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2 -- $Header: ECISTGS.pls 120.4 2005/09/29 10:38:28 arsriniv ship $
3 /*#
4  * This package contains routines to copy data from the incoming flat file to the staging tables.
5  * @rep:scope internal
6  * @rep:product EC
7  * @rep:lifecycle active
8  * @rep:displayname Inbound Staging Program
9  * @rep:compatibility S
10  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY EC_INBOUND
11  */
13 /**
14 Global Variables
15 **/
16 g_record_num_start      number := 92;
17 g_common_key_length     number := 100;
18 g_record_num_length     number := 4;
19 /* bug2110652 */
20 g_source_charset        varchar2(30);
22 /**
23 Record Type for storing the Information Specific to a Level
24 i.e. Start record Number, Document id , Document Number , Key Column name etc.
25 **/
26 TYPE start_rec is RECORD
27 (
28 start_record_number	number(15),
29 Document_Id		number(15),
30 Line_Number		number(15),
31 Parent_Stage_Id		number(15),
32 Insert_Cursor		number(15),
33 Transaction_type	varchar2(40),
34 Run_Id			number(15),
35 Document_Number		varchar2(200),
36 Status			varchar2(40),
37 Stage_Id		number(15),
38 Key_Column_Name		varchar2(80),
39 key_column_position	number(4),
40 primary_address_type	ece_interface_tables.primary_address_type%TYPE,
41 tp_code			ece_tp_headers.tp_code%TYPE
42 );
44 -- TYPE Stage_Record_Type 	is TABLE of stage_record index by BINARY_INTEGER;  -- mguthrie
45 TYPE Level_Info 	is TABLE of start_rec INDEX by BINARY_INTEGER;
47 /**
48 This is the Main Staging Program.
49 For a given transaction , and the Inbound File information i.e. File name
50 and File Path , it loads the Flat File into the Staging table. There is no
51 checking done for the data , and is loaded according to the Mapping
52 information seeded for a transaction.
53 **/
54 /*#
55  * This is the main procedure to copy data from the incoming flat file to the staging tables.
56  * No validation is performed on the data.  The data is loaded according to the seeded map provided for the transaction.
57  * @param i_transaction_type Transaction Type
58  * @param i_file_name Flat File Name
59  * @param i_file_path File Path of the Inbound File
60  * @param i_map_id    Map Id of the Map Used
61  * @param i_run_id Run Id of the Inbound Process
62  * @rep:scope internal
63  * @rep:lifecycle active
64  * @rep:displayname Load Incoming Data To Staging Tables
65  * @rep:compatibility S
66  */
68 procedure Load_Data
69 	(
70 	i_transaction_type	IN	varchar2,
71 	i_file_name		IN	varchar2,
72 	i_file_path		IN	varchar2,
73 	i_map_id		IN	number,		-- mguthrie
74 	i_run_id		OUT NOCOPY	number
75 	);
77 /**
78 This Function returns the Boolean True or False for a match between the
79 Record Number read from the File and the Record Number seeded for the
80 transaction. If the match is found , then it returns back the number of
81 Data elements present , and the Cursor Position in the line upto which
82 the Data has been read.
83 **/
85 function match_record_num
86 	(
87 	i_current_level		IN	number,
88 	i_record_num		IN	number,
89 	i_file_pos		OUT NOCOPY	number,
90 	i_next_file_pos         IN OUT NOCOPY number,
91 	i_total_rec_unit	OUT NOCOPY	number
92 	) return boolean;
94 /**
95 After a successful match of record number between the Line Read from
96 FlatFile and the seeded data , the Line is loaded into the PL/SQL
97 table. The PL/SQL table is defined as a Local variable in the Body
98 of the package and is accessible to the Functions and Procedures
99 inside the package body only.
100 **/
101 procedure load_data_from_file
102 	(
103 	i_file_pos		IN	number,
104 	i_total_rec_unit	IN	number,
105 	c_current_line		IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2 -- Added OUT NOCOPY as per bug:4555935
106 	);
108 /**
109 This procedures loads the mapping information between the Flat File
110 and the Staging table. This information is seeded in the ECE_INTERFACE_TABLES
111 and ECE_INTERFACE_COLUMNS. The mapping information is loaded into the Local Body
112 PL/SQL table variable for a given transaction Type and its level. This PL/SQL table
113 loaded with Mapping information is visible only to the functions and procedures
114 defined within this package.
115 **/
116 procedure populate_flatfile_mapping
117 	(
118 	i_transaction_type	in	varchar2,
119 	i_level			in	number,
120 	i_map_id		IN	number		-- mguthrie
121 	);
123 /**
124 The Data loaded in the Local PL/SQL table is inserted into the Staging table.
125 This procedures takes Transaction Level and the Cursor handle as the parameter.
126 The Cursor handle is passed as 0 in the First call , and the subsequent calls
127 uses the Cursor Handle returned by the Procedure. This helps in avoiding the
128 expensive parsing of the SQL Statement again and again for the Same level.
129 **/
130 procedure Insert_Into_Stage_Table
131         (
132         i_level         	IN      NUMBER,
133         i_map_id		IN	NUMBER,		-- mguthrie
134         i_insert_cursor 	IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
135         );
137 procedure find_pos
138         (
139         i_level                 IN      number,
140         i_search_text           IN      varchar2,
141         o_pos                   OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
142         i_required              IN      BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
143         );
145 procedure get_tp_code
146         (
147         i_translator_code       in      varchar2,
148         i_location_code         in      varchar2,
149         i_address_type          in      varchar2,
150 	i_transaction_type	in	varchar2,
151         i_tp_code               OUT  NOCOPY   varchar2
152         );