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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

    SELECT object_id, object_type
      INTO x_object_id, x_object_type
      FROM mtl_object_numbers_v
     WHERE object_number = p_object_number
       AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND object_type = 2
       AND organization_id = NVL(p_organization_id, organization_id);
Line: 43

   * Insert a new Genealogy record connecting a child and it's parent
   * Due to AK Navigator considerations, to show 'Child Genealogy', all objects
   * should have a record connecting them with a parent. Similary, to show
   * 'Parent-Genealogy' all objects should have a record connecting them
   * to a child.
  PROCEDURE gen_insert(
    p_rowid             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , p_item_id           IN     NUMBER
  , p_object_num        IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_item_id    IN     NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_num IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_origin_txn_id     IN     NUMBER
  , p_org_id            IN     NUMBER := NULL
  ) IS
    l_trx_date           DATE;
Line: 71

        FROM mtl_object_genealogy
       WHERE object_id = l_obj_id
         AND parent_object_id = l_parent_obj_id;
Line: 92

    INSERT INTO mtl_object_genealogy
              , object_type
              , parent_object_type
              , parent_object_id
              , last_update_date
              , last_updated_by
              , creation_date
              , created_by
              , start_date_active
              , genealogy_origin
              , origin_txn_id
              , genealogy_type
         VALUES (
              , l_obj_type
              , l_parent_obj_type
              , l_parent_obj_id
              , SYSDATE
              , l_user_id
              , SYSDATE
              , l_user_id
              , l_trx_date
              , l_genealogy_origin
              , p_origin_txn_id
              , l_genealogy_type
Line: 131

  END gen_insert;
Line: 134

  PROCEDURE gen_insert(
    x_return_status     OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_data          OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count         OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_item_id           IN     NUMBER
  , p_object_num        IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_item_id    IN     NUMBER
  , p_parent_object_num IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_origin_txn_id     IN     NUMBER
  , p_org_id            IN     NUMBER
  ) IS
     l_trx_date           DATE;
Line: 157

         FROM mtl_object_genealogy
        WHERE object_id = l_obj_id
          AND parent_object_id = l_parent_obj_id;
Line: 167

        SELECT serial_number_control_code INTO l_parent_ser_ctrl
           FROM mtl_system_items
           WHERE inventory_item_id = p_parent_item_id
             AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 174

              inv_log_util.trace('Parent not Serial Controlled','INV_OG_UTIL_PKG.GET_INSERT',3);
Line: 205

     INSERT INTO mtl_object_genealogy
               , object_type
               , parent_object_type
               , parent_object_id
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , start_date_active
               , genealogy_origin
               , origin_txn_id
               , genealogy_type
          VALUES (
               , l_obj_type
               , l_parent_obj_type
               , l_parent_obj_id
               , SYSDATE
               , l_user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , l_user_id
               , l_trx_date
               , l_genealogy_origin
               , p_origin_txn_id
               , l_genealogy_type
Line: 240

       fnd_message.set_name(application=> 'INV',NAME   => 'INV_INSERT_ERROR');
Line: 257

  END gen_insert;
Line: 259

 /** added the procedure gen_update for the 'Serial Tracking in WIP Project.
      This updates the mtl_object_genealogy and mtl_serial_numbers tables
      when a serialized component is returned to stores from a WIP job.
      The genealogy between the parent and the child serials should be disabled
      whenever a component return transaction is performed. */
  PROCEDURE gen_update(
      x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_item_id        IN  NUMBER
  , p_sernum         IN  VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_sernum  IN  VARCHAR2
  , p_org_id         IN  NUMBER
  ) IS
     l_object_id NUMBER;
Line: 280

        SELECT gen_object_id INTO l_object_id
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
        WHERE serial_number = p_sernum
        AND parent_serial_number = p_parent_sernum
        AND current_organization_id = p_org_id
	AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;	--Bug # 2682600
Line: 287

        SELECT gen_object_id into l_object_id
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
	WHERE serial_number = p_sernum
	AND current_organization_id = p_org_id
	AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;	--Bug # 2682600
Line: 297

          inv_trx_util_pub.trace(' no data found in gen_update','MTL_OG_UTIL_PKG');
Line: 302

          inv_trx_util_pub.trace(' exception in gen_update','MTL_OG_UTIL_PKG');
Line: 307

     UPDATE mtl_object_genealogy
        SET end_date_active = SYSDATE
       ,LAST_UPDATED_BY = -1
       ,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = -1
        WHERE object_id = l_object_id
        AND END_date_active IS NULL
	AND genealogy_type <> 5 ;
Line: 316

     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
        SET parent_serial_number = NULL
       ,LAST_UPDATED_BY = -1
       ,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = -1
        WHERE gen_object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 325

            inv_trx_util_pub.trace(' no data found while trying to update in gen_update','MTL_OG_UTIL_PKG');
Line: 330

          inv_trx_util_pub.trace(' exception in gen_update when trying to update','MTL_OG_UTIL_PKG');
Line: 334

  END gen_update;
Line: 336

  /** Insert a record corresponding to an event into the MTL_OBJECT_EVENTS table
  PROCEDURE event_insert(
    p_rowid         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , p_item_id       IN     NUMBER
  , p_object_number IN     VARCHAR2
  , p_trx_id        IN     NUMBER
  , p_trx_date      IN     DATE
  , p_trx_src_id    IN     NUMBER
  , p_trx_actin_id  IN     NUMBER
  , p_org_id        IN     NUMBER := NULL
  ) IS
    l_gen_event_type NUMBER;
Line: 356

       Removed the cursot C, to select rowid of the row just inserted into mtl_object_event
       since it is un-necessary.
       Also , now populating p_rowid (IN OUT parameter) with '0' to avoid any problems with NULL
       calue in inltis.
       p_rowid is not used anywhere */
    l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
Line: 386

    INSERT INTO mtl_object_events
              , genealogy_event_type
              , genealogy_event_date
              , transaction_id
              , creation_date
              , created_by
              , last_update_date
              , last_updated_by
         VALUES (
              , l_gen_event_type
              , p_trx_date
              , p_trx_id
              , SYSDATE
              , l_user_id
              , SYSDATE
              , l_user_id
Line: 407

  END event_insert;