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Line 1624: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before insert into PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR') ;

1621: l_commit_size := p_commit_size / 2 ;
1624: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before insert into PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR') ;
1626: -- Modified insert statement to use project_id from pa_txn_accum to select rows from
1627: -- pa_txn_accum_details as project_id may be null for some detail lines
1628: -- project_id is a not null column in pa_txn_accum.

Line 1627: -- pa_txn_accum_details as project_id may be null for some detail lines

1624: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before insert into PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR') ;
1626: -- Modified insert statement to use project_id from pa_txn_accum to select rows from
1627: -- pa_txn_accum_details as project_id may be null for some detail lines
1628: -- project_id is a not null column in pa_txn_accum.
1630: INSERT INTO PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR
1631: (

Line 1630: INSERT INTO PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR

1626: -- Modified insert statement to use project_id from pa_txn_accum to select rows from
1627: -- pa_txn_accum_details as project_id may be null for some detail lines
1628: -- project_id is a not null column in pa_txn_accum.
1630: INSERT INTO PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR
1631: (

Line 1676: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad,

1672: tad.REQUEST_ID,
1674: tad.PROGRAM_ID,
1676: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad,
1677: pa_txn_accum pta
1678: WHERE tad.txn_accum_id = pta.txn_accum_id
1679: AND pta.project_id = p_project_id
1680: AND rownum < l_commit_size;

Line 1687: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After insert into PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR') ;

1683: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
1684: l_NoOfRecordsIns := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
1685: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 end */
1687: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After insert into PA_Txn_Accum_Details_AR') ;
1689: IF l_NoOfRecordsIns > 0 THEN
1690: -- The algorithm for deleting records from original table
1691: -- depends on whether records are being archived or not.

Line 1697: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;

1693: -- joins the original and the archived table on the basis of a
1694: -- unique key and uses rowid of records in original table to hit
1695: -- the records to be deleted
1697: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1699: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1700: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1701: ( SELECT tad2.original_rowid

Line 1699: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad

1695: -- the records to be deleted
1697: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1699: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1700: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1701: ( SELECT tad2.original_rowid
1702: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1,
1703: pa_txn_accum_details_ar tad2

Line 1702: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1,

1699: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1700: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1701: ( SELECT tad2.original_rowid
1702: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1,
1703: pa_txn_accum_details_ar tad2
1704: WHERE tad1.rowid = tad2.original_rowid
1705: -- AND tad1.project_id=tad2.project_id
1706: AND tad2.purge_project_id = p_project_id

Line 1703: pa_txn_accum_details_ar tad2

1699: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1700: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1701: ( SELECT tad2.original_rowid
1702: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1,
1703: pa_txn_accum_details_ar tad2
1704: WHERE tad1.rowid = tad2.original_rowid
1705: -- AND tad1.project_id=tad2.project_id
1706: AND tad2.purge_project_id = p_project_id
1707: ) ;

Line 1711: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;

1707: ) ;
1708: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
1709: l_NoOfRecordsDel := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
1710: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 end */
1711: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1712: END IF ;
1713: ELSE
1715: l_commit_size := p_commit_size ;

Line 1720: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;

1717: -- If the archive option is not selected then the delete will
1718: -- be based on the commit size.
1720: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1721: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
1722: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1723: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1724: ( SELECT tad1.rowid

Line 1722: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad

1718: -- be based on the commit size.
1720: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Before delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1721: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
1722: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1723: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1724: ( SELECT tad1.rowid
1725: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1, pa_txn_accum pta
1726: WHERE tad1.txn_accum_id = pta.txn_accum_id

Line 1725: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1, pa_txn_accum pta

1721: /* commented and modified as below for performance reasons. Archive Purge 11.5
1722: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1723: WHERE (tad.rowid) IN
1724: ( SELECT tad1.rowid
1725: FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad1, pa_txn_accum pta
1726: WHERE tad1.txn_accum_id = pta.txn_accum_id
1727: AND pta.project_id = p_project_id
1728: AND rownum <= l_commit_size
1729: ) ;

Line 1731: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad

1727: AND pta.project_id = p_project_id
1728: AND rownum <= l_commit_size
1729: ) ;
1730: */
1731: DELETE FROM pa_txn_accum_details tad
1732: WHERE (tad.txn_accum_id) IN
1733: ( SELECT pta.txn_accum_id
1734: FROM pa_txn_accum pta
1735: WHERE pta.project_id = p_project_id

Line 1742: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;

1739: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
1740: l_NoOfRecordsDel := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
1741: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 end */
1742: pa_debug.debug( ' ->After delete from pa_txn_accum_details ') ;
1743: END IF ;
1745: /*Code Changes for Bug No.2984871 start */
1746: IF l_NoOfRecordsDel = 0 THEN

Line 1763: p_table_name => 'PA_TXN_ACCUM_DETAILS',

1759: pa_debug.debug( ' ->Calling pa_purge.CommitProcess ') ;
1760: pa_purge.CommitProcess
1761: (p_purge_batch_id => p_purge_batch_id,
1762: p_project_id => p_project_id,
1763: p_table_name => 'PA_TXN_ACCUM_DETAILS',
1764: p_NoOfRecordsIns => l_NoOfRecordsIns,
1765: p_NoOfRecordsDel => l_NoOfRecordsDel,
1766: x_err_code => x_err_code,
1767: x_err_stack => x_err_stack,

Line 1921: pa_debug.debug('*-> About to purge PA_Txn_Accum_Details') ;

1917: x_err_stack => x_err_stack,
1918: x_err_stage => x_err_stage
1919: ) ;
1921: pa_debug.debug('*-> About to purge PA_Txn_Accum_Details') ;
1922: pa_purge_summary.PA_TxnAccumDetails
1923: (p_purge_batch_id => p_purge_batch_id,
1924: p_project_id => p_project_id,
1925: p_txn_to_date => p_txn_to_date,