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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_gen_refunds AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI68B.pls 120.1 2006/02/13 04:16:14 sapanigr noship $ */
4 /*************************************************************
5  Created By : vchappid
6  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
7  Purpose : Refunds General Package, Functions and Procedures used in the Refunds Build
8  Change History
9  Who             When       What
10  sapanigr    13-Feb-2006 Bug# 5018036. Modified cur_fund_auth in check_fund_auth for R12 SQL repository perf tuning.
11  shtatiko	 24-Sep-2002 Bug# 2564643, Removed Sub Account References
12  agairola        30-Apr-2002 Modified the get_fee_prd for the bug 2348883
13  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
14 ***************************************************************/
16 g_active      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'ACTIVE';
17 g_refund      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'REFUND';
18 g_stoprefund  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) := 'STOPREFUND';
19 g_borrower    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'BORROWER';
21 FUNCTION check_fund_auth(p_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
23 /*************************************************************
24  Created By : vchappid
25  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
26  Purpose : Identifies whether the Fund Autorization is set for the person
27  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
28  Change History
29  Who           When         What
30  sapanigr   13-Feb-2006     Bug 5018036. Modified cur_fund_auth to query from igs_pe_hz_parties instead of igs_fi_parties_v
31  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
32 ***************************************************************/
34   CURSOR cur_fund_auth (cp_person_id igs_pe_hz_parties.party_id%TYPE) IS
35   SELECT NVL(fund_authorization,'N') fund_authorization
36   FROM   igs_pe_hz_parties
37   WHERE  party_id = cp_person_id;
38   l_fund_auth igs_fi_parties_v.fund_authorization%TYPE;
40   -- For the person in context get the fund authorization is enabled or not
41   -- if no record is found then the function returns FALSE else returns TRUE
42   OPEN cur_fund_auth(p_person_id);
43   FETCH cur_fund_auth INTO l_fund_auth;
44   IF cur_fund_auth%NOTFOUND THEN
46   ELSE
47     IF l_fund_auth = 'Y' THEN
48       RETURN TRUE;
49     ELSE
50       RETURN FALSE;
51     END IF;
52   END IF;
53 END check_fund_auth;
56 PROCEDURE get_fee_prd( p_fee_type               OUT NOCOPY       igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE,
57                        p_fee_cal_type           IN OUT NOCOPY    igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
58                        p_fee_ci_sequence_number IN OUT NOCOPY    igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
59                        p_status                 OUT NOCOPY       BOOLEAN) AS
60 /*************************************************************
61  Created By : vchappid
62  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
63  Purpose : Gets the Fee Type for the given Sub Account and Fee Period
64  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
65  Change History
66  Who             When       What
67 shtatiko	 24-Sep-2002 Bug# 3564643, Removed Subaccount_id from the parameter list and modified the code accordingly.
68 agairola         30-Apr-2002 Added the Fee Structure Status check in cur_fee_type and cur_ftyp_no_ftci for 2348883
69  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
70 ***************************************************************/
73   CURSOR cur_fee_type ( cp_fee_cal_type            igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
74                         cp_fee_ci_sequence_number  igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE)
75   IS
76   SELECT ft.fee_type
77   FROM   igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
78          igs_fi_fee_type ft,
79          igs_fi_fee_str_stat fsst
80   WHERE  ft.fee_type = ftci.fee_type
81   AND    ftci.fee_cal_type = p_fee_cal_type
82   AND    ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number = p_fee_ci_sequence_number
83   AND    ftci.fee_type_ci_status = fsst.fee_structure_status
84   AND    fsst.s_fee_structure_status = g_active
85   AND    ft.s_fee_type = g_refund
86   AND    NVL(ft.closed_ind,'N') = 'N';
88   l_cur_fee_type igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE;
90   CURSOR cur_ftyp_no_ftci
91   IS
92   SELECT ftci.fee_type,
93          ci.cal_type,
94          ci.sequence_number
95   FROM   igs_fi_fee_type ft,
96          igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
97          igs_ca_inst ci,
98          igs_fi_fee_str_stat fsst
99   WHERE  ft.fee_type = ftci.fee_type
100   AND    ft.s_fee_type = g_refund
101   AND    ci.cal_type = ftci.fee_cal_type
102   AND    ci.sequence_number = ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number
103   AND    ftci.fee_type_ci_status = fsst.fee_structure_status
104   AND    fsst.s_fee_structure_status = g_active
105   AND    (TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(ci.start_dt) AND TRUNC(NVL(ci.end_dt,SYSDATE)))
106   AND    NVL(ft.closed_ind,'N') = 'N'
107   ORDER BY ci.start_dt, ci.sequence_number ASC;
108   l_cur_ftyp_no_ftci cur_ftyp_no_ftci%ROWTYPE;
111   -- If the Fee Period is passed then for Fee Period Fee Type is identified
112   IF ( p_fee_cal_type IS NOT NULL AND p_fee_ci_sequence_number IS NOT NULL) THEN
113     OPEN cur_fee_type( p_fee_cal_type, p_fee_ci_sequence_number);
114     FETCH cur_fee_type INTO l_cur_fee_type;
115     IF cur_fee_type%NOTFOUND THEN
116       p_status := FALSE;
117       p_fee_type := NULL;
118       CLOSE cur_fee_type;
119       RETURN;
120     END IF;
121     p_status :=TRUE;
122     p_fee_type := l_cur_fee_type;
123     CLOSE cur_fee_type;
124   ELSE
125   -- If the Fee Period is not passed then for the latest Fee Calendar Instance, Fee Type is identified
126     OPEN cur_ftyp_no_ftci;
127     FETCH cur_ftyp_no_ftci INTO l_cur_ftyp_no_ftci;
128     IF cur_ftyp_no_ftci%NOTFOUND THEN
129       p_status := FALSE;
130       p_fee_type := NULL;
131       p_fee_cal_type := NULL;
132       p_fee_ci_sequence_number := NULL;
133       CLOSE cur_ftyp_no_ftci;
134       RETURN;
135     END IF;
136     p_status :=TRUE;
137     p_fee_type := l_cur_ftyp_no_ftci.fee_type;
138     p_fee_cal_type := l_cur_ftyp_no_ftci.cal_type;
139     p_fee_ci_sequence_number := l_cur_ftyp_no_ftci.sequence_number;
140     CLOSE cur_ftyp_no_ftci;
141   END IF;
142 END get_fee_prd;
144 FUNCTION get_rfnd_hold (p_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
145 /*************************************************************
146  Created By : vchappid
147  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
148  Purpose : Function to determine whether a person is having active STOPREFUND hold effects hold
149  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
150  Change History
151  Who             When       What
152  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
153 ***************************************************************/
155   CURSOR cur_hold_check (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE)
156   IS
157   SELECT 'X'
158   FROM   igs_pe_persenc_effct
159   WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id
160   AND    s_encmb_effect_type = g_stoprefund
161   AND    TRUNC(NVL(expiry_dt,SYSDATE)) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE);
163   l_temp VARCHAR2(1);
165   -- Returns FALSE when the Person Id is not input
166   IF ( p_person_id IS NULL) THEN
168   END IF;
170   -- Returns FALSE when there is no hold effect of STOPREFUND else returns TRUE
171   OPEN cur_hold_check(p_person_id);
172   FETCH cur_hold_check INTO l_temp;
173   IF cur_hold_check%NOTFOUND THEN
174     CLOSE cur_hold_check;
176   ELSE
177     CLOSE cur_hold_check;
178     RETURN TRUE;
179   END IF;
180 END get_rfnd_hold;
182 FUNCTION val_add_drop (p_fee_cal_type            igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
183                        p_fee_ci_sequence_number  igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
184 /*************************************************************
185  Created By : vchappid
186  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
187  Purpose : Function to determine the Refund Date Alias is less than the Sysdate
188  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
189  Change History
190  Who             When       What
191  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
192 ***************************************************************/
194   CURSOR cur_control
195   IS
196   SELECT refund_dt_alias
197   FROM   igs_fi_control;
198   l_refund_dt_alias igs_ca_da_inst.dt_alias%TYPE;
200   CURSOR cur_alias_val (cp_fee_cal_type            igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
201                         cp_fee_ci_sequence_number  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
202                         cp_date_alias              igs_ca_da_inst.dt_alias%TYPE)
203   IS
204   SELECT alias_val
205   FROM   igs_ca_da_inst_v
206   WHERE  cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
207   AND    ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
208   AND    dt_alias = cp_date_alias
209   ORDER BY alias_val DESC;
210   l_refund_dt_val igs_ca_da_inst_v.alias_val%TYPE;
213   -- If the mandatory parameters are not passed then the function returnd FALSE
214   IF (p_fee_cal_type IS NULL OR p_fee_ci_sequence_number IS NULL) THEN
216   END IF;
218   -- Identify the refund date alias value in the System Setup form
219   -- when no data is setup then the function returns FALSE
220   OPEN cur_control;
221   FETCH cur_control INTO l_refund_dt_alias;
222   IF cur_control%NOTFOUND THEN
223     CLOSE cur_control;
225   END IF;
226   CLOSE cur_control;
228   -- If the Identified refund date alias value in the System Setup form
229   -- is null then the function returns FALSE
230   IF (l_refund_dt_alias IS NULL) THEN
232   END IF;
234   -- Get the Alias Value from the igs_ca_da_inst_v view, returns FALSE when no data found
235   OPEN cur_alias_val(p_fee_cal_type, p_fee_ci_sequence_number, l_refund_dt_alias);
236   FETCH cur_alias_val INTO l_refund_dt_val;
237   IF cur_alias_val%NOTFOUND THEN
238     CLOSE cur_alias_val;
240   END IF;
241   CLOSE cur_alias_val;
243   -- If the Alias Value is Less Than the current Date then the function will return FALSE
244   -- else TRUE is returned
245   IF (l_refund_dt_val <  SYSDATE) THEN
247   ELSE
248     RETURN TRUE;
249   END IF;
250 END val_add_drop;
252 PROCEDURE get_borw_det (p_credit_id          igs_fi_credits.credit_id%TYPE,
253                         p_determination  OUT NOCOPY igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,
254                         p_err_message    OUT NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE,
255                         p_status         OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN) AS
256 /*************************************************************
257  Created By : vchappid
258  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
259  Purpose : Procedure will determine the Borrower for the input Credit Id
260  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
261  Change History
262  Who             When       What
263  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
264 ***************************************************************/
266   CURSOR cur_award( cp_credit_id igs_fi_credits.credit_id%TYPE)
267   IS
268   SELECT award_id
269   FROM   igf_db_awd_disb_dtl
270   WHERE  sf_credit_id = cp_credit_id;
271   l_cur_award cur_award%ROWTYPE;
273   CURSOR cur_borrower (cp_award_id igf_aw_award.award_id%TYPE)
274   IS
275   SELECT NVL(borw_detrm_code,g_borrower) borw_detrm_code
276   FROM   igf_sl_loans
277   WHERE  award_id = cp_award_id;
278   l_cur_borrower cur_borrower%ROWTYPE;
281   -- If the mandatory parameter credit id is not passed then return setting
282   -- NULL to the OUT NOCOPY variables
283   IF (p_credit_id IS NULL ) THEN
284     p_determination := NULL;
285     p_err_message := NULL;
286     p_status := FALSE;
287     RETURN;
288   END IF;
290   -- For the input credit id, get the award id from the Disbursment Details Table, return message if no
291   -- data is found
292   OPEN cur_award( p_credit_id);
293   FETCH cur_award INTO l_cur_award;
294   IF cur_award%NOTFOUND THEN
295     p_determination := NULL;
296     p_err_message := 'IGS_FI_RFND_INVDATA';
297     p_status := FALSE;
298     CLOSE cur_award;
299     RETURN;
300   END IF;
301   CLOSE cur_award;
303   -- for the award id get the borrower from the loans table
304   -- when the column value is NULL the default BORROWER is
305   -- returned as the Borrower code
306   OPEN cur_borrower( l_cur_award.award_id);
307   FETCH cur_borrower INTO l_cur_borrower;
308   IF cur_borrower%NOTFOUND THEN
309     p_determination := NULL;
310     p_err_message := NULL;
311     p_status := FALSE;
312     CLOSE cur_borrower;
313     RETURN;
314   END IF;
315   p_determination := l_cur_borrower.borw_detrm_code;
316   p_err_message := NULL;
317   p_status := TRUE;
318   CLOSE cur_borrower;
320 END get_borw_det;
322 PROCEDURE get_refund_acc ( p_dr_gl_ccid     OUT NOCOPY igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rec_gl_ccid%TYPE,
323                            p_dr_account_cd  OUT NOCOPY igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rec_account_cd%TYPE,
324                            p_cr_gl_ccid     OUT NOCOPY igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rec_gl_ccid%TYPE,
325                            p_cr_account_cd  OUT NOCOPY igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rec_account_cd%TYPE,
326                            p_err_message    OUT NOCOPY fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE,
327                            p_status         OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN) AS
328 /*************************************************************
329  Created By : vchappid
330  Date Created By : 01-Mar-2002
331  Purpose : Get the Refunds Account Codes setup at the System Options Form
332            depending whether AR is installed or not
333  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
334  Change History
335  Who             When       What
336  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
337 ***************************************************************/
340   CURSOR cur_refund
341   IS
342   SELECT refund_dr_gl_ccid,
343          refund_cr_gl_ccid,
344          refund_dr_account_cd,
345          refund_cr_account_cd,
346          NVL(rec_installed,'N') rec_installed
347   FROM   igs_fi_control;
349   l_cur_refund cur_refund%ROWTYPE;
353   -- If there is no record in the igs_fi_control table then the procedure will return
354   -- an error and assigns NULL to the OUT NOCOPY parameters
355   OPEN cur_refund;
356   FETCH cur_refund INTO l_cur_refund;
357   IF cur_refund%NOTFOUND THEN
358       p_dr_gl_ccid := NULL;
359       p_dr_account_cd := NULL;
360       p_cr_gl_ccid := NULL;
361       p_cr_account_cd := NULL;
362       p_err_message := 'IGS_FI_REFUND_ACC_ERR';
363       p_status:= FALSE;
364       RETURN;
365   END IF;
366   CLOSE cur_refund;
368   -- If AR is installed then the CCID columns will be assigned to the Out NOCOPY Parameters
369   -- else Account codes are assigned to the OUT NOCOPY parameters
370   IF (l_cur_refund.rec_installed ='Y') THEN
371     IF (l_cur_refund.refund_dr_gl_ccid IS NULL OR l_cur_refund.refund_cr_gl_ccid IS NULL) THEN
372       p_dr_gl_ccid := NULL;
373       p_dr_account_cd := NULL;
374       p_cr_gl_ccid := NULL;
375       p_cr_account_cd := NULL;
376       p_err_message := 'IGS_FI_REFUND_ACC_ERR';
377       p_status:= FALSE;
378       RETURN;
379     ELSE
380       p_dr_gl_ccid := l_cur_refund.refund_dr_gl_ccid;
381       p_dr_account_cd := NULL;
382       p_cr_gl_ccid := l_cur_refund.refund_cr_gl_ccid;
383       p_cr_account_cd := NULL;
384       p_err_message := NULL;
385       p_status:= TRUE;
386       RETURN;
387     END IF;
388   ELSE
389     IF (l_cur_refund.refund_dr_account_cd IS NULL OR l_cur_refund.refund_cr_account_cd IS NULL) THEN
390       p_dr_gl_ccid := NULL;
391       p_dr_account_cd := NULL;
392       p_cr_gl_ccid := NULL;
393       p_cr_account_cd := NULL;
394       p_err_message := 'IGS_FI_REFUND_ACC_ERR';
395       p_status:= FALSE;
396       RETURN;
397     ELSE
398       p_dr_gl_ccid := NULL;
399       p_dr_account_cd := l_cur_refund.refund_dr_account_cd;
400       p_cr_gl_ccid := NULL;
401       p_cr_account_cd := l_cur_refund.refund_cr_account_cd;
402       p_err_message := NULL;
403       p_status:= TRUE;
404       RETURN;
405     END IF;
406   END IF;
407 END get_refund_acc;
408 END igs_fi_gen_refunds;