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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 154

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
             igs_fi_fee_str_stat  fsst
      WHERE  ftci.fee_cal_type                         = cp_c_fee_cal_type
      AND    ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number               = cp_n_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    ftci.fee_type                             = cp_c_fee_type
      AND    ftci.fee_type_ci_status                   = fsst.fee_structure_status
      AND    (
              (fsst.s_fee_structure_status              = cp_c_status
               cp_c_transaction_type NOT IN (g_c_assessment,g_c_retention)
              (cp_c_transaction_type IN (g_c_assessment,g_c_retention))
Line: 218

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_f_cat_fee_lbl fcfl,
             igs_fi_fee_str_stat fsst
      WHERE  fcfl.fee_cat              = cp_c_fee_cat
      AND    fcfl.fee_type             = cp_c_fee_type
      AND    fcfl.fee_liability_status = fsst.fee_structure_status
      AND    (
              (fsst.s_fee_structure_status = cp_c_status
               cp_c_transaction_type NOT IN (g_c_assessment,g_c_retention)
              (cp_c_transaction_type IN (g_c_assessment,g_c_retention))
Line: 272

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_ps_ver pv, igs_ps_stat ps
      WHERE  pv.course_cd          = cp_course_cd
      AND    pv.course_status      = ps.course_status
      AND    ps.s_course_status    = cp_status;
Line: 311

pathipat   16-Nov-2002    Enh Bug: 2584986: Replaced cursor selecting from igs_fi_cur with generic
                          function to get the currency_cd set in igs_fi_control
********************************************************************************************** */
    l_bool               BOOLEAN;
Line: 368

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
      WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
Line: 409

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_or_unit
      WHERE  org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd;
Line: 447

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int
      WHERE  invoice_id  = cp_source_txn_id;
Line: 533

     SELECT version_number
     FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att
     WHERE  course_cd = l_course_cd
     AND    person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 542

     SELECT start_dt
     FROM igs_or_unit
     WHERE org_unit_cd = l_org_unit_cd;
Line: 553

   SELECT unit_cd ,version_number
   FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
   WHERE  uoo_id = l_uoo_id;
Line: 709

      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv
      WHERE  invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 722

      SELECT appl.application_id
      FROM   igs_fi_applications appl,
             igs_fi_credits fc,
             igs_fi_cr_types crt
      WHERE  appl.invoice_id   = cp_invoice_id
      AND    appl.credit_id    = fc.credit_id
      AND    fc.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
      AND    crt.credit_class <> cp_credit_class
      AND    appl.application_type = cp_app_type
                         FROM   igs_fi_applications appl2
                         WHERE  appl2.application_type    = cp_unapp_type
                         AND    appl2.link_application_id = appl.application_id
                         AND    appl2.amount_applied      = - appl.amount_applied)
      ORDER BY appl.application_id DESC;
Line: 742

      SELECT credit_type_id
      FROM   igs_fi_cr_types
      WHERE  credit_class = cp_neg_credit_class
      AND    cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND NVL(effective_end_date,
Line: 1091

      SELECT SUM(invoice_amount) inv_amt,
             SUM(invoice_amount_due) inv_due,
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv,
             igs_fi_invln_int iln
      WHERE  inv.invoice_id = iln.invoice_id
      AND    ((cp_invoice_id IS NULL
      AND    inv.person_id              = cp_person_id
      AND    inv.fee_type               = cp_fee_type
      AND    inv.fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    inv.transaction_type       = cp_transaction_type
      AND     ((inv.fee_cat = cp_fee_cat)
                OR (inv.fee_cat IS NULL and cp_fee_cat IS NULL))
      AND     ((iln.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id)
                OR (iln.uoo_id IS NULL and cp_uoo_id IS NULL))
      AND     ((iln.location_cd = cp_location_cd)
                OR (iln.location_cd IS NULL and cp_location_cd IS NULL))
      AND     ((inv.course_cd = cp_course_cd)
                OR (inv.course_cd IS NULL and cp_course_cd IS NULL)))
      OR      (inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id))
      AND     NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x'
                          FROM   igs_fi_credits fc,
                                 igs_fi_cr_types crt,
                                 igs_fi_applications app
                          WHERE  app.invoice_id         = inv.invoice_id
                          AND    app.credit_id          = fc.credit_id
                          AND    fc.status              = g_cleared
                          AND    fc.credit_type_id      = crt.credit_type_id
                          AND    crt.credit_class       = g_neg_cr_class
                          AND    app.amount_applied     = inv.invoice_amount)
      GROUP BY iln.error_account;
Line: 1202

                       cur_alt_cd_desc is modified to select another column 'description' from igs_ca_inst_all.
pathipat  12-Jun-2006  Bug 5306868 - Modified cursor cur_chg: Added filter on invoice_amount_due
                       and removed ORDER_BY on diff_amt
                       Added cursors cur_chgadj, cur_charges, associated code and local variables.
sapanigr  29-May-2006  Bug 5251760 Added cursor cur_chg_inv. Removed UNION in cur_chg. Modified related code appropriately
svuppala  05-May-2006  Bug 3924836; Added l_n_invoice_amount, l_n_amount variables to
Line: 1209

sapanigr  03-May-2006  Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted into igs_fi_inv_int
                       and igs_fi_invln_int are now rounded off to currency precision
sapanigr  24-Feb-2006  Bug 5018036 - Removed cursor 'cur_ret' and cursor variable 'l_ret_rec' as it was not being used anywhere in the code.
sapanigr  09-Feb-2006  Bug 5018036 - Modifed cursor 'cur_ret' to take values from base table 'igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_all'.
                       The view igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_lkp_v used earlier lead to high shared memory usage.
abshriva  24-Oct-2005  Bug 4680553 - The Message 'IGS_FI_WAV_TRANS_CREATED'  was removed as it was being
                                      called in error page when waiver transaction was successful
pathipat  05-Oct-2005  Bug 4383148 - Fees not assessed if attendance type cannot be derived
                       Removed invocation of validate_atd_mode and validate_atd_type
svuppala  07-JUL-2005  Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
                       Modified HEADER_REC_TYPE -- included waiver_name.
                       Modified l_api_version
gurprsin   02-Jun-2005 Enh# 3442712 Modified TBH call of table IGS_fi_invln_int_all
                       i.e. igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.insert_row to include unit_type_id and unti_level
pmarada    26-May-2005 Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
uudayapr   08-Mar-2004 Bug#3478599.Added the code to prevent charge creation with
                                   error account as Y for Transaction Type as
                                   Document when Revenue Account Derivation fails.
vvutukur   27-Jun-2003 Bug#2849185.Bypassed unncessary validations in case of negative charge.
jbegum     20-Jun-2003 Bug# 2998266, NEXT_INVOICE_NUMBER in the IGS_FI_CONTROL table will not be used for
                       generating unique charge numbers. Next Value from a DB sequence will be used for
                       for generating unique charges numbers.
                       Removed the call to IGS_FI_CONTROL_PKG.update_row
vvutukur   16-Jun-2003 Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Removed 3 columns(lockbox_context,lockbox_number,attribute,ar_int_org_id)
                       from igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row.
vvutukur   26-May-2003 Enh#2831572.Financial Accounting Build. Changes as specified in TD.
shtatiko   05-MAY-2003 Enh# 2831569, Added check Manage Accounts System Option before creating a charge.
                       And updation of Holds or Standard balances is done only if its value is STUDENT_FINANCE.
pathipat   14-Apr-2003 Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables Interface build
                       Modified call to igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row
vvutukur   11-Apr-2003 Enh#2831554.Internal Credits API Build. Added checks to validate ADJ credit instrument,charge method and transaction type.
agairola   11-Mar-2003 Bug 2762740: 1. Modified the call to the validate_neg_amnt.
                                    2. Added a new variable l_val_neg_amnt and this variable
                                       gets the value from validate_neg_amnt
                                    3. Added the code to check for l_val_neg_amnt = 1
                                    4. Modified the code for the amount validation(l_val_neg_amnt=2)
smadathi   18-Feb-2002 Enh. Bug 2747329.Modified the TBH call to IGS_FI_CONTROL to Add new columns
                        rfnd_destination, ap_org_id, dflt_supplier_site_name
pathipat   14-Nov-2002 Enh Bug: 2584986 -
                       1.  Added parameters gl_date, gl_posted_date and posting_control_id
                           in the call to igs_fi_invln_int_pkg.insert_row()
                       2.  Added parameter p_gl_date in call to proc_neg_chg() for negative charges
                       3.  Removed calls to get_local_amount, passed the invoice_amount and currency_cd
                           directly from p_header_rec, instead of conversion to local currency
vvutukur   20-sep-2002 Enh#2562745.1)Added conv_process_run_ind parameter to call to igs_fi_control_pkg.
                       update_row.2)Added call to igs_fi_prc_balance.update_balances to update the Holds
                       Balance real time whenever a charge gets created.3)Added two new validations to
                       error out of charges api in the following scenarios.a)if holds conversion process
                       is running b)if no active balance rule exist for HOLDS.
vvutukur   16-Sep-2002 Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,Removed call to the private
                       function validate_subaccount and its related code.Removed declaration of local
                       variables l_party_subaccount_id,l_subacc_name.Removed cursor cur_sa.Removed
                       reference to subaccount_id from the calls to IGS_FI_INV_INT_PKG.Insert_Row and
                       igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances.Removed call to igs_fi_gen_005.validate_psa
                       since the function igs_fi_gen_005.validate_psa is being removed.Removed call to
                       igs_fi_party_sa_pkg.insert_row as the table igs_fi_party_sa is being obsoleted.
                       Also added 7 new parameters to the call to igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row.
smadathi   03-Jul-2002   Bug 2443082. Modified update_balances procedure call. Modified to pass transaction date
                         instead of system date.
agairola   10-Jun-2002 Bug Number: 2407624 Modified the call to the Get_Local_Amount
agairola   17-May-2002 Following modifications were done for the bug 2323555 - Call Build Accounts
                       procedure is called in all cases even if the accounts are passed.
                       Also assigned the value of the accounts passed as input to the Charges API
                       to the local variables used in the call to Call Build Accounts procedure
SYkrishn   15-APR-2002     Added planned_credits_ind to the IGS_FI_CONTROL_PKG.update_row call as part of Enh 2293676
smvk       08-Mar-2002  Added four attributes refund_dr_gl_ccid,refund_cr_gl_ccid,refund_dr_account_cd,
                        refund_cr_account_cd and removed three attributes last_account_trans,last_payment_trans,
                        last_pay_term_trans to the call to IGS_FI_CONTROL_PKG.Update_row as per Bug #2144600
vvutukur   27-02-2002   added call to igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person instead of calling local function
                        validate_person for bug:2238362
vvutukur   18-feb-2002  added ar_int_org_id column to igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row call. bug:2222272
jbegum     14-Feb-2001   As part of Enh bug # 2201081
                         Added call to IGS_FI_GEN_005.validate_psa and IGS_FI_PARTY_SA_PKG.insert_row
                         Removed cursor cur_psa
kkillams   01-08-2001  Modification done w.r.t student finance dld bug id :1882122
                       Build accounting process is calling only if these parameters are
                       don't have values p_override_dr_rec_ccid, p_override_cr_rev_ccid,
                       p_override_dr_rec_account_cd and p_override_cr_rev_account_cd
                       before inserting the data into igs_fi_invln_int.
jbegum     26-Sep-2001 As part of bug #1962286 the following changes were done:
                       Changed the call to the local function validate_uoo.
                       Changed the call to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_PKG.Insert_row.
vchappid   05-Oct-2001 As a part of Enh Bug#2030448, the call to the calculate balances process is
                       replaced with a call to the new procedure Update_Balances created as a part
                       of the SFCR010. Limitation of the Accounting Method to CASH is removed,
                       Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,
                       New column optional_fee_flag column is added in IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL Table.
smadathi   12-oct-2001 As part of enhancement bug#2042716 , the TBH calls to
                       IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS modified . Payment_plan_flag added.
jbegum     19-Nov-2001 As part of Enhancement bug #2113459 the following changes were done:
                       Added a new cursor cur_ret.
                       Added an if condition that checks for transaction type RETENTION.
                       If transaction type is RETENTION then creates the credit and debit side of
                       retention charge.

nalkumar  19-Dec-2001  Changed the call to IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS_PKG.insert_row.
                       This is as per the SF015 Holds DLD. Bug# 2126091.
agairola  12-Feb-2002  Changed the functionality for creation of the negative charges as per the DLD
                       specfied for the negative charges. SFCR003 Bug No: 2195715
********************************************************************************************** */

    l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Create_Charge';
Line: 1347

      SELECT rowid,
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int
      WHERE  invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 1356

      SELECT rowid,
      FROM   igs_fi_applications
      WHERE  invoice_id           = cp_invoice_id
      AND    application_type     = cp_app;
Line: 1364

      SELECT rowid,
      FROM   igs_fi_credits
      WHERE  credit_id      = cp_credit_id;
Line: 1371

      SELECT rowid,
      FROM   igs_fi_control;
Line: 1390

      SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
             inv.invoice_id invoice_id,
             inv.invoice_amount_due invoice_amount_due,
             inv.invoice_amount invoice_amount
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,
             igs_fi_invln_int_all iln
      WHERE  inv.invoice_id = iln.invoice_id
      AND    inv.person_id              = cp_person_id
      AND    inv.fee_type               = cp_fee_type
      AND    inv.fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    inv.transaction_type       = cp_transaction_type
      AND    iln.error_account         <> g_ind_yes
      AND    inv.invoice_amount_due > 0
      AND     ((iln.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id)
                OR (iln.uoo_id IS NULL AND cp_uoo_id IS NULL))
      AND     ((iln.location_cd = cp_location_cd)
                OR (iln.location_cd IS NULL AND cp_location_cd IS NULL))
      AND     ((fee_cat = cp_fee_cat)
                OR (fee_cat IS NULL and cp_fee_cat IS NULL))
      AND     ((course_cd = cp_course_cd)
                OR (course_cd IS NULL and cp_course_cd IS NULL))
      ORDER BY invoice_amount_due DESC;
Line: 1416

      SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_all inv
      WHERE  inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND    inv.invoice_amount_due > 0
      ORDER BY invoice_amount_due DESC;
Line: 1429

      SELECT   'X'
      FROM     igs_fi_waiver_pgms fwp
      WHERE    fwp.fee_cal_type            = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND      fwp.fee_ci_sequence_number  = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND      fwp.waiver_name             = cp_waiver_name;
Line: 1465

    SELECT igs_fi_inv_int_all_s1.NEXTVAL
Line: 1475

    SELECT alternate_code , description
    FROM igs_ca_inst_all
    WHERE cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
    AND sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 1495

      SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
             inv.invoice_id invoice_id,
             inv.invoice_amount_due invoice_amount_due,
             inv.invoice_amount invoice_amount
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv,
             igs_fi_invln_int iln
      WHERE  inv.invoice_id = iln.invoice_id
      AND    cp_invoice_id IS NULL
      AND    inv.person_id              = cp_person_id
      AND    inv.fee_type               = cp_fee_type
      AND    inv.fee_cal_type           = cp_fee_cal_type
      AND    inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
      AND    inv.transaction_type       = cp_transaction_type
      AND    iln.error_account         <> g_ind_yes
      AND     ((iln.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id)
                OR (iln.uoo_id IS NULL AND cp_uoo_id IS NULL))
      AND     ((iln.location_cd = cp_location_cd)
                OR (iln.location_cd IS NULL AND cp_location_cd IS NULL))
      AND     ((fee_cat = cp_fee_cat)
                OR (fee_cat IS NULL and cp_fee_cat IS NULL))
      AND     ((course_cd = cp_course_cd)
                OR (course_cd IS NULL and cp_course_cd IS NULL))
      ORDER BY invoice_id ASC;
Line: 1521

      SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_all inv
      WHERE  inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      ORDER BY invoice_id ASC;
Line: 1531

        SELECT SUM(amount_applied)
        FROM   igs_fi_credits fc,
               igs_fi_cr_types crt,
               igs_fi_applications app
        WHERE  app.invoice_id         = cp_invoice_id
        AND    app.credit_id          = fc.credit_id
        AND    fc.status              = g_cleared
        AND    fc.credit_type_id      = crt.credit_type_id
        AND    crt.credit_class       = g_neg_cr_class;
Line: 1564

Line: 2214

      igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid                          => l_rowid,
                                    x_invoice_id                     => l_invoice_id,
                                    x_person_id                      => p_header_rec.p_person_id,
                                    x_fee_type                       => p_header_rec.p_fee_type,
                                    x_fee_cat                        => p_header_rec.p_fee_cat,
                                    x_fee_cal_type                   => p_header_rec.p_fee_cal_type,
                                    x_fee_ci_sequence_number         => p_header_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                    x_course_cd                      => p_header_rec.p_course_cd,
                                    x_attendance_mode                => p_header_rec.p_attendance_mode,
                                    x_attendance_type                => p_header_rec.p_attendance_type,
                                    x_invoice_amount_due             => l_n_invoice_amount,
                                    x_invoice_creation_date          => p_header_rec.p_invoice_creation_date,
                                    x_invoice_desc                   => p_header_rec.p_invoice_desc,
                                    x_transaction_type               => p_header_rec.p_transaction_type,
                                    x_currency_cd                    => p_header_rec.p_currency_cd,
                                    x_status                         => 'TODO',
                                    x_attribute_category             => NULL,
                                    x_attribute1                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute2                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute3                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute4                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute5                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute6                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute7                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute8                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute9                     => NULL,
                                    x_attribute10                    => NULL,
                                    x_invoice_amount                 => l_n_invoice_amount,
                                    x_bill_id                        => NULL,
                                    x_bill_number                    => NULL,
                                    x_bill_date                      => NULL,
                                    x_waiver_flag                    => p_header_rec.p_waiver_flag,   -- Enh BUG 2030448, Removed Balance Flag Column
                                    x_waiver_reason                  => p_header_rec.p_waiver_reason,
                                    x_effective_date                 => p_header_rec.p_effective_date,
                                    x_invoice_number                 => l_n_get_nextval,
                                    x_exchange_rate                  => 1,                                      -- Always passed as 1
                                    x_org_id                         => l_org_id,
                                    x_bill_payment_due_date          => NULL,
                                    x_optional_fee_flag              => NULL,
                                    x_reversal_gl_date               => NULL,
                                    x_tax_year_code                  => NULL,
                                    x_waiver_name                    => p_header_rec.p_waiver_name --Enh 3392095 Added waiver_name
Line: 2320

           igs_fi_invln_int_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid                         => l_rowid,
                                           x_invoice_lines_id              => l_invoice_lines_id,
                                           x_invoice_id                    => l_invoice_id,
                                           x_line_number                   => l_var,
                                           x_chg_elements                  => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_chg_elements,
                                           x_s_chg_method_type             => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_s_chg_method_type,
                                           x_description                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_description,
                                           x_amount                        => l_n_amount,
                                           x_unit_attempt_status           => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_unit_attempt_status,
                                           x_credit_points                 => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_credit_points,
                                           x_eftsu                         => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_eftsu,
                                           x_org_unit_cd                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_org_unit_cd,
                                           x_attribute_category            => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute_category,
                                           x_attribute1                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute1,
                                           x_attribute2                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute2,
                                           x_attribute3                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute3,
                                           x_attribute4                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute4,
                                           x_attribute5                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute5,
                                           x_attribute6                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute6,
                                           x_attribute7                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute7,
                                           x_attribute8                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute8,
                                           x_attribute9                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute9,
                                           x_attribute10                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute10,
                                           x_attribute11                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute11,
                                           x_attribute12                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute12,
                                           x_attribute13                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute13,
                                           x_attribute14                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute14,
                                           x_attribute15                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute15,
                                           x_attribute16                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute16,
                                           x_attribute17                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute17,
                                           x_attribute18                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute18,
                                           x_attribute19                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute19,
                                           x_attribute20                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute20,
                                           x_org_id                        => l_org_id,
                                           x_rec_account_cd                => l_dr_account_cd,
                                           x_rev_account_cd                => l_cr_account_cd,
                                           x_rec_gl_ccid                   => l_dr_gl_ccid,
                                           x_rev_gl_ccid                   => l_cr_gl_ccid,
                                           x_posting_id                    => NULL,
                                           x_error_string                  => SUBSTR(l_error_string,1,1000),
                                           x_error_account                 => l_error_account,
                                           x_location_cd                   => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_location_cd,
                                           x_uoo_id                        => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_uoo_id,
                                           x_gl_date                       => p_line_tbl(1).p_d_gl_date,
                                           x_gl_posted_date                => NULL,
                                           x_posting_control_id            => NULL,
                                           x_unit_type_id                  => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_unit_type_id,
                                           x_unit_level                    => p_line_tbl(l_var).p_unit_level
Line: 2384

             igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances ( p_party_id           => p_header_rec.p_person_id,
                                                   p_balance_type       => g_standard,
                                                   p_balance_date       => TRUNC(p_header_rec.p_invoice_creation_date),
                                                   p_amount             => l_n_invoice_amount,
                                                   p_source             => g_charge,
                                                   p_source_id          => l_invoice_id,
                                                   p_message_name       => l_message_name);
Line: 2421

          igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances ( p_party_id           => p_header_rec.p_person_id,
                                                p_balance_type       => l_hold_bal_type,
                                                p_balance_date       => TRUNC(p_header_rec.p_invoice_creation_date),
                                                p_amount             => l_n_invoice_amount,
                                                p_source             => g_charge,
                                                p_source_id          => l_invoice_id,
                                                p_message_name       => l_message_name);
Line: 2576

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_fi_credits_all fc,
             igs_fi_cr_types_all crt,
             igs_fi_applications app
      WHERE  app.invoice_id         = cp_invoice_id
      AND    app.credit_id          = fc.credit_id
      AND    fc.status              = g_cleared
      AND    fc.credit_type_id      = crt.credit_type_id
      AND    crt.credit_class       = g_neg_cr_class
      AND    app.amount_applied     = cp_inv_amt
      AND    ROWNUM = 1;