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Line 144: bom_inventory_components_s.nextval,

140: UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface ori
141: SET transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval,
142: transaction_type = upper(transaction_type),
143: bill_sequence_id = decode(upper(transaction_type), G_Insert,
144: bom_inventory_components_s.nextval,
145: bill_sequence_id)
146: WHERE transaction_id is null
147: AND upper(transaction_type) in (G_Insert, G_Update, G_Delete)
148: AND process_flag = 1

Line 1409: FROM bom_inventory_components bic

1406: stmt_num := 5;
1407: SELECT count(*)
1408: INTO cnt
1409: FROM bom_inventory_components bic
1410: WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id
1411: AND not exists
1412: (SELECT 'x'
1413: FROM mtl_system_items s

Line 1460: FROM bom_inventory_components bic,

1456: stmt_num := 6;
1457: IF (org_id <> cmn_org_id) THEN /* Comp and sub comp in production */
1458: SELECT count(*)
1459: INTO cnt
1460: FROM bom_inventory_components bic,
1461: bom_substitute_components bsc
1462: WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id
1463: AND bic.component_sequence_id = bsc.component_sequence_id
1464: AND bsc.substitute_component_id not in