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Line 9: Type t_cqb_tab is table of ben_cbr_quald_bnf%rowtype index by binary_integer;

5: --
6: Type t_ppl_tab is table of ben_ptnl_ler_for_per%rowtype index by binary_integer;
7: Type t_pil_tab is table of ben_per_in_ler%rowtype index by binary_integer;
8: Type t_crp_tab is table of ben_cbr_per_in_ler%rowtype index by binary_integer;
9: Type t_cqb_tab is table of ben_cbr_quald_bnf%rowtype index by binary_integer;
10: Type t_pep_tab is table of ben_elig_per_f%rowtype index by binary_integer;
11: Type t_epo_tab is table of ben_elig_per_opt_f%rowtype index by binary_integer;
12: Type t_epe_tab is table of ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc%rowtype index by binary_integer;
13: Type t_pel_tab is table of ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl%rowtype index by binary_integer;

Line 1644: insert into ben_cbr_quald_bnf_rbv

1640: --
1641: for elenum in p_cqb_set.first ..p_cqb_set.last
1642: loop
1643: --
1644: insert into ben_cbr_quald_bnf_rbv
1645: (cbr_quald_bnf_id
1646: ,quald_bnf_flag
1647: ,quald_bnf_person_id
1648: ,business_group_id

Line 3178: from ben_cbr_quald_bnf cqb

3174: ,c_lu_dt date
3175: )
3176: is
3177: select cqb.*
3178: from ben_cbr_quald_bnf cqb
3179: where cqb.cvrd_emp_person_id = c_per_id
3180: and cqb.last_update_date
3181: between c_lu_dt and sysdate
3182: order by cqb.cbr_quald_bnf_id;

Line 3786: l_table_name := 'BEN_CBR_QUALD_BNF_RBV';

3782: ,p_person_action_id => p_person_action_id
3783: ,p_pdp_set => l_pdp_set
3784: );
3785: --
3786: l_table_name := 'BEN_CBR_QUALD_BNF_RBV';
3787: l_elenum := 0;
3788: --
3789: for row in c_cqbrbv
3790: (c_per_id => l_person_id