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1 package ad_conc_session_locks AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: adcslcks.pls 115.2 2004/02/05 15:17:06 pzanwar ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Procedure
5 --   get_admin_lock
6 --
7 -- Purpose
8 --   Lock the DB admin objects used in ad_concurrent_sessions
9 -- Usage
10 --
11 --
12 --
13 procedure get_admin_lock(status out nocopy number);
16 --
17 -- Procedure
18 --   get_admin_lock
19 --
20 -- Purpose
21 --   Lock the DB admin objects used in ad_concurrent_sessions with timeout
22 -- Usage
23 --
24 --
25 --
26 procedure get_admin_lock_with_timeout(status out nocopy number,
27                                       timeout_period in integer);
28 --
29 --
30 --
31 --
32 -- Procedure
33 --   release_admin_lock
34 --
35 -- Purpose
36 --   Release the DB admin objects used in ad_concurrent_sessions
37 -- Usage
38 --
39 --
40 --
41 procedure release_admin_lock(status out nocopy number);
43 --
44 --
45 --
46 procedure  reset_session_info(sess_id in number,
47                               process_id number ,
48                               appltop_path in varchar2,
49                               node_name in varchar2,
50                               inactive_flag out nocopy varchar2,
51                               p_invokdir in varchar2);
52 --
53 --
54 --
55 procedure  set_session_info(sess_id    in number  ,process_id    in number,
56                             utility_nm in varchar2,appltop_id    in number,
57                             priority_value in number,osuser_name in varchar2,
58                             invokedir in varchar2, appltop_path in varchar2,
59                             node_name in varchar2, p_topdir in varchar2);
60 --
61 --
62 procedure  deactivate_session_row(sess_id in number,
63                                   get_lock_with_timeout in number,
64                                   row_count out nocopy number);
65 --
66 --
69 type conflict_sessions_t is table of number index by binary_integer;
72 -- Procedure
73 --     check_compatibility_with_fifo
74 -- Arguments
75 --     1) session_id
76 --     2) x_conflict_session_ids - Out parameter
77 --                                 List of conflict session ids.
78 --     3) error_code             - Out parameter
79 --            0                  --> Success
80 --            BASE_ERROR + 1     --> Invalid Argument
81 --            BASE_ERROR + 2     --> Unhandled exception
82 -- Purpose
83 --     This procedures does compatibility checks in DB. It checks set
84 --     of locks requested can be acquired (together) or not. It also
85 --     forces FIFO algorithm amoung same priority sessions
86 -- Notes
88 procedure check_compatibility_with_fifo (session_id in number,
89                                          x_conflict_session_ids out
90                                          nocopy conflict_sessions_t,
91                                          error_code out nocopy number);
93 -- Procedure
94 --     check_compatibility
95 -- Arguments
96 --     1) session_id
97 --     2) x_conflict_session_ids - Out parameter
98 --                                 List of conflict session ids.
99 --     3) error_code             - Out parameter
100 --            0                  --> Success
101 --            BASE_ERROR + 1     --> Invalid Argument
102 --            BASE_ERROR + 2     --> Unhandled exception
103 -- Purpose
104 --     This procedures does compatibility checks in DB. It checks set
105 --     of locks requested can be acquired (together) or not.
106 -- Notes
108 procedure check_compatibility  (session_id in number,
109                                 x_conflict_session_ids out
110                                 nocopy conflict_sessions_t,
111                                 error_code out nocopy number);
113 -- Procedure
114 --     do_deadlock_detection
115 -- Arguments
116 --     1) root_session_id
117 --     2) error_code          -   Out parameter
118 --             0              --> Success
119 --             BASE_ERROR + 1 --> Deadlock detected, abort (caller is
120 --                                the least priority process in the list
121 --                                of process that caused the deadlock)
122 --             BASE_ERROR + 2 --> Deadlock detected, continue (caller is
123 --                                not the least priority process)
124 --             BASE_ERROR + 3 --> No conflicting sessions found for root
125 --                                session id.
126 --             BASE_ERROR + 4 --> Invalid Argument
127 --             BASE_ERROR + 5 --> check_compatibility  failed
128 --             BASE_ERROR + 6 --> Reading ad_sessions failed
129 --             BASE_ERROR + 7 --> Unhandled exception
130 --             BASE_ERROR + 8 --> Logic error,tree nodes are not proper
131 -- Purpose
132 --     Deadlocks are detected in this procedure. See the various return
133 --     values (above) for exact functionality.
134 -- Notes
136 procedure do_deadlock_detection(root_session_id in number,
137                                 error_code out nocopy number);
139 -- Procedure
140 --     acquire_promote_db_locks
141 -- Arguments
142 --     1) session_id
143 --     2) stage_code
144 --     3) acquire_admin_flag  -   If this flag is set to 1,ADMIN lock is
145 --                                acquired at the beginning.
146 --                                Otherwise, it is assumed that caller
147 --                                has already acquired the lock.
148 --     4) release_admin_flag  -   If this flag is set to 1,ADMIN lock is
149 --                                released at the end.
150 --                                Otherwise, it is assumed that caller
151 --                                will release the lock later. (this
152 --                                procedure retains ADMIN lock, only if
153 --                                the return status is success)
154 --     5) error_code          -   Out parameter
155 --            0               --> Success
156 --            BASE_ERROR + 1  --> This stage is already done.
157 --            BASE_ERROR + 2  --> Deadlock detected, abort (caller is
158 --                                the least priority process in the list
159 --                                of processes that caused the deadlock)
160 --            BASE_ERROR + 3  --> Invalid argument.
161 --            BASE_ERROR + 4  --> Lock rows are not prestaged.
162 --            BASE_ERROR + 5  --> Inconsistency state (some of the lock
163 --                                rows have done_flag='Y' and others
164 --                                have done_flag='N')
165 --                                It shouldn't happen.
166 --            BASE_ERROR + 6  --> Exception,reading ad_planned_res_lock
167 --            BASE_ERROR + 7  --> Exception, reading ad_sessions.
168 --            BASE_ERROR + 8  --> Exception, inserting row in
169 --                                ad_working_res_locks.
170 --            BASE_ERROR + 9  --> Exception updating ad_sessions.
171 --            BASE_ERROR + 10 --> Error, do_compatibility check failed
172 --            BASE_ERROR + 11 --> Stage_code = 'ACQUIRE_HELD' and
173 --                                compatibility check -> incompatibility
174 --            BASE_ERROR + 12 --> Exception, updating ad_sessions,
175 --                                ad_working_res_locks
176 --            BASE_ERROR + 13 --> Exception, reading ad_sessions
177 --            BASE_ERROR + 14 --> Adctrl says to quit
178 --            BASE_ERROR + 15 --> Exception, updating ad_sessions,
179 --                                ad_working_res_locks
180 --            BASE_ERROR + 16 --> Error calling do_deadlock_detection.
181 --            BASE_ERROR + 17 --> Exception, updating ad_sessions.
182 --            BASE_ERROR + 18 --> Exception, updating ad_sessions,
183 --                                ad_working_res_locks
184 --            BASE_ERROR + 19 --> Exception, updating ad_sessions,
185 --                                ad_working_res_locks
186 --            BASE_ERROR + 20 --> Unhandled exception
187 --            BASE_ERROR + 21 --> Error, Current Mode = X and Requested
188 --                                mode = S in Promotion
189 --            BASE_ERROR + 22 --> Error, Locks need to be promoted is
190 --                                not at all held.
191 --            BASE_ERROR + 23 --> Error, reading ad_essions
192 --            BASE_ERROR + 24 --> Special return value, Acquire lock
193 --                                loop exhausted
194 --     6) warning_code        -   Out parameter
195 --             0              --> No warning
196 --             1              --> ADMIN db lock is held already by this
197 --                                connection. But an attempt is made to
198 --                                acquire once again.
199 --             2              --> ADMIN db lock is not at all held. But
200 --                                an attempt is made to release it.
201 --     7) error_message       -   Out parameter
202 --                            -   SQL errors are returned to the caller
203 --                                using this variable.
204 -- Purpose
205 --     This procedures acquires and promotes locks for a stage (of a
206 --     session_id). This API also handles a special stage "ACQUIRE_HELD"
207 --     differently. In this special stage, this API simply tries to
208 --     reacquire all already held locks.
209 -- Notes
212 procedure acquire_promote_db_locks (session_id in number,
213                                     stage_code in varchar2,
214                                     acquire_admin_flag in number,
215                                     release_admin_flag in number,
216                                     sleep_duration_in_ms in number,
217                                     try_again_flag in number,
218                                     error_code out nocopy number,
219                                     warning_code out nocopy number,
220                                     error_message out nocopy varchar2);
221 -- Procedure
222 --     release_demote_db_locks
223 -- Arguments
224 --     1) session_id
225 --     2) stage_code
226 --     3) acquire_admin_flag  -   If this flag is set to 1,ADMIN lock is
227 --                                acquired at the beginning.
228 --                                Otherwise, it is assumed that caller
229 --                                has already acquired the lock.
230 --     4) release_admin_flag  -   If this flag is set to 1,ADMIN lock is
231 --                                released at the end.
232 --                                Otherwise, it is assumed that caller
233 --                                will release the lock later. (this
234 --                                procedure retains ADMIN lock, only if
235 --                                the return status is success)
236 --     4) error_code          -   Out parameter
237 --            0               --> Success
238 --            BASE_ERROR + 1  --> This stage is already done.
239 --            BASE_ERROR + 2  --> Invalid argument.
240 --            BASE_ERROR + 3  --> Exception,reading ad_planned_res_locks
241 --            BASE_ERROR + 4  --> Inconsistency state (some of the lock
242 --                                rows have done_flag='Y' and others
243 --                                have done_flag='N')
244 --                                It shouldn't happen.
245 --            BASE_ERROR + 5  --> Exception,reading ad_planned_res_locks
246 --            BASE_ERROR + 6  --> Unhandled exception
247 --            BASE_ERROR + 7  --> Lock rows are not prestaged.
248 --            BASE_ERROR + 8  --> Data error.Demote to 'X' is not valid
249 --            BASE_ERROR + 9  --> Error, Locks need to be promoted is
250 --                                not at all held.
251 --     5) warning_code        -   Out parameter
255 --                                acquire once again.
252 --             0              --> No warning
253 --             1              --> ADMIN db lock is held already by this
254 --                                connection. But an attempt is made to
256 --             2              --> ADMIN db lock is not at all held. But
257 --                                an attempt is made to release it.
258 --     6) error_message       -   Out parameter
259 --                            -   SQL errors are returned to the caller
260 --                                using this variable.
261 -- Purpose
262 --     This procedure releases and demotes locks for a stage.
263 -- Notes
265 procedure release_demote_db_locks (session_id in number,
266                                    stage_code in varchar2,
267                                    acquire_admin_flag in number,
268                                    release_admin_flag in number,
269                                    error_code out nocopy number,
270                                    warning_code out nocopy number,
271                                    error_message out nocopy varchar2);
274 procedure set_task_completed(p_session_id        in number ,
275                              p_task_id           in number ,
276                              p_completion_status in varchar2,
277                              p_end_stage_cd      in varchar2,
278                              p_begin_stage_cd    in varchar2);
281 procedure mv_sessinfo_to_history(p_sess_id in number,
282                                  p_complete_status in varchar2,
283                                  p_error_code out nocopy number);
286 end ad_conc_session_locks;