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Line 878: l_valid := ame_utility_pkg.validate_query(p_query_string => p_query_string

874: exception
875: when no_data_found then
876: l_object := ame_util2.attributeObject;
877: end;
878: l_valid := ame_utility_pkg.validate_query(p_query_string => p_query_string
879: ,p_columns => l_columns
880: ,p_object => l_object
881: );
882: if l_valid <> 'Y' then

Line 1136: -- where ame_utility_pkg.check_seeddb = 'N'

1133: -- cursor c_sel3 is
1134: -- select null
1135: -- from ame_attribute_usages
1136: -- where ame_utility_pkg.check_seeddb = 'N'
1137: -- and ame_utility_pkg.is_seed_user(created_by) = ame_util.seededDataCreatedById
1138: -- and attribute_id = p_attribute_id
1139: -- and application_id = p_application_id
1140: -- and p_effective_date between start_date

Line 1137: -- and ame_utility_pkg.is_seed_user(created_by) = ame_util.seededDataCreatedById

1133: -- cursor c_sel3 is
1134: -- select null
1135: -- from ame_attribute_usages
1136: -- where ame_utility_pkg.check_seeddb = 'N'
1137: -- and ame_utility_pkg.is_seed_user(created_by) = ame_util.seededDataCreatedById
1138: -- and attribute_id = p_attribute_id
1139: -- and application_id = p_application_id
1140: -- and p_effective_date between start_date
1141: -- and nvl(end_date - (1/86400), sysdate);

Line 1162: l_seededDb := ame_utility_pkg.check_seeddb;

1158: fnd_message.raise_error;
1159: else
1160: open c_sel2;
1161: fetch c_sel2 into l_exists;
1162: l_seededDb := ame_utility_pkg.check_seeddb;
1163: if c_sel2%found and l_seededDb = 'N' then
1164: close c_sel2;
1165: fnd_message.set_name('PER','AME_400170_ATT_MAND_CANT_DEL');
1166: fnd_message.raise_error;