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Line 743: oe_order_lines_all

739: CURSOR c_ato_order IS
741: 1
742: FROM
743: oe_order_lines_all
744: WHERE
745: item_type_code IN ('CONFIG', 'MODEL', 'OPTION', 'CLASS')
746: AND line_id = (SELECT ato_line_id
747: FROM oe_order_lines_all

Line 747: FROM oe_order_lines_all

743: oe_order_lines_all
744: WHERE
745: item_type_code IN ('CONFIG', 'MODEL', 'OPTION', 'CLASS')
746: AND line_id = (SELECT ato_line_id
747: FROM oe_order_lines_all
748: WHERE line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6 );
750: /* Retrieve Org + Loc from ja_in_so_picking_lines from the Config (Start) Item */
751: CURSOR c_ato_hdr_info IS

Line 758: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel2

754: FROM
756: WHERE
757: order_line_id IN (SELECT line_id
758: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel2
759: WHERE oel2.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
760: AND oel2.header_id = (
761: SELECT header_id
762: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel

Line 762: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel

758: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel2
759: WHERE oel2.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
760: AND oel2.header_id = (
761: SELECT header_id
762: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel
763: WHERE oel.line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6)
764: AND oel2.ato_line_id = (SELECT ato_line_id
765: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel1
766: WHERE oel1.line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6))

Line 765: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel1

761: SELECT header_id
762: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel
763: WHERE oel.line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6)
764: AND oel2.ato_line_id = (SELECT ato_line_id
765: FROM oe_order_lines_all oel1
766: WHERE oel1.line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6))
767: AND organization_id is not null
768: AND location_id is not null
769: AND rownum = 1 ;

Line 1285: v_item_type oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%type;

1282: -- Added an internal procedure for processing ATO Orders Bug # 2806274 - Sriram
1284: v_so_line_id Number;
1285: v_item_type oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%type;
1286: v_ato_line_id Varchar2(30);
1287: v_config_line_id Number;
1288: v_ex_inv_no JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.excise_invoice_no%type;
1289: v_pmt_reg JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.register%type;

Line 1356: from oe_order_lines_all

1352: Procedure Process_Taxes_for_ATO_Order is
1354: cursor c_item_type is
1355: select item_type_code
1356: from oe_order_lines_all
1357: where line_id = v_interface_line_attribute6;
1359: Cursor c_om_taxes(v_so_config_line_id Number) is
1360: select *

Line 1364: Cursor c_get_config_line_id(v_ato_line_id Varchar2, cp_item_code oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%type) is

1360: select *
1361: from JAI_OM_OE_SO_TAXES
1362: where line_id = v_so_config_line_id;
1364: Cursor c_get_config_line_id(v_ato_line_id Varchar2, cp_item_code oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%type) is
1365: Select line_id
1366: from oe_order_lines_all
1367: where ato_line_id = v_ato_line_id
1368: and item_type_code = cp_item_code; /*'CONFIG'; Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs */

Line 1366: from oe_order_lines_all

1362: where line_id = v_so_config_line_id;
1364: Cursor c_get_config_line_id(v_ato_line_id Varchar2, cp_item_code oe_order_lines_all.item_type_code%type) is
1365: Select line_id
1366: from oe_order_lines_all
1367: where ato_line_id = v_ato_line_id
1368: and item_type_code = cp_item_code; /*'CONFIG'; Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs */
1370: CURSOR c_get_om_lines(v_ato_line_id Varchar2) is

Line 1419: -- of the 'config' item in oe_order_lines_all

1415: (nvl(v_ont_source_code,'ORDER ENTRY') <> nvl(ltrim(rtrim(pr_new.interface_line_context)),'$$$') -- added by sriram - bug# 3607101
1416: )
1417: then
1418: -- using the following cursor , we get the line_id
1419: -- of the 'config' item in oe_order_lines_all
1420: Open c_get_config_line_id(v_interface_line_attribute6, 'CONFIG'); /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs */
1421: Fetch c_get_config_line_id into v_config_line_id;
1422: Close c_get_config_line_id;

Line 4240: FROM oe_order_lines_all

4236: SELECT organization_id, location_id
4238: WHERE order_line_id IN
4239: (SELECT reference_line_id
4240: FROM oe_order_lines_all
4241: WHERE to_char(line_id) = v_interface_line_attribute7
4242: );
4244: -- following cursor added by sriram -- bug # 2755890 to pick up the