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APPS.AME_ATU_BUS dependencies on AME_UTIL2

Line 862: select ame_util2.specialObject

858: fnd_message.raise_error;
859: end if;
860: end if;
861: begin
862: select ame_util2.specialObject
863: into l_object
864: from ame_attributes
865: where attribute_id = p_attribute_id
866: and name in (ame_util.jobLevelStartingPointAttribute

Line 876: l_object := ame_util2.attributeObject;

872: )
873: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);
874: exception
875: when no_data_found then
876: l_object := ame_util2.attributeObject;
877: end;
878: l_valid := ame_utility_pkg.validate_query(p_query_string => p_query_string
879: ,p_columns => l_columns
880: ,p_object => l_object