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1 PACKAGE BODY csf_resource_address_pvt AS
2   /* $Header: CSFVADRB.pls 120.13.12010000.7 2008/11/18 08:44:51 ppillai ship $ */
4   g_debug         VARCHAR2(1);
5   g_debug_level   NUMBER;
7   g_emp_res_query CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1500) :=
8     ' SELECT p.party_id
9            , s.party_site_id
10            , l.location_id
11            , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
12            , l.address1 street
13            , l.postal_code
14            , l.city
15            , l.state
16            , l.country
17            , t.territory_short_name
18            , l.geometry
19            , s.start_date_active
20            , s.end_date_active
21         FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl r
22            , per_people_f pf
23            , hz_parties p
24            , hz_party_sites s
25            , hz_locations l
26            , fnd_territories_vl t
27        WHERE r.resource_id = :resource_id
28          AND pf.person_id = r.source_id
29          AND pf.party_id = p.party_id (+)
30          AND p.party_id = s.party_id (+)
31          AND NVL(s.status, ''A'') = ''A''
32          AND s.location_id = l.location_id (+)
33          AND l.country = t.territory_code(+)
34        ORDER BY s.party_site_id NULLS LAST, s.last_update_date DESC';
36   g_party_res_query CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1500) :=
37     ' SELECT r.source_id party_id
38            , s.party_site_id
39            , l.location_id
40            , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
41            , l.address1 street
42            , l.postal_code
43            , l.city
44            , l.state
45            , l.country
46            , t.territory_short_name
47            , l.geometry
48            , s.start_date_active
49            , s.end_date_active
50         FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl r
51            , hz_party_sites s
52            , hz_locations l
53            , fnd_territories_vl t
54        WHERE r.resource_id = :resource_id
55          AND r.source_id = s.party_id (+)
56          AND NVL(s.status, ''A'') = ''A''
57          AND s.location_id = l.location_id (+)
58          AND l.country = t.territory_code(+)
59        ORDER BY s.party_site_id NULLS LAST, s.last_update_date DESC';
61   g_other_res_query CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1000) :=
62     ' SELECT p.party_id
63            , s.party_site_id
64            , l.location_id
65            , SUBSTR(l.short_description, INSTR(l.short_description, '' '', -1) + 1) address_id
66            , l.address1 street
67            , l.postal_code
68            , l.city
69            , l.state
70            , l.country
71            , t.territory_short_name
72            , l.geometry
73            , s.start_date_active
74            , s.end_date_active
75         FROM hz_parties p
76            , hz_party_sites s
77            , hz_locations l
78            , fnd_territories_vl t
79        WHERE p.person_last_name  = :res_type_id_string
80          AND p.person_first_name = :dep_arr_party_name
81          AND s.party_id          = p.party_id
82          AND l.location_id       = s.location_id
83          AND l.country           = t.territory_code
84        ORDER BY s.last_update_date DESC';
88   PROCEDURE init_package IS
89   BEGIN
90     g_debug       := NVL(fnd_profile.value('AFLOG_ENABLED'), 'N');
91     g_debug_level := NVL(fnd_profile.value('AFLOG_LEVEL'), fnd_log.level_event);
92   END init_package;
94   PROCEDURE debug(p_message VARCHAR2, p_module VARCHAR2, p_level NUMBER) IS
95   BEGIN
96     IF g_debug = 'Y' AND p_level >= g_debug_level THEN
97       IF fnd_file.log > 0 THEN
98         IF p_message = ' ' THEN
99           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '');
100         ELSE
101           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, rpad(p_module, 20) || ': ' || p_message);
102         END IF;
103       ELSE
104         fnd_log.string(p_level, 'csf.plsql.CSF_RESOURCE_ADDRESS_PVT.' || p_module, p_message);
105       END IF;
106     END IF;
107     --dbms_output.put_line(rpad(p_module, 20) || ': ' || p_message);
108   END debug;
110   /**
111     * Finds out whether the passed value is a Number or not.
112     */
113   FUNCTION is_number(p_num_char IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
114     n NUMBER;
115   BEGIN
116     IF p_num_char IS NULL THEN
117       RETURN FALSE;
118     END IF;
119     n  := to_number(p_num_char);
120     RETURN TRUE;
123       RETURN FALSE;
124   END is_number;
126   /**
127    * This function finds out whether the first word is a Building Number or not.
128    * This is called if Address Line 2, 3 or 4 is also filled apart from Address Line 1.
129    * The logic followed is exactly as given in BuildingNum.isBuildingNumber (BuildingNum.java).
130    */
131   FUNCTION is_address_line_valid(p_address_line IN VARCHAR2, p_country_code VARCHAR2)
133     l_address_line  hz_locations.address1%TYPE;
134     l_first_word    hz_locations.address1%TYPE;
135     l_count_words   NUMBER;
136     l_sep_index     NUMBER;
137   BEGIN
138     l_address_line := trim(p_address_line);
140     -- Trim off multiple spaces inbetween
141     WHILE INSTR(l_address_line, '  ') <> 0 LOOP
142       l_address_line := REPLACE(l_address_line, '  ', ' ');
143     END LOOP;
145     -- Count the number of words
146     l_count_words := LENGTH(l_address_line) - LENGTH(REPLACE(l_address_line, ' ')) + 1;
148     IF p_country_code = 'US' THEN
149       IF l_count_words > 1 THEN
150         l_first_word  := SUBSTR(l_address_line, 1, INSTR(l_address_line, ' ')-1);
152         -- Building Number in Numeric Format
153         IF is_number(l_first_word) THEN
154           RETURN TRUE;
155         END IF;
157         IF LENGTH(l_first_word) = 1 THEN   -- One Letter word and not a number
158           RETURN FALSE;
159         END IF;
161         -- Xnum Format
162         IF is_number(SUBSTR(l_first_word, 2)) THEN
163           RETURN TRUE;
164         END IF;
166         -- numX Format
167         IF is_number(SUBSTR(l_first_word, 1, LENGTH(l_first_word) - 1)) THEN
168           RETURN TRUE;
169         END IF;
171         -- numXnum or XnumXnum Format
172         IF NOT is_number(SUBSTR(l_first_word, 1, 1)) THEN   -- XnumXnum Format
173           l_first_word  := SUBSTR(l_first_word, 2); -- Becomes numXnum Format
174         END IF;
176         l_sep_index   := INSTR(
177                            l_first_word
178                          , REPLACE(TRANSLATE(l_first_word, '0123456789', '0'), '0')
179                          );
181         -- Since the First Character is already removed, the first character
182         -- shouldnt be an alphabet Similarly last shouldnt be a character
183         IF l_sep_index = 1 OR l_sep_index = LENGTH(l_first_word) THEN
184           RETURN FALSE;
185         END IF;
187         l_first_word  :=    SUBSTR(l_first_word, 1, l_sep_index - 1)
188                          || SUBSTR(l_first_word, l_sep_index + 1);
190         IF is_number(l_first_word) THEN
191           RETURN TRUE;
192         END IF;
193       END IF;
194     END IF;
197   END is_address_line_valid;
199   FUNCTION choose_address_line(
200     p_address1         IN        VARCHAR2
201   , p_address2         IN        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
202   , p_address3         IN        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
203   , p_address4         IN        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
204   , p_country_code     IN        VARCHAR2
206   BEGIN
207     IF NVL(p_address4, '_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address4, p_country_code) THEN
208       RETURN p_address4;
209     ELSIF NVL(p_address3, '_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address3, p_country_code) THEN
210       RETURN p_address3;
211     ELSIF NVL(p_address2, '_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address2, p_country_code) THEN
212       RETURN p_address2;
213     ELSE
214       RETURN p_address1;
215     END IF;
216   END choose_address_line;
218   PROCEDURE resolve_address(
219     p_api_version       IN        NUMBER
220   , p_init_msg_list     IN        VARCHAR2
221   , p_commit            IN        VARCHAR2
222   , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
223   , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
224   , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
225   , p_location_id       IN        NUMBER
226   , p_building_num      IN        VARCHAR2
227   , p_address1          IN        VARCHAR2
228   , p_address2          IN        VARCHAR2
229   , p_address3          IN        VARCHAR2
230   , p_address4          IN        VARCHAR2
231   , p_city              IN        VARCHAR2
232   , p_state             IN        VARCHAR2
233   , p_postalcode        IN        VARCHAR2
234   , p_county            IN        VARCHAR2
235   , p_province          IN        VARCHAR2
236   , p_country           IN        VARCHAR2
237   , p_country_code      IN        VARCHAR2
238   , p_alternate         IN        VARCHAR2
239   , p_update_address    IN        VARCHAR2
240   , x_geometry         OUT NOCOPY mdsys.sdo_geometry
241   ) IS
242     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'RESOLVE_ADDRESS';
243     l_api_version  CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
244     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
246     l_resultarray         csf_lf_pub.csf_lf_resultarray;
247     l_update_addr         BOOLEAN;
248     l_update_geo          BOOLEAN;
249     l_call_lf             BOOLEAN;
250     l_roadname            hz_locations.address1%TYPE;
251     l_location_ovn        NUMBER;
252     l_location_rec        hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type;
253     l_road                VARCHAR2(200);
255     CURSOR c_location_locking_info IS
256       SELECT object_version_number
258         WHERE LOCATION_ID = p_location_id;
260   BEGIN
261     SAVEPOINT resolve_address_pub;
263     -- Check for API Compatibility
264     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
265       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
266     END IF;
268     -- Initialize Message Stack if required
269     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
270       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
271     END IF;
273     -- Initialize Return Status
274     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
276     IF l_debug THEN
277       debug('Resolving the Address corresponding to Location #' || p_location_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
278       debug('  --> Address1     = ' || p_address1, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
279       debug('  --> City         = ' || p_city, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
280       debug('  --> State        = ' || p_state, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
281       debug('  --> Zip          = ' || p_postalcode, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
282       debug('  --> Country      = ' || p_country, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
283       debug('  --> Country Code = ' || p_country_code, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
284       debug('  --> Update Addr  = ' || p_update_address, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
285     END IF;
287     l_update_addr := NVL(fnd_api.to_boolean(p_update_address), FALSE);
288     l_update_geo  := FALSE;
290     -- Location Finder Profiles. Check whether Resolve Address needs to be called.
291     IF l_debug THEN
292       debug('CSF: Location Finder Installed = ' || fnd_profile.VALUE('CSF_LF_INSTALLED'), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
293       debug('CSR: Create Location           = ' || fnd_profile.VALUE('CREATELOCATION'), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
294     END IF;
296     l_call_lf :=     (NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('CSF_LF_INSTALLED'),'N') = 'Y')
297                  AND (NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('CREATELOCATION'),'N') = 'Y');
299     IF l_call_lf THEN
300       IF NVL(p_address4,'_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address4, p_country_code) THEN
301         l_roadname := p_address4;
302       ELSIF NVL(p_address3,'_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address3, p_country_code) THEN
303         l_roadname := p_address3;
304       ELSIF NVL(p_address2,'_') <> '_' AND is_address_line_valid(p_address2, p_country_code) THEN
305         l_roadname := p_address2;
306       ELSE
307         l_roadname := p_address1;
308       END IF;
310       csf_lf_pub.csf_lf_resolveaddress(
311         p_api_version                => l_api_version
312       , x_return_status              => x_return_status
313       , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
314       , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
315       , p_country                    => NVL(p_country, '_')
316       , p_state                      => NVL(p_state, '_')
317       , p_county                     => NVL(p_county, '_')
318       , p_province                   => NVL(p_province, '_')
319       , p_city                       => NVL(p_city, '_')
320       , p_postalcode                 => NVL(p_postalcode, '_')
321       , p_roadname                   => NVL(l_roadname, '_')
322       , p_buildingnum                => NVL(p_building_num, '_')
323       , p_alternate                  => NVL(l_roadname, '_')
324       , x_resultsarray               => l_resultarray
325       );
327       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
328         IF l_debug THEN
329           fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
330           debug('CSF_LF_PUB.RESOLVE returned error: Error = ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
331         END IF;
332         IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
333           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
334         END IF;
335         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
336       END IF;
338       IF (l_resultarray IS NULL OR l_resultarray.COUNT > 1) THEN
339         IF l_debug THEN
340           debug('CSF_LF_PUB.RESOLVE didnt return proper result.. So Error', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
341         END IF;
342         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
343       END IF;
345       x_geometry   := l_resultarray(1).locus;
346       l_update_geo := TRUE;
347       l_update_addr:= TRUE;
348       IF(l_resultarray(1).buildingnum = '_') THEN
349         l_road       := initcap(l_resultarray(1).road);
350       ELSE
351         l_road       := l_resultarray(1).buildingnum || ' ' || initcap(l_resultarray(1).road);
352       END IF;
354       IF l_debug THEN
355         debug('  --> Longitude = ' || x_geometry.sdo_ordinates(1), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
356         debug('  --> Latitude  = ' || x_geometry.sdo_ordinates(2), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
357         debug('  --> Segment   = ' || x_geometry.sdo_ordinates(5), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
358       END IF;
359     END IF;
362     IF l_update_addr THEN
366          IF l_debug THEN
363       --l_location_rec.address1 := p_address1;
364       IF p_address1 = l_roadname THEN
365         l_location_rec.address1 := l_road;
367            debug('Considering the address1 for resolving street. Modified address1 = ' || l_location_rec.address1, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
368          END IF;
369       ELSIF p_address2 = l_roadname THEN
370         l_location_rec.address2 := l_road;
371          IF l_debug THEN
372            debug('Considering the address2 for resolving street. Modified address2 = ' || l_location_rec.address2, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
373          END IF;
374       ELSIF p_address3 = l_roadname THEN
375         l_location_rec.address3 := l_road;
376           IF l_debug THEN
377            debug('Considering the address3 for resolving street. Modified address3 = ' || l_location_rec.address3, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
378          END IF;
379       ELSIF p_address4 = l_roadname THEN
380         l_location_rec.address4 := l_road;
381         IF l_debug THEN
382            debug('Considering the address4 for resolving street. Modified address4 = ' || l_location_rec.address4, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
383          END IF;
384       END IF;
385      IF p_city = '_' THEN
386         l_location_rec.city := '';
387       ELSE
388         l_location_rec.city := p_city;
389       END IF;
391       IF p_state = '_' THEN
392         l_location_rec.state := '';
393       ELSE
394 		l_location_rec.state := p_state;
395       END IF;
397       IF p_postalcode = '_' THEN
398         l_location_rec.postal_code := '';
399       ELSE
400         l_location_rec.postal_code := p_postalcode;
401       END IF;
403       l_location_rec.country := p_country_code;
404     END IF;
406     IF l_update_geo THEN
407       l_location_rec.geometry  := x_geometry;
408     END IF;
410     IF l_update_addr OR l_update_geo THEN
411       IF l_debug THEN
412         debug('Updating Address ', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
413       END IF;
415       l_location_rec.location_id := p_location_id;
416       l_location_rec.created_by_module := null;
418       OPEN c_location_locking_info;
419       FETCH c_location_locking_info INTO l_location_ovn;
420       CLOSE c_location_locking_info;
422       -- Updating the location record (it updates both hz_parties and
423       -- hz_locations)
424       hz_location_v2pub.update_location(
425         p_location_rec => l_location_rec
426       , p_object_version_number => l_location_ovn
427       , x_return_status => x_return_status
428       , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
429       , x_msg_data => x_msg_data );
431     END IF;
433     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit) THEN
434       COMMIT;
435     END IF;
438     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
439       IF l_debug THEN
440         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
441         debug('Expected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
442       END IF;
444       ROLLBACK TO resolve_address_pub;
445       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
446       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
447     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
448       IF l_debug THEN
449         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
450         debug('Unexpected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
451       END IF;
453       ROLLBACK TO resolve_address_pub;
454       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
455       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
457       IF l_debug THEN
458         debug('Exception: SQLCODE = ' || SQLCODE || ' : SQLERRM = ' || SQLERRM, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
459       END IF;
461       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
462       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
463         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
464       END IF;
465       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
466       ROLLBACK TO resolve_address_pub;
467   END resolve_address;
469   FUNCTION are_addresses_equal(
470     p_address1 address_rec_type
471   , p_address2 address_rec_type
472   )
474     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'ARE_ADDRESSES_EQUAL';
475     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
476   BEGIN
477     IF l_debug THEN
478       debug('Checking for the Equality of two addresses', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
479       debug('Address#1', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
480       debug('  --> Street  : ' || p_address1.street, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
481       debug('  --> City    : ' || p_address1.city, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
482       debug('  --> State   : ' || p_address1.state, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
483       debug('  --> Zip     : ' || p_address1.postal_code, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
484       debug('  --> Country : ' || p_address1.country, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
485       debug('  --> Terr SN : ' || p_address1.territory_short_name, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
486       debug('Address#2', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
490       debug('  --> Zip     : ' || p_address2.postal_code, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
487       debug('  --> Street  : ' || p_address2.street, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
488       debug('  --> City    : ' || p_address2.city, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
489       debug('  --> State   : ' || p_address2.state, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
491       debug('  --> Country : ' || p_address2.country, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
492       debug('  --> Terr SN : ' || p_address2.territory_short_name, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
493     END IF;
495     IF NVL(UPPER(p_address1.street), '@#$') <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.street), '@#$') THEN
496       RETURN FALSE;
497     END IF;
499     IF NVL(p_address1.postal_code, '@#$') <> NVL(p_address2.postal_code, '@#$') THEN
500       RETURN FALSE;
501     END IF;
503     IF NVL(UPPER(p_address1.city), '@#$') <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.city), '@#$') THEN
504       RETURN FALSE;
505     END IF;
507     IF NVL(UPPER(p_address1.state), '@#$') <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.state), '@#$') THEN
508       RETURN FALSE;
509     END IF;
511     -- Value of country might be in Full Form or Short Form
512     IF (    NVL(UPPER(p_address1.country), '@#$')              <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.country), '@#$')
513         AND NVL(UPPER(p_address1.territory_short_name), '@#$') <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.territory_short_name), '@#$')
514         AND NVL(UPPER(p_address1.country), '@#$')              <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.territory_short_name), '@#$')
515         AND NVL(UPPER(p_address1.territory_short_name), '@#$') <> NVL(UPPER(p_address2.country), '@#$') )
516     THEN
517       RETURN FALSE;
518     END IF;
520     IF l_debug THEN
521       debug('Addresses are equal', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
522     END IF;
523     RETURN TRUE;
524   END are_addresses_equal;
526   /**
527     * Get the Party Site Addresses for the Parties created for the Resource.
528     */
529   PROCEDURE get_party_addresses(
530     p_resource_id      IN         NUMBER
531   , p_resource_type    IN         VARCHAR2
532   , p_date             IN         DATE
533   , x_address_tbl     OUT NOCOPY  address_tbl_type
534   ) IS
535     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'GET_PARTY_ADDRESSES';
536     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
538     TYPE ref_cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;
539     c_parties       ref_cursor_type;
540     l_address_rec   address_rec_type;
541   BEGIN
542     IF l_debug THEN
543       debug('Finding the Parties associated with Resource ID = ' || p_resource_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
544     END IF;
546     x_address_tbl := address_tbl_type();
548     -- Find out whether we can use the Parties already created by the Source Module
549     IF p_resource_type IN ('RS_EMPLOYEE', 'RS_PARTY') THEN
550       IF p_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' THEN
551         OPEN c_parties FOR g_emp_res_query USING p_resource_id;
552       ELSIF p_resource_type = 'RS_PARTY' THEN
553         OPEN c_parties FOR g_party_res_query USING p_resource_id;
554       END IF;
556       LOOP
557         FETCH c_parties INTO l_address_rec;
558         EXIT WHEN c_parties%NOTFOUND;
559         x_address_tbl.extend();
560         x_address_tbl(c_parties%ROWCOUNT) := l_address_rec;
561       END LOOP;
562       CLOSE c_parties;
564       IF l_debug THEN
565         debug('  Number of Parties found = ' || x_address_tbl.COUNT, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
566       END IF;
568     END IF;
570     IF x_address_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
571       RETURN;
572     END IF;
574     -- No Parties created by the Source Module were fetched.
575     -- Search for Parties created by this Module.
577     OPEN c_parties FOR g_other_res_query USING (p_resource_type || ' ' || p_resource_id), g_st_party_fname;
578     LOOP
579       FETCH c_parties INTO l_address_rec;
580       EXIT WHEN c_parties%NOTFOUND;
581       x_address_tbl.extend();
582       x_address_tbl(c_parties%ROWCOUNT) := l_address_rec;
583     END LOOP;
584     CLOSE c_parties;
586     IF l_debug THEN
587       debug('  Number of Parties found upon retrying = ' || x_address_tbl.COUNT, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
588     END IF;
590   END get_party_addresses;
592   /**
593     * Get the Home Addresses of the Resource as defined in HRMS People
594     * Management form.
595     */
596   PROCEDURE get_home_addresses(
597     p_resource_id    IN         NUMBER
598   , p_resource_type  IN         VARCHAR2
599   , p_date           IN         DATE
600   , x_address       OUT NOCOPY  address_rec_type
601   ) IS
602     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'GET_HOME_ADDRESSES';
603     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
605     CURSOR c_home_addresses(b_resource_id NUMBER, b_date DATE) IS
606       SELECT a.address_id
607            , a.address_line1 street
608            , a.postal_code
609            , a.town_or_city city
610            , a.region_2 state
611            , a.country
612            , t.territory_short_name
613            , a.date_from start_date_active
614            , a.date_to end_date_active
615         FROM per_addresses a
616            , jtf_rs_resource_extns r
620          AND a.country = t.territory_code
617            , fnd_territories_vl t
618        WHERE r.resource_id = b_resource_id
619          AND a.person_id = r.source_id
621          AND TRUNC(a.date_from) <= TRUNC(b_date)
622          AND TRUNC(NVL(a.date_to, b_date + 1)) >= TRUNC(b_date)
623        ORDER BY a.primary_flag DESC, a.date_from DESC;
625     l_home_address c_home_addresses%ROWTYPE;
626   BEGIN
627     IF l_debug THEN
628       debug('Finding the addresses associated with Resource ID = ' || p_resource_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
629     END IF;
631     OPEN c_home_addresses (p_resource_id, p_date);
632     FETCH c_home_addresses INTO l_home_address;
633     CLOSE c_home_addresses;
635     x_address.address_id           := l_home_address.address_id;
636     x_address.street               := l_home_address.street;
637     x_address.postal_code          := l_home_address.postal_code;
638     x_address.city                 := l_home_address.city;
639     x_address.state                := l_home_address.state;
640     x_address.country              := l_home_address.country;
641     x_address.territory_short_name := l_home_address.territory_short_name;
642     x_address.start_date_active    := l_home_address.start_date_active;
643     x_address.end_date_active      := l_home_address.end_date_active;
645     IF l_debug THEN
646       IF x_address.address_id IS NOT NULL THEN
647         debug('  Found a Address: Address ID = ' || x_address.address_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
648       ELSE
649         debug('  Found no Home Address', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
650       END IF;
651     END IF;
652   END get_home_addresses;
654   PROCEDURE match_home_to_party(
655     p_home_addr_rec        IN        address_rec_type
656   , p_party_addr_tbl       IN        address_tbl_type
657   , x_matched_address_rec OUT NOCOPY address_rec_type
658   ) IS
659     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'MATCH_HOME_TO_PARTY';
660     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
661   BEGIN
662     x_matched_address_rec := p_home_addr_rec;
664     IF p_party_addr_tbl IS NULL OR p_party_addr_tbl.COUNT = 0 THEN
665       RETURN;
666     END IF;
668     -- If no Parties match exactly, atleast we can make use of the existing Party ID.
669     x_matched_address_rec.party_id := p_party_addr_tbl(1).party_id;
671     FOR i IN 1..p_party_addr_tbl.COUNT LOOP
672       IF p_home_addr_rec.address_id = p_party_addr_tbl(i).address_id THEN
673         x_matched_address_rec := p_party_addr_tbl(i);
675         x_matched_address_rec.start_date_active := p_home_addr_rec.start_date_active;
676         x_matched_address_rec.end_date_active   := p_home_addr_rec.end_date_active;
677         EXIT;
678       END IF;
679     END LOOP;
681     IF l_debug THEN
682       IF x_matched_address_rec.party_site_id IS NULL THEN
683         debug('Best Address ID (#' || p_home_addr_rec.address_id || ') doesnt match with any Party Site', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
684       ELSE
685         debug('Best Address ID (#' || p_home_addr_rec.address_id || ') matches with Party Site ID = ' || x_matched_address_rec.party_site_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
686       END IF;
687     END IF;
688   END match_home_to_party;
690   PROCEDURE create_resource_party_link(
691     p_api_version       IN             NUMBER
692   , p_init_msg_list     IN             VARCHAR2
693   , p_commit            IN             VARCHAR2
694   , x_return_status    OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
695   , x_msg_count        OUT     NOCOPY  NUMBER
696   , x_msg_data         OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
697   , p_resource_id                      NUMBER
698   , p_resource_type                    VARCHAR2
699   , p_address           IN OUT NOCOPY  address_rec_type
700   ) IS
701     l_api_version  CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
702     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'CREATE_RESOURCE_PARTY_LINK';
703     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
705     l_location_rec       hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type;
706     l_person_rec         hz_party_v2pub.person_rec_type;
707     l_party_site_rec     hz_party_site_v2pub.party_site_rec_type;
709     l_profile_id          NUMBER;
710     l_party_number        VARCHAR2(30);
711     l_party_site_number   VARCHAR2(30);
713     -- Get an arbitrary country (territory) code
714     CURSOR c_terr IS
715       SELECT territory_code FROM fnd_territories WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
716   BEGIN
717     IF l_debug THEN
718       debug('Creating the Resource Party Link for Resource ID = ' || p_resource_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
719     END IF;
721     -- Check for API Compatibility
722     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
723       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
724     END IF;
726     -- Initialize Message Stack if required
727     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
728       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
729     END IF;
731     -- Initialize Return Status
732     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
734     SAVEPOINT create_party;
736     -- Street and Country are NOT NULL columns in HZ_LOCATIONS
737     IF p_address.country IS NULL THEN
738       l_location_rec.address1 := '_';
739       OPEN c_terr;
743       END IF;
740       FETCH c_terr INTO l_location_rec.country;
741       IF c_terr%NOTFOUND THEN
742         RAISE no_data_found;
744       CLOSE c_terr;
745     ELSE
746       l_location_rec.short_description := p_resource_type || ' ' || p_resource_id || ' ' || p_address.address_id;
747       l_location_rec.address1          := NVL(p_address.street, '_');
748       l_location_rec.city              := p_address.city;
749       l_location_rec.state             := p_address.state;
750       l_location_rec.postal_code       := p_address.postal_code;
751       l_location_rec.country           := p_address.country;
752     END IF;
754     IF l_debug THEN
755       debug('Creating Location Record in HZ_LOCATIONS', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
756       debug('  --> Address1 = ' || l_location_rec.address1, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
757       debug('  --> City     = ' || l_location_rec.city, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
758       debug('  --> State    = ' || l_location_rec.state, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
759       debug('  --> Zip      = ' || l_location_rec.postal_code, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
760       debug('  --> Country  = ' || l_location_rec.country, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
761     END IF;
763     l_location_rec.created_by_module := 'CSFDEAR'; -- Calling Module 'CSF: Departure Arrival'
765     hz_location_v2pub.create_location(
766       p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
767     , p_location_rec               => l_location_rec
768     , x_return_status              => x_return_status
769     , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
770     , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
771     , x_location_id                => p_address.location_id
772     );
773     IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
774       IF l_debug THEN
775         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
776         debug('HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.CREATE returned error: Error = ' || fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_last), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
777       END IF;
778       IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
779         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
780       END IF;
781       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
782     ELSE
783       IF l_debug THEN
784         debug('HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.CREATE was successful. Location ID = ' || p_address.location_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
785       END IF;
786     END IF;
788     IF p_address.party_id IS NULL THEN
789       l_person_rec.person_first_name := g_st_party_fname;
790       l_person_rec.person_last_name  := p_resource_type || ' ' || p_resource_id;
791       l_person_rec.created_by_module := 'CSFDEAR'; -- Calling Module 'CSF: Departure Arrival'
794       -- If the profile "Generate Party Number" is No, then
795       -- TCA expects the caller to pass the party number.
796       IF fnd_profile.VALUE('HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER') = 'N' THEN
797         SELECT hz_party_number_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_person_rec.party_rec.party_number
798           FROM dual;
799       END IF;
801       IF l_debug THEN
802         debug('Creating Party Record in HZ_PARTIES', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
803         debug('  --> Party Number = ' || l_person_rec.party_rec.party_number, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
804         debug('  --> First Name   = ' || l_person_rec.person_first_name, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
805         debug('  --> Last Name    = ' || l_person_rec.person_last_name, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
806       END IF;
808       hz_party_v2pub.create_person(
809         p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
810       , p_person_rec                 => l_person_rec
811       , x_return_status              => x_return_status
812       , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
813       , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
814       , x_party_id                   => p_address.party_id
815       , x_party_number               => l_party_number
816       , x_profile_id                 => l_profile_id
817       );
819       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
820         IF l_debug THEN
821           fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
822           debug('HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.CREATE returned error: Error = ' || fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_last), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
823         END IF;
824         IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
825           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
826         END IF;
827         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
828       ELSE
829         IF l_debug THEN
830           debug('HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.CREATE_P was successful: Party ID = ' || p_address.party_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
831         END IF;
832       END IF;
833     ELSE
834       IF l_debug THEN
835         debug('Party already exists. Using it. Party ID = ' || p_address.party_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
836       END IF;
837     END IF;
839     l_party_site_rec.location_id       := p_address.location_id;
840     l_party_site_rec.party_id          := p_address.party_id;
841     l_party_site_rec.created_by_module := 'CSFDEAR'; -- Calling Module 'CSF: Departure Arrival'
843     -- If the profile "Generate Party Number" is No, then
844     -- TCA expects the caller to pass the party number.
846       SELECT hz_party_site_number_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_party_site_rec.party_site_number
847         FROM dual;
848     END IF;
850     IF l_debug THEN
851       debug('Creating Party Site Record in HZ_PARTY_SITES', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
852       debug('  --> Party Site Number = ' || l_party_site_rec.party_site_number, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
853       debug('  --> Party ID          = ' || l_party_site_rec.party_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
854       debug('  --> Location ID       = ' || l_party_site_rec.location_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
855     END IF;
857     hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site(
858       p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
859     , p_party_site_rec             => l_party_site_rec
860     , x_return_status              => x_return_status
861     , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
862     , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
863     , x_party_site_id              => p_address.party_site_id
864     , x_party_site_number          => l_party_site_number
865     );
867     IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
868       IF l_debug THEN
869         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
870         debug('HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.CREATE returned error: Error = ' || fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_last), l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
871       END IF;
872       IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
873         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
874       END IF;
875       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
876     ELSE
877       IF l_debug THEN
878         debug('HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.CREATE_PS was successful. Party Site ID = ' || p_address.party_site_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
879       END IF;
880     END IF;
882     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit) THEN
883       COMMIT;
884     END IF;
886     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
887       IF l_debug THEN
888         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
889         debug('Expected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
890       END IF;
892       ROLLBACK TO create_party;
893       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
894       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
895     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
896       IF l_debug THEN
897         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
898         debug('Unexpected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
899       END IF;
901       ROLLBACK TO create_party;
902       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
903       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
905       IF l_debug THEN
906         debug('Exception: SQLCODE = ' || SQLCODE || ' : SQLERRM = ' || SQLERRM, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
907       END IF;
909       ROLLBACK TO create_party;
910       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
911       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
912         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
913       END IF;
914       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
915   END create_resource_party_link;
917   PROCEDURE get_resource_address(
918     p_api_version         IN           NUMBER
919   , p_init_msg_list       IN           VARCHAR2
920   , p_commit              IN           VARCHAR2
921   , x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
922   , x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
923   , x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
924   , p_resource_id         IN           NUMBER
925   , p_resource_type       IN           VARCHAR2
926   , p_date                IN           DATE
927   , x_address_rec        OUT NOCOPY    address_rec_type
928   ) IS
929     l_api_version  CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
930     l_api_name     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'GET_RESOURCE_PARTY_INFO';
931     l_debug        CONSTANT BOOLEAN      := g_debug = 'Y';
933     l_home_address               address_rec_type;
934     l_party_addresses_tbl        address_tbl_type;
935     l_validate_address           BOOLEAN;
936     l_change_address             VARCHAR2(1);
937   BEGIN
939     IF l_debug THEN
940       debug(   'Getting the Party Information for Resource ID = '
941             || p_resource_id || '( ' || p_resource_type || ') on ' || p_date
942             , l_api_name, fnd_log.level_procedure);
943     END IF;
945     -- Check for API Compatibility
946     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
947       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
948     END IF;
950     -- Initialize Message Stack if required
951     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
952       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
953     END IF;
955     -- Initialize Return Status
956     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
958     SAVEPOINT resource_party_info;
960     -- Get the Resource Home address as stored in HRMS for the Resource.
961     IF p_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' THEN
962       get_home_addresses(
963         p_resource_id     => p_resource_id
964       , p_resource_type   => p_resource_type
965       , p_date            => p_date
966       , x_address         => l_home_address
967       );
968     END IF;
970     -- Get the Party Site Address corresponding to the Resource.
971     get_party_addresses(
972       p_resource_id     => p_resource_id
973     , p_resource_type   => p_resource_type
974     , p_date            => p_date
975     , x_address_tbl     => l_party_addresses_tbl
976     );
978     -- The Resource has home addresses defined.
979     IF l_home_address.address_id IS NOT NULL THEN
980       -- Fetch the Party corresponding to the first Home Address.
981       match_home_to_party(
982         p_home_addr_rec       => l_home_address
983       , p_party_addr_tbl      => l_party_addresses_tbl
984       , x_matched_address_rec => x_address_rec
985       );
986     ELSIF l_party_addresses_tbl IS NOT NULL AND l_party_addresses_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
987       IF l_debug THEN
988         debug('No Home Address found. But found a Party. Using it', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
989       END IF;
990       -- There is no home address. Pick the first Party Fetched.
991       x_address_rec := l_party_addresses_tbl(1);
992     END IF;
994     -- If there is no Location created for the Address, create it.
995     IF x_address_rec.location_id IS NULL THEN
996       IF l_debug THEN
997         debug('Since Location is not created.... Creating it', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
998       END IF;
999       create_resource_party_link(
1000         p_api_version      => l_api_version
1001       , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
1002       , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
1003       , x_return_status    => x_return_status
1004       , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
1005       , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
1006       , p_resource_id      => p_resource_id
1007       , p_resource_type    => p_resource_type
1008       , p_address          => x_address_rec
1009       );
1011       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1012         IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
1013           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1014         END IF;
1015         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1016       END IF;
1018       l_validate_address := TRUE;
1019     ELSIF l_home_address.address_id IS NOT NULL AND NOT are_addresses_equal(l_home_address, x_address_rec) THEN
1020       IF l_debug THEN
1021         debug('Location is already created.... Needs Updation', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
1022       END IF;
1023       l_change_address   := fnd_api.g_true;
1024       l_validate_address := TRUE;
1026       x_address_rec.street               := l_home_address.street;
1027       x_address_rec.city                 := l_home_address.city;
1028       x_address_rec.state                := l_home_address.state;
1029       x_address_rec.postal_code          := l_home_address.postal_code;
1030       x_address_rec.territory_short_name := l_home_address.territory_short_name;
1031       x_address_rec.country              := l_home_address.country;
1032     ELSIF x_address_rec.geometry IS NULL THEN
1033       IF l_debug THEN
1034         debug('Location is already created.... Needs Geocoding', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
1035       END IF;
1036       l_validate_address := TRUE;
1037     END IF;
1039     -- Resolve the address if its a new Resource or Address has changed.
1040     -- Right now only Employee Resource / Party Resource can have an Address. So Resolving only for them.
1041     IF l_validate_address AND p_resource_type IN ('RS_EMPLOYEE', 'RS_PARTY') THEN
1042       IF l_debug THEN
1043         debug('Resolving the Address again', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
1044       END IF;
1045       resolve_address(
1046         p_api_version     => l_api_version
1047       , x_return_status   => x_return_status
1048       , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
1049       , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
1050       , p_location_id     => x_address_rec.location_id
1051       , p_address1        => x_address_rec.street
1052       , p_city            => x_address_rec.city
1053       , p_state           => x_address_rec.state
1054       , p_postalcode      => x_address_rec.postal_code
1055       , p_country         => x_address_rec.territory_short_name
1056       , p_country_code    => x_address_rec.country
1057       , p_update_address  => l_change_address
1058       , x_geometry        => x_address_rec.geometry
1059       );
1061       -- Dont error out . Scheduler will handle it appro.
1062       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1063     END IF;
1065     IF l_debug THEN
1066       debug('Returning Resource Party Info', l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
1067       debug('  --> Party Site ID = ' || x_address_rec.party_site_id, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_statement);
1068     END IF;
1070     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit) THEN
1071       COMMIT;
1072     END IF;
1074     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1075       IF l_debug THEN
1076         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
1077         debug('Expected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_error);
1078       END IF;
1080       ROLLBACK TO resource_party_info;
1081       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1082       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
1083     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1084       IF l_debug THEN
1085         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(fnd_api.g_false, x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
1086         debug('Unexpected Error: ' || x_msg_data, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
1087       END IF;
1089       ROLLBACK TO resource_party_info;
1090       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1091       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
1093       IF l_debug THEN
1094         debug('Exception: SQLCODE = ' || SQLCODE || ' : SQLERRM = ' || SQLERRM, l_api_name, fnd_log.level_unexpected);
1095       END IF;
1097       ROLLBACK TO resource_party_info;
1098       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1099       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
1100         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
1101       END IF;
1105   PROCEDURE get_resource_party_info(
1102       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
1103   END get_resource_address;
1106     p_api_version         IN          NUMBER
1107   , p_init_msg_list       IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1108   , p_commit              IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1109   , x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1110   , x_msg_count          OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
1111   , x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
1112   , p_resource_id         IN          NUMBER
1113   , p_resource_type       IN          VARCHAR2
1114   , p_date                IN          DATE
1115   , x_party_id           OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
1116   , x_party_site_id      OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
1117   , x_location_id        OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
1118   ) IS
1119     l_address address_rec_type;
1120   BEGIN
1121     get_resource_address(
1122       p_api_version        => p_api_version
1123     , p_init_msg_list      => p_init_msg_list
1124     , p_commit             => p_commit
1125     , x_return_status      => x_return_status
1126     , x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
1127     , x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
1128     , p_resource_id        => p_resource_id
1129     , p_resource_type      => p_resource_type
1130     , p_date               => p_date
1131     , x_address_rec        => l_address
1132     );
1134     IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1135       x_party_id      := l_address.party_id;
1136       x_party_site_id := l_address.party_site_id;
1137       x_location_id   := l_address.location_id;
1138     END IF;
1139   END get_resource_party_info;
1141 BEGIN
1142   init_package;
1143 END csf_resource_address_pvt;