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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

    SELECT person_number
    FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
    WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id ;
Line: 64

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_ps_grp_mbr
    WHERE  course_cd        = cp_course_cd
    AND    version_number   = cp_version
    AND    course_group_cd  = p_program_group;
Line: 72

    SELECT map1
    FROM  igs_he_code_map_val
    WHERE Association_code ='OSS_HESA_AWD_ASSOC'
    AND   Map2 = cp_Student_qual_aim ;
Line: 88

    SELECT uqd.Exam_level,
           MAX(grd.rank) ucas_tariff
    FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets uqd,
           igs_as_grd_sch_grade grd
    WHERE  uqd.Person_id         = cp_person_id
      AND  uqd.Exam_level        = cp_exam_level
      AND  grd.grade             = uqd.approved_result
      AND  grd.grading_schema_cd = uqd.grading_schema_cd
      AND  grd.version_number    = uqd.version_number
      AND ( uqd.Year IS NULL OR  uqd.Year  <= TO_CHAR (cp_commencement_date, 'YYYY'))
      AND ( subject_code IS NULL OR subject_code NOT IN (SELECT field_of_study
                                    FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals
                                    WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                    AND  (award_cd IS NULL OR award_cd = cp_exam_level)))
    GROUP BY Exam_level, Subject_code ;
Line: 117

        SELECT DISTINCT Exam_level
        FROM Igs_uc_qual_dets
        WHERE Person_id    = l_person_id
          AND exam_level     IN  (SELECT hula.award_cd
                                  FROM   igs_he_ut_lvl_award hula
                                  WHERE  hula.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                    AND  hula.closed_ind = 'N')
          AND exam_level NOT IN  (SELECT hueq.award_cd
                                  FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals hueq
                                  WHERE  hueq.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                    AND  hueq.field_of_study IS NULL)
          AND (subject_code IS NULL OR subject_code NOT IN  (SELECT field_of_study
                                        FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals
                                        WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                        AND  award_cd IS NULL))
          AND (exam_level, subject_code) NOT IN  (SELECT eqas.award_cd, eqas.field_of_study
                                                  FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals eqas
                                                  WHERE  eqas.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                                    AND  eqas.award_cd IS NOT NULL
                                                    AND  eqas.field_of_study IS NOT NULL)
          AND (Year IS NULL OR Year  <= TO_CHAR (l_commencement_date, 'YYYY') ) ;
Line: 142

    CURSOR Cur_st_spa_for_update (l_person_id igs_he_st_spa.person_id%TYPE,
                                  l_course_cd igs_he_st_spa.course_cd%TYPE)  IS
        SELECT  ihss.row_id row_id,
                ihss.hesa_st_spa_id hesa_st_spa_id,
                ihss.course_cd       course_cd,
                ihss.version_number    version_number,
                ihss.person_id person_id,
                ihss.fe_student_marker   fe_student_marker,
                ihss.domicile_cd      domicile_cd,
                ihss.inst_last_attended  inst_last_attended,
                ihss.year_left_last_inst   year_left_last_inst,
                ihss.highest_qual_on_entry highest_qual_on_entry,
                ihss.date_qual_on_entry_calc   date_qual_on_entry_calc,
                ihss.a_level_point_score a_level_point_score,
                ihss.highers_points_scores   highers_points_scores,
                ihss.occupation_code  occupation_code,
                ihss.commencement_dt  commencement_dt,
                ihss.special_student    special_student,
                ihss.student_qual_aim    student_qual_aim,
                ihss.student_fe_qual_aim   student_fe_qual_aim,
                ihss.teacher_train_prog_id    teacher_train_prog_id,
                ihss.itt_phase       itt_phase,
                ihss.bilingual_itt_marker bilingual_itt_marker,
                ihss.teaching_qual_gain_sector teaching_qual_gain_sector,
                ihss.teaching_qual_gain_subj1  teaching_qual_gain_subj1,
                ihss.teaching_qual_gain_subj2 teaching_qual_gain_subj2,
                ihss.teaching_qual_gain_subj3  teaching_qual_gain_subj3,
                ihss.student_inst_number    student_inst_number,
                ihss.hesa_return_name     hesa_return_name,
                ihss.hesa_return_id    hesa_return_id,
                ihss.hesa_submission_name  hesa_submission_name,
                ihss.associate_ucas_number associate_ucas_number,
                ihss.associate_scott_cand  associate_scott_cand,
                ihss.associate_teach_ref_num  associate_teach_ref_num,
                ihss.associate_nhs_reg_num  associate_nhs_reg_num,
                ihss.itt_prog_outcome           itt_prog_outcome,
                ihss.nhs_funding_source nhs_funding_source,
                ihss.ufi_place        ufi_place,
                ihss.postcode        postcode,
                ihss.social_class_ind   social_class_ind,
                ihss.destination     destination,
                ihss.occcode     occcode,
                ihss.total_ucas_tariff   total_ucas_tariff,
                ihss.nhs_employer  nhs_employer,
        FROM   igs_he_st_spa ihss
        WHERE  ihss.person_id  = l_person_id
        AND    ihss.course_cd  = l_course_cd;
Line: 210

    SELECT  rowid
    FROM  Igs_he_st_spa_ut
    WHERE Person_id = l_person_id
    AND   course_cd = l_course_cd;
Line: 221

        SELECT   Iagsta.grade,
                 Iagsgv.full_grade_name,  -- jchin 3484372 Added full grade name to output to log file
        FROM     Igs_uc_qual_dets        Iuqd,
                 Igs_as_grd_sch_trn_all  Iagsta,
                 Igs_as_grd_sch_grade_v  Iagsgv,
                 Igs_as_grd_sch_grade grd
        WHERE    Iuqd.person_id =  l_person_id
        AND      Iagsta.grading_schema_cd =  Iuqd.grading_schema_cd
        AND      Iagsta.version_number  = Iuqd.version_number
        AND      grd.grading_schema_cd  = iuqd.grading_schema_cd
        AND      grd.version_number  = Iuqd.version_number
        AND      ( iuqd.approved_result IS NULL
                   (grd.grade = iuqd.approved_result  AND grd.s_result_type = 'PASS' )
        AND      Iagsgv.grading_schema_cd =  Iagsta.to_grading_schema_cd
        AND      Iagsgv.version_number  =  Iagsta.to_version_number
        AND      Iagsgv.grade   =  Iagsta.to_grade
        AND      (Iuqd.Year IS NULL OR Iuqd.Year <= TO_CHAR(p_commencement_dt,'YYYY'))
        AND      EXISTS (SELECT  'X'
                         FROM  Igs_he_code_values
                         WHERE Code_type = 'HESA_HIGH_QUAL_ON_ENT'
                         AND   Value = Iagsta.to_grading_schema_cd
                         AND   NVL(closed_ind,'N') = 'N' )
       ORDER BY Iagsgv.rank  ASC ;
Line: 258

       SELECT DISTINCT exam_level
       FROM  igs_uc_qual_dets
       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
       AND   exam_level <> cp_exam_level
       AND   subject_code = cp_subject_cd
       AND   exam_level     IN (SELECT hula.award_cd
                                FROM   igs_he_ut_lvl_award hula
                                WHERE  hula.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                  AND  hula.closed_ind = 'N')
       AND   exam_level NOT IN (SELECT hueq.award_cd
                                FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals hueq
                                WHERE  hueq.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                  AND  hueq.field_of_study IS NULL)
       AND   (year IS NULL OR  Year <= TO_CHAR(cp_commencement_date, 'YYYY'));
Line: 276

    SELECT parent_award_cd
          FROM igs_he_ut_prt_award
          WHERE tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type)
    START WITH award_cd = cp_award_cd
    CONNECT BY PRIOR parent_award_cd = award_cd
    AND tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type;
Line: 292

    l_last_update_date   Igs_uc_qual_dets.Last_update_date%TYPE ;
Line: 293

    l_record_inserted    NUMBER := 0;
Line: 294

    l_record_updated     NUMBER := 0;
Line: 298

    C_st_spa_for_update  cur_st_spa_for_update%ROWTYPE;
Line: 301

    l_recs_for_insert    NUMBER; -- to bypass inserting into SPA_UT table if no qual recs found
Line: 345

    fnd_dsql.add_text('SELECT ihss.student_qual_aim , iespa.commencement_dt, ihss.date_qual_on_entry_calc,');
Line: 350

    fnd_dsql.add_text('AND EXISTS (SELECT person_id from igs_uc_qual_dets where person_id = ihss.person_id) ');
Line: 367

      fnd_dsql.add_text(' (SELECT psv.course_cd, psv.version_number FROM igs_ps_ver psv WHERE psv.course_type = ');
Line: 520

             Igs_he_st_spa_ut_all_pkg.delete_row(x_rowid => Cur_st_spa_ut_rec.rowid );
Line: 533

              l_recs_for_insert := 0; -- initialize to zero
Line: 541

                l_recs_for_insert := l_recs_for_insert + 1;
Line: 585

              IF l_recs_for_insert > 0 THEN

                -- Insert the Tariff scores for each Exam level of an applicant and
                --  the number of subject of each Exam level

                Igs_he_st_spa_ut_all_pkg.Insert_row (
                  x_mode                  => 'R',
                  x_rowid                 => l_rowid,
                  x_hesa_st_spau_id       => l_hesa_st_spau_id,
                  x_Person_id             => c_st_spa.person_id,
                  x_Course_cd             => c_st_spa.course_cd,
                  x_Version_number        => c_st_spa.version_number,
                  x_Qualification_level   => c_exam_level.exam_level,
                  x_Number_of_qual        => l_qual_count,
                  x_tariff_score          => l_tariff_score,
                  x_org_id                => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id );
Line: 602

                l_record_inserted := l_record_inserted + 1 ;
Line: 619

          /* picking up records to update the spa table */
          OPEN Cur_st_spa_for_update (c_st_spa.person_id, c_st_spa.course_cd);
Line: 621

          FETCH Cur_st_spa_for_update INTO c_st_spa_for_update;
Line: 622

          CLOSE Cur_st_spa_for_update;
Line: 624

          /* Getting the highest grade for the applicant to update the spa table */
          l_grade := NULL ; --added by smaddali for bug2353094
Line: 631

          Igs_he_st_spa_all_pkg.Update_row (
            x_mode                       =>   'R',
            x_rowid                      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.row_id,
            x_hesa_st_spa_id             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.hesa_st_spa_id,
            x_course_cd                  =>   c_st_spa_for_update.course_cd,
            x_version_number             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.version_number,
            x_person_id                  =>   c_st_spa_for_update.person_id,
            x_fe_student_marker          =>   c_st_spa_for_update.fe_student_marker,
            x_domicile_cd                =>   c_st_spa_for_update.domicile_cd,
            x_inst_last_attended         =>   c_st_spa_for_update.inst_last_attended,
            x_year_left_last_inst        =>   c_st_spa_for_update.year_left_last_inst,
            x_highest_qual_on_entry      =>   l_grade.to_grade,
            x_date_qual_on_entry_calc    =>   SYSDATE,
            x_a_level_point_score        =>   c_st_spa_for_update.a_level_point_score,
            x_highers_points_scores      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.highers_points_scores,
            x_occupation_code            =>   c_st_spa_for_update.occupation_code,
            x_commencement_dt            =>   c_st_spa_for_update.commencement_dt,
            x_special_student            =>   c_st_spa_for_update.special_student,
            x_student_qual_aim           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.student_qual_aim,
            x_student_fe_qual_aim        =>   c_st_spa_for_update.student_fe_qual_aim,
            x_teacher_train_prog_id      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.teacher_train_prog_id,
            x_itt_phase                  =>   c_st_spa_for_update.itt_phase,
            x_bilingual_itt_marker       =>   c_st_spa_for_update.bilingual_itt_marker,
            x_teaching_qual_gain_sector  =>   c_st_spa_for_update.teaching_qual_gain_sector,
            x_teaching_qual_gain_subj1   =>   c_st_spa_for_update.teaching_qual_gain_subj1,
            x_teaching_qual_gain_subj2   =>   c_st_spa_for_update.teaching_qual_gain_subj2,
            x_teaching_qual_gain_subj3   =>   c_st_spa_for_update.teaching_qual_gain_subj3,
            x_student_inst_number        =>   c_st_spa_for_update.student_inst_number,
            x_hesa_return_name           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.hesa_return_name,
            x_hesa_return_id             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.hesa_return_id,
            x_hesa_submission_name       =>   c_st_spa_for_update.hesa_submission_name,
            x_associate_ucas_number      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.associate_ucas_number,
            x_associate_scott_cand       =>   c_st_spa_for_update.associate_scott_cand,
            x_associate_teach_ref_num    =>   c_st_spa_for_update.associate_teach_ref_num,
            x_associate_nhs_reg_num      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.associate_nhs_reg_num,
            x_itt_prog_outcome           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.itt_prog_outcome,
            x_nhs_funding_source         =>   c_st_spa_for_update.nhs_funding_source,
            x_ufi_place                  =>   c_st_spa_for_update.ufi_place,
            x_postcode                   =>   c_st_spa_for_update.postcode,
            x_social_class_ind           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.social_class_ind,
            x_destination                =>   c_st_spa_for_update.destination,
            x_occcode                    =>   c_st_spa_for_update.occcode,
            x_total_ucas_tariff          =>   l_total_tariff_score,
            x_nhs_employer               =>   c_st_spa_for_update.nhs_employer,
            x_return_type                =>   c_st_spa_for_update.return_type,
            x_qual_aim_subj1             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.qual_aim_subj1,
            x_qual_aim_subj2             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.qual_aim_subj2,
            x_qual_aim_subj3             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.qual_aim_subj3,
            x_qual_aim_proportion        =>   c_st_spa_for_update.qual_aim_proportion ,
            x_org_id                     =>   igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
            x_dependants_cd              =>   c_st_spa_for_update.dependants_cd ,
            x_implied_fund_rate          =>   c_st_spa_for_update.implied_fund_rate ,
            x_gov_initiatives_cd         =>   c_st_spa_for_update.gov_initiatives_cd ,
            x_units_for_qual             =>   c_st_spa_for_update.units_for_qual ,
            x_disadv_uplift_elig_cd      =>   c_st_spa_for_update.disadv_uplift_elig_cd ,
            x_franch_partner_cd          =>   c_st_spa_for_update.franch_partner_cd ,
            x_units_completed            =>   c_st_spa_for_update.units_completed ,
            x_franch_out_arr_cd          =>   c_st_spa_for_update.franch_out_arr_cd ,
            x_employer_role_cd           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.employer_role_cd ,
            x_disadv_uplift_factor       =>   c_st_spa_for_update.disadv_uplift_factor ,
            x_enh_fund_elig_cd           =>   c_st_spa_for_update.enh_fund_elig_cd,
            x_exclude_flag               =>   c_st_spa_for_update.exclude_flag);
Line: 705

          l_record_updated := l_record_updated + 1 ;
Line: 716

Line: 720

Line: 801

     SELECT DISTINCT exam_level
     FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets
     WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id
       AND  exam_level     IN  (SELECT hula.award_cd
                                FROM   igs_he_ut_lvl_award hula
                                WHERE  hula.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                  AND  hula.closed_ind = 'N')
       AND  exam_level NOT IN  (SELECT hueq.award_cd
                                FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals hueq
                                WHERE  hueq.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                  AND  hueq.field_of_study IS NULL)
       AND  (subject_code IS NULL OR subject_code NOT IN (SELECT field_of_study
                                     FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals
                                     WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                     AND  award_cd IS NULL))
       AND  (exam_level, subject_code) NOT IN  (SELECT eqas.award_cd, eqas.field_of_study
                                                FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals eqas
                                                WHERE  eqas.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                                  AND  eqas.award_cd IS NOT NULL
                                                  AND  eqas.field_of_study IS NOT NULL);
Line: 830

    SELECT uqd.Exam_level,
           MAX(grd.rank) ucas_tariff
    FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets uqd,
           igs_as_grd_sch_grade grd
    WHERE  uqd.Person_id         = cp_person_id
      AND  uqd.Exam_level        = cp_exam_level
      AND  grd.grade             = uqd.approved_result
      AND  grd.grading_schema_cd = uqd.grading_schema_cd
      AND  grd.version_number    = uqd.version_number
      AND  (subject_code IS NULL OR subject_code NOT IN (SELECT field_of_study
                                    FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals
                                    WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                    AND  (award_cd IS NULL OR award_cd = cp_exam_level)))
    GROUP BY uqd.Exam_level, uqd.Subject_code ;
Line: 852

    SELECT DISTINCT exam_level
    FROM  igs_uc_qual_dets
    WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
    AND   exam_level <> cp_exam_level
    AND   subject_code = cp_subject_cd
    AND   exam_level     IN (SELECT hula.award_cd
                             FROM   igs_he_ut_lvl_award hula
                             WHERE  hula.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                               AND  hula.closed_ind = 'N')
    AND   exam_level NOT IN (SELECT hueq.award_cd
                             FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals hueq
                             WHERE  hueq.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                               AND  hueq.field_of_study IS NULL);
Line: 869

      SELECT parent_award_cd
      FROM   ( SELECT *
                FROM igs_he_ut_prt_award
                WHERE tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type)
      START WITH award_cd = cp_award_cd
      CONNECT BY PRIOR parent_award_cd=award_cd
      AND tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type;
Line: 879

    SELECT person_number
    FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
    WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 888

   SELECT rowid
   FROM   igs_he_ut_prs_calcs
   WHERE  person_id           = cp_person_id
     AND  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_calc_type;
Line: 898

    SELECT upd.rowid
    FROM   igs_he_ut_prs_dtls upd
    WHERE  person_id           = cp_person_id
      AND  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_calc_type;
Line: 910

    l_record_inserted  NUMBER := 0;
Line: 928

    fnd_dsql.add_text('SELECT DISTINCT person_id FROM igs_uc_qual_dets ');
Line: 1011

             x_rowid               => check_prsn_tariff_exists_rec.rowid
            ,x_tariff_calc_type_cd => p_tariff_calc_type
            ,x_person_id           => l_person_id
            ,x_calc_date           => TRUNC(SYSDATE)
            ,x_mode                => 'R');
Line: 1025

                 x_rowid               => check_prsn_tariff_exists_rec.rowid
                ,x_tariff_calc_type_cd => p_tariff_calc_type
                ,x_person_id           => l_person_id
                ,x_calc_date           => TRUNC(SYSDATE)
                ,x_mode                => 'R');
Line: 1035

Line: 1122

                 x_rowid               => l_rowid
                ,x_tariff_calc_type_cd => p_tariff_calc_type
                ,x_person_id           => l_person_id
                ,x_award_cd            => prsn_exam_level_rec.exam_level
                ,x_number_of_qual      => l_qual_count
                ,x_tariff_score        => l_tariff_score
                ,x_mode                => 'R' );
Line: 1131

            l_record_inserted := l_record_inserted + 1 ;
Line: 1160

Line: 1209

    SELECT upd.award_cd
    FROM   igs_he_ut_prs_dtls upd
    WHERE  person_id           = cp_person_id
      AND  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_calc_type;
Line: 1217

    SELECT uqd.Exam_level,
           MAX(grd.rank) ucas_tariff
    FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets uqd,
           igs_as_grd_sch_grade grd
    WHERE  uqd.Person_id         = cp_person_id
      AND  uqd.Exam_level        = cp_exam_level
      AND  grd.grade             = uqd.approved_result
      AND  grd.grading_schema_cd = uqd.grading_schema_cd
      AND  grd.version_number    = uqd.version_number
      AND  (subject_code IS NULL OR subject_code NOT IN (SELECT field_of_study
                                    FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals
                                    WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                                    AND  (award_cd IS NULL OR award_cd = cp_exam_level)))
    GROUP BY uqd.Exam_level, uqd.Subject_code ;
Line: 1238

    SELECT DISTINCT exam_level
    FROM  igs_uc_qual_dets
    WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
    AND   exam_level <> cp_exam_level
    AND   subject_code = cp_subject_cd
    AND   exam_level     IN (SELECT hula.award_cd
                             FROM   igs_he_ut_lvl_award hula
                             WHERE  hula.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                               AND  hula.closed_ind = 'N')
    AND   exam_level NOT IN (SELECT hueq.award_cd
                             FROM   igs_he_ut_excl_qals hueq
                             WHERE  hueq.tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type
                               AND  hueq.field_of_study IS NULL);
Line: 1255

      SELECT parent_award_cd
      FROM   ( SELECT *
                FROM igs_he_ut_prt_award
                WHERE tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type)
      START WITH award_cd = cp_award_cd
      CONNECT BY PRIOR parent_award_cd=award_cd
      AND tariff_calc_type_cd = cp_tariff_calc_type;
Line: 1346

  smvk      03-Jun-2003   Bug # 2858436.Modified the cursor c_prgawd to select open program awards only.
  rbezawad  13-Feb-03     Modified w.r.t. HEFD202.1 build, Bug 2717744.
                          Introduced logic to aviod double counting of qualifications
  pmarada   24-jul-2003   Before creating the ucas tariff scores for a student deleting  old
                          ucas tariff score details. so removed the Igs_he_st_spa_ut_all_pkg update row call
                          and added delete row call. as per the bug 3064689
  rgangara  29-Aug-03     Added 4 new parameters and created this as a separate procedure
                          for ease of understanding and maintenance
  ayedubat  16-MAR-04     Added a new parameter, p_report_all_hierarchy_flag to the internal and
                          external tariff calculation procedure calls for Bug, 2956444
  anwest    18-JAN-20     Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate

  CURSOR get_calc_type_cur (p_tariff_calc_type igs_he_ut_calc_type.tariff_calc_type_cd%TYPE) IS
  SELECT tariff_calc_type_cd,
  FROM   igs_he_ut_calc_type
  WHERE  tariff_calc_type_cd = p_tariff_calc_type;