_active and nvl(cat.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate)))
     and typ.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
     and cat.class_category = typ.reason_category
     and cat.class_code_id = p_reason_code;
Line: 1662

  select proj_element_id
  where project_id = p_project_id
  and proj_element_id = p_object_id;
Line: 1673

  select 'Y'
  where party_type <> 'ORGANIZATION'
  and project_id = p_project_id
  and resource_party_id = p_closed_by_id  --validating the p_closed_by_id
  and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_proj_auth_ci(p_project_id, l_user_id, l_resp_id) = 'T'; --validating the project authority here.
Line: 1682

  select cat.class_code_id code
  from pa_class_codes cat
      ,pa_ci_types_b typ
  where (trunc(sysdate) between cat.start_date_active and nvl(cat.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate)))
  and typ.ci_type_id= p_ci_type_id
  and cat.class_category=typ.resolution_category
  and cat.class_code_id = p_resolution_code;
Line: 1692

  select lookup_code
  FROM   pa_lookups
        and  trunc(sysdate) < nvl(trunc(end_date_active), trunc(sysdate+1))
        and  enabled_flag = 'Y'
        and (trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, trunc(sysdate)))
        and lookup_code = p_priority_code;
Line: 1702

  select lookup_code
  FROM   pa_lookups
        and  trunc(sysdate) < nvl(trunc(end_date_active), trunc(sysdate+1))
        and  enabled_flag = 'Y'
        and (trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, trunc(sysdate)))
        and lookup_code = p_effort_level_code;
Line: 1712

  select currency_code
  from fnd_currencies_vl
  where enabled_flag = 'Y'
  and trunc(sysdate) between nvl(start_date_active,trunc(sysdate)) and nvl(end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
  and currency_code = p_price_currency_code;
Line: 1825

      /*l_status_code would always be CI_WORKING here and below select would always give CI_WORKING
      for project_system_status_code. So */
      select project_system_status_code
      into l_system_status_code
      from pa_project_statuses
      where project_status_code = l_status_code
      and status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM';
Line: 2144

    select projfunc_currency_code
    into l_price_currency_code
    from pa_projects_all
    where project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 2198

   select pa_control_items_s.nextval
   into l_ci_id
   from dual;
Line: 2282

      pa_control_items_pkg.insert_row (
                                            p_ci_type_id           =>  p_ci_type_id,
                                            p_summary              =>  l_summary,
                                            p_status_code          =>  l_status_code,
                                            p_owner_id             =>  l_owner_id,
                                            p_highlighted_flag     =>  p_highlighted_flag,
                                            p_progress_status_code =>  l_progress_status_code,
                                            p_progress_as_of_date  =>  nvl(p_progress_as_of_date,sysdate),
                                            p_classification_code  =>  l_classification_code,
                                            p_reason_code          =>  l_reason_code,
                                            p_project_id           =>  p_project_id,
                                            p_last_modified_by_id  =>  l_party_id,
                                            p_object_type          =>  p_object_type,
                                            p_object_id            =>  l_object_id,
                                            p_ci_number            =>  l_ci_number_char,
                                            p_date_required        =>  p_date_required,
                                            p_date_closed          =>  l_date_closed,
                                            p_closed_by_id         =>  l_closed_by_id,
                                            p_description          =>  l_description,
                                            p_status_overview      =>  p_status_overview,
                                            p_resolution           =>  l_resolution,
                                            p_resolution_code      =>  l_resolution_code,
                                            p_priority_code        =>  l_priority_code,
                                            p_effort_level_code    =>  l_effort_level_code,
                                            p_price                =>  l_price,
                                            p_price_currency_code  =>  l_price_currency_code,
                                            p_source_type_code     =>  l_source_type_code,
                                            p_source_comment       =>  l_source_comment,
                                            p_source_number        =>  l_source_number,
                                            p_source_date_received =>  l_source_date_received,
                                            p_source_organization  =>  l_source_organization,
                                            p_source_person        =>  l_source_person,
                                            p_attribute_category   =>  l_attribute_category,
                                            p_attribute1           =>  l_attribute1,
                                            p_attribute2           =>  l_attribute2,
                                            p_attribute3           =>  l_attribute3,
                                            p_attribute4           =>  l_attribute4,
                                            p_attribute5           =>  l_attribute5,
                                            p_attribute6           =>  l_attribute6,
                                            p_attribute7           =>  l_attribute7,
                                            p_attribute8           =>  l_attribute8,
                                            p_attribute9           =>  l_attribute9,
                                            p_attribute10          =>  l_attribute10,
                                            p_attribute11          =>  l_attribute11,
                                            p_attribute12          =>  l_attribute12,
                                            p_attribute13          =>  l_attribute13,
                                            p_attribute14          =>  l_attribute14,
                                            p_attribute15          =>  l_attribute15,
                                            px_ci_id               =>  l_ci_id,
                                            x_return_status        =>  x_return_status,
                                            x_msg_count            =>  x_msg_count,
                                            x_msg_data             =>  x_msg_data,
                                            p_orig_system_code     =>  p_orig_system_code,
                                            p_orig_system_reference=>  p_orig_system_reference
Line: 2434

select ci_id, project_id
from pa_control_items
where ci_id = p_ci_id;
Line: 2587

SELECT p.resource_type_id,
       l.meaning internal,
       pl.meaning person_type,
FROM pa_people_lov_v p,
     fnd_lookups l,
     pa_lookups pl
WHERE l.lookup_type='YES_NO'
  AND l.lookup_code=DECODE(p.resource_type_id, 101, 'Y', 'N')
  AND pl.lookup_type(+) = 'PA_PERSON_TYPE'
  AND pl.lookup_code(+) = p.person_type
  and ( p.object_type IS NULL OR (p.object_type='PA_PROJECTS' AND p.object_id = p_project_id))
  and p.party_id = p_assignee_id;
Line: 2740

is select lookup_code, meaning
   from pa_lookups
where lookup_type ='PA_CI_ACTION_TYPES'
and meaning = p_action_type_code;
Line: 2746

select ci_action_id, status_code
from pa_ci_actions
where source_ci_action_id = p_action_id;
Line: 2753

select project_status_code
      from pa_project_statuses
      where status_type = 'CI_ACTION'
      and project_status_name = p_action_status;
Line: 2760

select pps.project_system_status_code
from pa_project_statuses pps,
     pa_control_items pci
where pps.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
and pps.project_status_code = pci.status_code
and pci.ci_id = p_ci_id;
Line: 2821

             /*Validate the action_type_code. It can be one of update or review*/
             if(l_action_tbl(i).action_type_code is not null) then
                 open chk_act_typ_code(l_action_tbl(i).action_type_code);
Line: 3088

  select record_version_number
  from pa_control_items
  where ci_id = p_ci_id;
Line: 3145

              pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'calling insert row to create the action';
Line: 3149

         /*insert row in pa_ci_actions*/
                        p_ci_action_id             => l_ci_action_id,  -- this is out paramter
                        p_ci_id                    => p_ci_id,
                        p_ci_action_number         => l_action_number,
                        p_status_code              => p_action_tbl(i).action_status,
                        p_type_code                => p_action_tbl(i).action_type_code,
                        p_assigned_to              => p_action_tbl(i).assignee_id,
                        p_date_required            => p_action_tbl(i).date_required,
                        p_sign_off_required_flag   => p_action_tbl(i).sign_off_requested_flag,
                        p_date_closed              => p_action_tbl(i).closed_date,
                        p_sign_off_flag            => p_action_tbl(i).signed_off,
                        p_source_ci_action_id      => p_action_tbl(i).source_ci_action_id,
                        p_last_updated_by          => fnd_global.user_id,
                        p_created_by               => fnd_global.user_id,
                        p_creation_date            => sysdate,
                        p_last_update_date         => sysdate,
                        p_last_update_login        => fnd_global.login_id, --this shd not be user_id.
                        p_record_version_number    => 1);
Line: 3173

       /*set the type_code for the pa_ci_comments table before inserting comment in it*/
       if(p_action_tbl(i).action_status = 'CI_ACTION_CLOSED' or p_action_tbl(i).action_status = 'CI_ACTION_CANCELED') then
          l_type_code := 'CLOSURE';
Line: 3181

              pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Inserting the comment for the action.';
Line: 3186

                p_ci_comment_id             => l_ci_comment_id,
                p_ci_id                     => p_ci_id,
                p_type_code                 => l_type_code,
                p_comment_text              => p_action_tbl(i).request_text,
                p_last_updated_by           => fnd_global.user_id,
                p_created_by                => fnd_global.user_id,
                p_creation_date             => sysdate,
                p_last_update_date          => sysdate,
                p_last_update_login         => fnd_global.login_id, --this shd not be user_id
                p_ci_action_id              => l_ci_action_id);
Line: 3203

         /*now update the number of actions in pa_control_items_table   */
         if(p_action_tbl(i).action_status = 'CI_ACTION_OPEN') then
            l_num_open_action := l_num_open_action + 1;
Line: 3208

/*         pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (
                            p_ci_id                     => p_ci_id,
                            p_num_of_actions            => 1,
                            p_record_version_number     => l_ci_record_version_number,
                            x_num_of_actions            => l_num_of_actions,
                            x_return_status             => x_return_status,
                            x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);*/
Line: 3222

              pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'calling insert row to create the action';
Line: 3272

         pa_control_items_pvt.update_number_of_actions (
                            p_ci_id                     => p_ci_id,
                            p_num_of_actions            => l_num_open_action,
                            p_record_version_number     => l_ci_record_version_number,
                            x_num_of_actions            => l_num_of_actions,
                            x_return_status             => x_return_status,
                            x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
Line: 3341

select pca.ci_action_id, pca.assigned_to, pci.project_id
from pa_ci_actions pca,
     pa_control_items pci
where pca.ci_id = p_ci_id
and   pca.ci_action_number = p_action_number
and   pci.ci_id = p_ci_id;
Line: 3350

select pca.ci_action_id, pca.assigned_to, pci.project_id
from pa_ci_actions pca,
     pa_control_items pci
where pca.ci_action_id = p_action_id
and   pci.ci_id = pca.ci_id;
Line: 3521

Procedure Delete_CI (
                        p_Commit                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
                        , p_Init_Msg_List       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
                        , p_Api_Version_Number  IN NUMBER
                        , p_Ci_Id               IN NUMBER
                        , x_Return_Status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                        , x_Msg_Count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                        , x_Msg_Data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
        -- Local Variables.
        l_StatusCode            VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 3538

        l_DeleteAllowed         VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 3549

	l_module_name :=  'Delete_CI' || g_module_name;
Line: 3552

		  pa_debug.set_curr_function(p_function => 'pa_control_api_pub.Delete_CI', p_debug_mode => l_debug_mode);
Line: 3556

		  pa_debug.write(l_module_name, 'start of Delete_CI', l_debug_level3);
Line: 3636

                l_DeleteAllowed := PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_UTILS.CheckCIActionAllowed ('CONTROL_ITEM', l_StatusCode, 'CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_DELETE', p_Ci_Id);
Line: 3637

                IF (l_ViewAccess = 'T' AND l_DeleteAllowed = 'Y') THEN
			if (l_debug_mode = 'Y') then
				pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Before Calling PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_PUB.Delete_Control_Item';
Line: 3642

                        PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_PUB.Delete_Control_Item (
                                                p_Api_Version                   => p_Api_Version_Number
                                                , p_Init_Msg_List               => 'F'
                                                , p_Commit                      => p_Commit
                                                , p_Validate_Only               => 'F'
                                                , p_Ci_Id                       => p_Ci_Id
                                                , p_Record_Version_Number       => l_RecordVersionNumber
                                                , x_Return_Status               => x_Return_Status
                                                , x_Msg_Count                   => x_Msg_Count
                                                , x_Msg_Data                    => x_Msg_Data
Line: 3660

                                        , p_Msg_Name => 'PA_CI_NO_ALLOW_DELETE'
Line: 3663

					pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'User does  not have the privilege to delete this Control Item';
Line: 3669

                        IF (l_DeleteAllowed <> 'Y') THEN
                                -- Add message to the Error Stack that this Control Item
                                -- cannot be deleted in its present status.
                                PA_UTILS.Add_Message (
                                        p_App_Short_Name => 'PA'
                                        , p_Msg_Name => 'PA_CI_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED'
Line: 3677

					pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'This control item cannot be deleted in its present status';
Line: 3745

                        p_Procedure_Name => 'Delete_CI',
                        p_Error_Text     => SUBSTRB (sqlerrm, 1, 240)
Line: 3761

END Delete_CI;