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1 package body wip_flowResCharge as
2 /* $Header: wipfsrcb.pls 120.6.12010000.2 2008/08/15 00:47:32 kboonyap ship $ */
4   procedure chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID in number,
5                                   p_orgID     in number,
6                                   p_effDate   in date,
7                                   p_hasRouting in boolean,
8                                   x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2);
9   /**
10    * This procedure is called by flow completion/work orderless completion to charge the
11    * resource and item/lot overhead.
12    * p_txnTempID is the temp id in the MMTT
13    *
14    * We will base the overhead and resource transaction out of the BOM.
15    * 1. Charge the resources even if the auto-charge flag is set to NO.
16    *      -- This is based on the count_point_type in bom_operation_sequences
17    *      -- 1 Yes  Autocharge
18    *      -- 2 No   Autocharge
19    *      -- 3 No   Direct Charge
20    * 2. Charge the Lot Based only once if it is pre-planned. Else we charge it everytime.
21    *      -- This is based on basis_type in bom_resources
22    *      -- 1 Item
23    *      -- 2 Lot
24    *      -- 3 Resource Unit
25    *      -- 4 Resource Value
26    *      -- 5 Total Value
27    *      -- 6 Activity
28    * 3. We will NOT charge the Manually Charged resources
29    *      -- This is based on autocharge_type in bom_operation_resources
30    *      -- If this is set to WIP_MOVE where the info about the standard rate is stored,
31    *      -- we will still charge this even though it would be OSP resource
32    *      -- 1 Wip move
33    *      -- 2 Manual
34    *      -- 3 PO receipt
35    *      -- 4 PO move
36    * 4. Different overhead and ordinary resource
37    *      -- This is based on cost_element_id in bom_resources
38    *      -- 1 Material
39    *      -- 2 Material Overheads
40    *      -- 3 Resource
41    *      -- 4 Outside Processing
42    *      -- 5 Overhead
43    */
44   procedure chargeResourceAndOverhead(p_txnTempID    in  number,
45                                       x_returnStatus out NOCOPY varchar2) is
46     -- cursor for find out all the applicable operation seq num
47     -- to be charged. For normal work orderless scrap, we don't support scrap
48     -- at a particular operation seq num. So in terms of resources to be charged,
49     -- there is no diff between completion and completion.
50     cursor op_c(p_commonRoutSeqID number,
51                 p_effDate   date) is
52       select operation_sequence_id,
53              operation_seq_num
54         from bom_operation_sequences
55        where routing_sequence_id = p_commonRoutSeqID
56          and nvl(operation_type, 1) = 1
57          and effectivity_date <= p_effDate
58          and nvl(disable_date, p_effDate+1) > p_effDate
59          and implementation_date is not null
60          and count_point_type in (1, 2);
62     -- cursor to find out all applicable events to be charged for a particular lineOp.
63     -- for scrap, according to Biju's design doc, resources and overheads used at
64     -- non-autocharge operations will not be charged unless it is the scrap lineop.
65     cursor event_c(p_lineOpSeqID       number,
66                    p_effDate           date,
67                    p_scrapLineOp       number,
68                    p_parentTxnActionID number) is
69       select bos2.operation_sequence_id,
70              bos2.operation_seq_num
71         from bom_operation_sequences bos1,
72              bom_operation_sequences bos2
73        where bos2.line_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
74          and bos2.operation_type = 1
75          and bos1.operation_sequence_id = p_lineOpSeqID
76          and bos2.effectivity_date <= p_effDate
77          and nvl(bos2.disable_date, p_effDate+1) > p_effDate
78          and bos2.implementation_date is not null
79          and (   bos2.count_point_type in (1, 2)
80               or (   p_parentTxnActionID = WIP_CONSTANTS.SCRASSY_ACTION
81                  and bos1.operation_seq_num = p_scrapLineOp));
83     -- cursor to find out all the events that are not assigned to any lineop.
84     -- It is decided on the meeting(Richard, Barry, Adrian, Serena, Jung and Yong) that
85     -- we should charge/uncharge the resource for the event even the event is not assigned
86     -- to any line op(usually doesn't happen).
87     cursor standalone_event_c(p_routingSeqID number,
88                               p_effDate      date) is
89       select operation_sequence_id,
90              operation_seq_num
91         from bom_operation_sequences
92        where routing_sequence_id = p_routingSeqID
93          and operation_type = 1
94          and effectivity_date <= p_effDate
95          and nvl(disable_date, p_effDate+1) > p_effDate
96          and implementation_date is not null
97          and line_op_seq_id is null;
99     l_chargeTbl bom_rtg_network_api.op_tbl_type;
100     l_lineOpTbl bom_rtg_network_api.op_tbl_type;
101     l_count number := 1;
102     l_index number := 1;
104     l_commonRoutSeqID number;
105     l_effDate date;
106     l_parentTxnActionID number;
107     l_toOpSeqNum number := null;
108     l_cfmFlag number;
109     l_orgID number;
111     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
112     l_returnStatus varchar2(1);
113     l_logLevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
114     l_org_code VARCHAR2(3); --bug 5231366
116   begin
117     l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnTempID';
118     l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnTempID;
119     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
120     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
121       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
122                             p_params => l_params,
123                             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
124       if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
125         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
126       end if;
127     end if;
129     begin
130       select bor.common_routing_sequence_id,
131              nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag, 2),
132              mmtt.routing_revision_date,
133              nvl(mmtt.operation_seq_num, -1),
134              mmtt.transaction_action_id,
135              mmtt.organization_id
136         into l_commonRoutSeqID,
137              l_cfmFlag,
138              l_effDate,
139              l_toOpSeqNum,
140              l_parentTxnActionID,
141              l_orgID
142         from bom_operational_routings bor,
143              mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
144        where bor.assembly_item_id =  mmtt.inventory_item_id
145          and bor.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
146          and nvl(bor.alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
147              nvl(mmtt.alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE')
148          and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID;
149     -- to check the operation effectivity date, we should use routing_revision_date
150     -- instead of transaction date. The reason is that even when a routing revision is
151     -- not in effect, we still allow the user to pick that up to do transactions.
152     exception
153     when others then
154       -- no routing, try to charege phantom
155       select organization_id,
156              nvl(routing_revision_date, sysdate)
157        into l_orgID,
158             l_effDate
159        from mtl_material_transactions_temp
160       where transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID;
162       chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID, l_orgID, l_effDate, false, x_returnStatus);
164       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
165         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
166                              p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
167                              p_msg => 'No routing, tried to charge phantom',
168                              x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
169       end if;
170       return;
171     end;
174     -- for flow txn, we needs to construct the lineOp table, and then itereate through the
175     -- the table to find out the event attached and further down resources attached.
176     -- for normal work orderless txn, to keep the code consistent, I will construct an
177     -- equivalent of that op table.
178     if ( l_cfmFlag = 2 ) then
179       for op_rec in op_c(l_commonRoutSeqID, l_effDate) loop
180         l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id := op_rec.operation_sequence_id;
181         l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num := op_rec.operation_seq_num;
182         l_count := l_count + 1;
183       end loop;
184     else
185       wip_flowUtil_priv.constructWipLineOps(p_routingSeqID => l_commonRoutSeqID,
186                                             p_assyItemID => null,
187                                             p_orgID => null,
188                                             p_altRoutDesig => null,
189                                             p_terminalOpSeqNum => l_toOpSeqNum,
190                                             x_lineOpTbl => l_lineOpTbl);
191       l_count := l_lineOpTbl.first;
192       while ( l_count is not null ) loop
193         for event_rec in event_c(l_lineOpTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id,
194                                  l_effDate,
195                                  l_toOpSeqNum,
196                                  l_parentTxnActionID) loop
197           l_chargeTbl(l_index).operation_sequence_id := event_rec.operation_sequence_id;
198           l_chargeTbl(l_index).operation_seq_num := event_rec.operation_seq_num;
199           l_index := l_index + 1;
200         end loop;
202         l_count := l_lineOpTbl.next(l_count);
203       end loop;
205       -- now we need to add those events that are not assigned to any line op
206       for standalone_event_rec in standalone_event_c(l_commonRoutSeqID,
207                                                      l_effDate) loop
208         l_chargeTbl(l_index).operation_sequence_id :=
209                           standalone_event_rec.operation_sequence_id;
210         l_chargeTbl(l_index).operation_seq_num :=
211                           standalone_event_rec.operation_seq_num;
212         l_index := l_index + 1;
213       end loop;
214     end if;
216     -- now we got all the event/operation seq num that needs to be charged
217     -- iterate through that and find all the applicable resources attached to them
218     l_count := l_chargeTbl.first;
219     while ( l_count is not null ) loop
220       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
221         wip_logger.log(p_msg => 'Inserting Resources for op seq/event: ' ||
222                                 l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
223                        x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
224       end if;
226       --bug 5231366
227       select mp.organization_code
228         into l_org_code
229         from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
230              mtl_parameters mp
231        where mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID
232          and mmtt.organization_id = mp.organization_id;
234       insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(
235         last_update_date,
236         last_updated_by,
237         creation_date,
238         created_by,
239         last_update_login,
240         request_id,
241         program_application_id,
242         program_id,
243         program_update_date,
244         group_id,
245         source_code,
246         source_line_id,
247         process_phase,
248         process_status,
249         transaction_type,
250         organization_id,
251         organization_code, --bug 5231366
252         wip_entity_id,
253         entity_type,
254         primary_item_id,
255         line_id,
256         transaction_date,
257         acct_period_id,
258         operation_seq_num,
259         department_id,
260         department_code,
261         resource_seq_num,
262         resource_id,
263         resource_code,
264         usage_rate_or_amount,
265         basis_type,
266         autocharge_type,
267         standard_rate_flag,
268         transaction_quantity,
269         transaction_uom,
270         primary_quantity,
271         primary_uom,
272         actual_resource_rate,
273         activity_id,
274         reason_id,
275         reference,
276         completion_transaction_id,
277         project_id,
278         task_id)
279       select
280         sysdate,
281         mmtt.last_updated_by,
282         sysdate,
283         mmtt.created_by,
284         mmtt.last_update_login,
285         mmtt.request_id,
286         mmtt.program_application_id,
287         mmtt.program_id,
288         nvl(mmtt.program_update_date, sysdate),
289         null, -- group id
290         mmtt.source_code,
291         mmtt.source_line_id,
292         2, -- process phase: resource processing
293         1, -- process status: pending
294         1, -- transaction type: resource
295         mmtt.organization_id,
296         l_org_code,  --bug 5231366
297         mmtt.transaction_source_id,
298         4,
299         mmtt.inventory_item_id,
300         mmtt.repetitive_line_id,
301         mmtt.transaction_date,
302         mmtt.acct_period_id,
303         l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
304         bos.department_id,
305         bd.department_code,
306         bor.resource_seq_num,
307         bor.resource_id,
308         br.resource_code,
309         sum(bor.usage_rate_or_amount),
310         bor.basis_type,
311         bor.autocharge_type,
312         bor.standard_rate_flag,
313         sum(bor.usage_rate_or_amount *
314             decode(bor.basis_type,
315               1, mmtt.primary_quantity,
316   /* Fixed bug 4162698. Since wfs.quantity_completed is either 0 or positive
317      number, we have to set the sign based on transaction type.
318    */
319               2, decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id, 17, -1, 91, -1, 1) *
320                  decode(wfs.quantity_completed,
321                    0, 1,
322                    0),
323               0)), -- you may assign the same res multiple times at any op.
324         br.unit_of_measure,
325         sum(bor.usage_rate_or_amount *
326             decode(bor.basis_type,
327               1, mmtt.primary_quantity,
328    /* Fixed bug 4162698. Since wfs.quantity_completed is either 0 or positive
329       number, we have to set the sign based on transaction type.
330    */
331               2, decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id, 17, -1, 91, -1, 1) *
332                  decode(wfs.quantity_completed,
333                    0, 1,
334                    0),
335               0)),
336         br.unit_of_measure,
337         null, -- actual_resource_rate
338         bor.activity_id,
339         mmtt.reason_id,
340         mmtt.transaction_reference,
341         mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
342         mmtt.project_id,
343         mmtt.task_id
344       from
345         bom_operation_resources bor,
346         wip_flow_schedules wfs,
347         bom_departments bd,
348         bom_resources br,
349         bom_operation_sequences bos,
350         mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
351       where bos.operation_sequence_id =
352               l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id
353         and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID
354         and bor.operation_sequence_id = bos.operation_sequence_id
355         and nvl(bor.acd_type, -1) <> 3 -- for implement ECO we only explode those undeleted res
356         and bor.autocharge_type <> 2 -- charge everything but manual
357         and bor.usage_rate_or_amount <> 0
358         and decode(bor.basis_type,
359                    1, mmtt.transaction_quantity,
360                    2, decode(wfs.quantity_completed, 0, 1, 0),
361                    0) <> 0
362         and decode(bor.basis_type,
363                    2, decode(wfs.scheduled_flag, 1, mmtt.transaction_action_id, 0),
364                    0 ) <> 30 -- Lot based resources are not charged for scheduled cfm scrap
365         and bd.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
366         and bd.department_id = bos.department_id
367         and br.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
368         and br.resource_id = bor.resource_id
369         and br.cost_element_id in (3, 4)
370         and wfs.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
371         and wfs.wip_entity_id = mmtt.transaction_source_id
372       group by
373         bos.operation_seq_num,
374         bos.department_id,
375         bd.department_code,
376         bor.resource_id,
377         br.resource_code,
378         bor.resource_seq_num,
379         bor.autocharge_type,
380         bor.basis_type,
381         bor.standard_rate_flag,
382         br.unit_of_measure,
383         bor.activity_id,
384         mmtt.last_updated_by,
385         mmtt.created_by,
386         mmtt.last_update_login,
387         mmtt.request_id,
388         mmtt.program_application_id,
389         mmtt.program_id,
390         nvl(mmtt.program_update_date, sysdate),
391         mmtt.source_code,
392         mmtt.source_line_id,
393         mmtt.organization_id,
394         l_org_code,
395         mmtt.transaction_source_id,
396         mmtt.inventory_item_id,
397         mmtt.repetitive_line_id,
398         mmtt.transaction_date,
399         mmtt.acct_period_id,
400         mmtt.reason_id,
401         mmtt.transaction_reference,
402         mmtt.transaction_type_id,
403         mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
404         mmtt.project_id,
405         mmtt.task_id;
407       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
408         wip_logger.log(p_msg => 'Inserting item overheads for op seq/event: ' ||
409                                 l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
410                        x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
411       end if;
413       insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(
414         last_update_date,
415         last_updated_by,
416         creation_date,
417         created_by,
418         last_update_login,
419         request_id,
420         program_application_id,
421         program_id,
422         program_update_date,
423         group_id,
424         source_code,
425         source_line_id,
426         process_phase,
427         process_status,
428         transaction_type,
429         organization_id,
430         organization_code,  --bug 5231366
431         wip_entity_id,
432         entity_type,
433         primary_item_id,
434         line_id,
435         transaction_date,
436         acct_period_id,
437         operation_seq_num,
438         department_id,
439         department_code,
440         basis_type,
441         autocharge_type,
442         transaction_quantity,
443         transaction_uom,
444         primary_quantity,
445         primary_uom,
446         reason_id,
447         reference,
448         completion_transaction_id,
449         project_id,
450         task_id)
451       select
452         sysdate,
453         mmtt.last_updated_by,
454         sysdate,
455         mmtt.created_by,
456         mmtt.last_update_login,
457         mmtt.request_id,
458         mmtt.program_application_id,
459         mmtt.program_id,
460         nvl(mmtt.program_update_date, sysdate),
461         null, -- group id
462         mmtt.source_code,
463         mmtt.source_line_id,
464         2, -- process phase: resource processing
465         1, -- process status: pending
466         2, -- transaction type: overhead
467         mmtt.organization_id,
468         l_org_code,  --bug 5231366
469         mmtt.transaction_source_id,
470         4,
471         mmtt.inventory_item_id,
472         mmtt.repetitive_line_id,
473         mmtt.transaction_date,
474         mmtt.acct_period_id,
475         l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
476         bos.department_id,
477         bd.department_code,
478         1,  -- per item
479         1,  -- wip move
480         mmtt.transaction_quantity,
481         mmtt.transaction_uom,
482         mmtt.primary_quantity,
483         mmtt.item_primary_uom_code,
484         mmtt.reason_id,
485         mmtt.transaction_reference,
486         mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
487         mmtt.project_id,
488         mmtt.task_id
489       from
490         bom_departments bd,
491         bom_operation_sequences bos,
492         wip_flow_schedules wfs,
493         mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
494      where  bos.operation_sequence_id =
495               l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id
496         and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID
497         and bd.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
498         and bd.department_id = bos.department_id
499         and wfs.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
500         and wfs.wip_entity_id = mmtt.transaction_source_id;
502       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
503         wip_logger.log(p_msg => 'Inserting lot overheads for op seq/event: ' ||
504                                 l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
505                        x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
506       end if;
508       insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(
509         last_update_date,
510         last_updated_by,
511         creation_date,
512         created_by,
513         last_update_login,
514         request_id,
515         program_application_id,
516         program_id,
517         program_update_date,
518         group_id,
519         source_code,
520         source_line_id,
521         process_phase,
522         process_status,
523         transaction_type,
524         organization_id,
525         organization_code,  --bug 5231366
526         wip_entity_id,
527         entity_type,
528         primary_item_id,
529         line_id,
530         transaction_date,
531         acct_period_id,
532         operation_seq_num,
533         department_id,
534         department_code,
535         basis_type,
536         autocharge_type,
537         transaction_quantity,
538         transaction_uom,
539         primary_quantity,
540         primary_uom,
541         reason_id,
542         reference,
543         completion_transaction_id,
544         project_id,
545         task_id)
546       select
547         sysdate,
548         mmtt.last_updated_by,
549         sysdate,
550         mmtt.created_by,
551         mmtt.last_update_login,
552         mmtt.request_id,
553         mmtt.program_application_id,
554         mmtt.program_id,
555         nvl(mmtt.program_update_date, sysdate),
556         null, -- group id
557         mmtt.source_code,
558         mmtt.source_line_id,
559         2, -- process phase: resource processing
560         1, -- process status: pending
561         2, -- transaction type: overhead
562         mmtt.organization_id,
563         l_org_code,  --bug 5231366
564         mmtt.transaction_source_id,
565         4,
566         mmtt.inventory_item_id,
567         mmtt.repetitive_line_id,
568         mmtt.transaction_date,
569         mmtt.acct_period_id,
570         l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_seq_num,
571         bos.department_id,
572         bd.department_code,
573         2, -- lot based
574         1, -- wip move
575         decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id,
576                31, 1,
577                32, -1,
578                30, decode(nvl(wfs.quantity_completed, 0), 0, sign(mmtt.primary_quantity), 0)),
579         mmtt.transaction_uom,
580         decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id,
581                31, 1,
582                32, -1,
583                30, decode(nvl(wfs.quantity_completed, 0), 0, sign(mmtt.primary_quantity), 0)),
584         mmtt.item_primary_uom_code,
585         mmtt.reason_id,
586         mmtt.transaction_reference,
587         mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
588         mmtt.project_id,
589         mmtt.task_id
590       from
591         bom_departments bd,
592         bom_operation_sequences bos,
593         wip_flow_schedules wfs,
594         mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
595      where bos.operation_sequence_id =
596               l_chargeTbl(l_count).operation_sequence_id
597         and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID
598         and wfs.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
599         and wfs.wip_entity_id = mmtt.transaction_source_id
600         and decode(nvl(wfs.quantity_completed, 0), 0, 1, 0) <> 0
601         and decode(wfs.scheduled_flag, 1, mmtt.transaction_action_id, 0) <> 30
602             -- lot based overheads are not charged for scheduled cfm scrap
603         and bd.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
604         and bd.department_id = bos.department_id;
607       l_count := l_chargeTbl.next(l_count);
608     end loop;
610     -- now charge the phantom routing is applicable
611     chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID, l_orgID, l_effDate, true, x_returnStatus);
613     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
614       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
615                            p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
616                            p_msg => 'Exit resource charge either successfully or failed in charging phantom!',
617                            x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
618     end if;
619   exception
620   when others then
621     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
622     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
623       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
624                            p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
625                            p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
626                            x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
627     end if;
628   end chargeResourceAndOverhead;
630   procedure chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID in number,
631                                   p_orgID     in number,
632                                   p_effDate   in date,
633                                   p_hasRouting in boolean,
634                                   x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2) is
635     -- cursor to get all phantoms for completion. The phantoms must be
636     -- in a count-point operation and also an ECO implemented operation
637     -- we already check the op num/event effecvitiy when exploding the bom.
638     cursor phantoms_c1 is
639        /* Bug 4545130; FP 4257633 Add distinct to select clause, and also
640           change wfs.primary_item_id, wfs.organization_id to
641           mmtt.inventory_item_id and mmtt.organization_id in join condition
642           of bor.assembly_item_id, bor.organization_id
643         */
644       select distinct
645              mmtt.inventory_item_id phantom_item_id,
646              mmtt.operation_seq_num*(-1) operation_seq_num,
647              mmtt.transaction_temp_id,
648              mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
649              mmtt.repetitive_line_id
650         from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
651              wip_flow_schedules wfs,
652              bom_operational_routings bor,
653              bom_operation_sequences bos
654        where mmtt.completion_transaction_id =
655                     (select mmtt2.completion_transaction_id
656                        from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt2
657                       where mmtt2.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID)
658          and mmtt.transaction_action_id in (WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSCOMP_ACTION,
659                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.RETCOMP_ACTION,
660                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSNEGC_ACTION,
661                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.RETNEGC_ACTION)
662          and mmtt.operation_seq_num < 0
663          and mmtt.process_flag = 'Y'
664          and mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = 5
665          and wfs.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
666          and wfs.wip_entity_id = mmtt.transaction_source_id
667        /* Bug 4545130; FP 4257633 */
668          and bor.assembly_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
669          and bor.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
670          and nvl(bor.alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
671              nvl(mmtt.alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE')
672          and bor.pending_from_ecn is null
673              -- for implement ECO the routing must be not pending from ecn
674          and bos.routing_sequence_id = bor.common_routing_sequence_id
675        /* Bug 4545088; FP 4542270; Comment out following operation_seq_num cnd */
676        /*  and bos.operation_seq_num = mmtt.operation_seq_num*(-1) */
677          and bos.count_point_type in (1, 2);
679     cursor phantoms_c2 is
680       select mmtt.inventory_item_id phantom_item_id,
681              mmtt.operation_seq_num*(-1) operation_seq_num,
682              mmtt.transaction_temp_id,
683              mmtt.completion_transaction_id,
684              mmtt.repetitive_line_id
685         from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
686        where mmtt.completion_transaction_id =
687                     (select mmtt2.completion_transaction_id
688                        from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt2
689                       where mmtt2.transaction_temp_id = p_txnTempID)
690          and mmtt.transaction_action_id in (WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSCOMP_ACTION,
691                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.RETCOMP_ACTION,
692                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.ISSNEGC_ACTION,
693                                             WIP_CONSTANTS.RETNEGC_ACTION)
694          and mmtt.operation_seq_num = -1
695          and mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = 5
696          and mmtt.process_flag = 'Y';
698     l_logLevel number := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
699     l_returnStatus varchar2(1);
700     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
702     l_compID number;
703   begin
704     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
705     l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnTempID';
706     l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnTempID;
707     l_params(2).paramName := 'p_orgID';
708     l_params(2).paramValue := p_orgID;
709     l_params(3).paramName := 'p_hasRouting';
710     if ( p_hasRouting ) then
711       l_params(3).paramValue := 'True';
712     else
713       l_params(3).paramValue := 'False';
714     end if;
715     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
716       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',
717                             p_params => l_params,
718                             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
719       if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
720         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
721       end if;
722     end if;
724     -- now charge the phantom routing is applicable
725     if ( wip_globals.use_phantom_routings(p_orgID) = WIP_CONSTANTS.YES) then
726       if ( p_hasRouting ) then
727         for phantoms_rec in phantoms_c1 loop
728           if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
729             wip_logger.log(p_msg => 'Charging phantom: ' ||
730                                   phantoms_rec.phantom_item_id || ' at op: ' ||
731                                   phantoms_rec.operation_seq_num || ' tmp id: ' ||
732                                   phantoms_rec.transaction_temp_id,
733                                   x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
734           end if;
736           if ( wip_explode_phantom_rtgs.charge_flow_resource_ovhd(
737                p_org_id => p_orgID,
738                p_phantom_item_id => phantoms_rec.phantom_item_id,
739                p_op_seq_num => phantoms_rec.operation_seq_num,
740                p_comp_txn_id => phantoms_rec.completion_transaction_id,
741                p_txn_temp_id => phantoms_rec.transaction_temp_id,
742                p_line_id => phantoms_rec.repetitive_line_id,
743                p_rtg_rev_date => to_char(p_effDate, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')) = 0 ) then
744             raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
745           end if;
746         end loop;
747       else -- it doens't have a routing, use the second cursor
748         for phantoms_rec in phantoms_c2 loop
749           if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
750             wip_logger.log(p_msg => 'Charging phantom: ' ||
751                                   phantoms_rec.phantom_item_id || ' at op: ' ||
752                                   phantoms_rec.operation_seq_num || ' tmp id: ' ||
753                                   phantoms_rec.transaction_temp_id,
754                                   x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
755           end if;
757           if ( wip_explode_phantom_rtgs.charge_flow_resource_ovhd(
758                p_org_id => p_orgID,
759                p_phantom_item_id => phantoms_rec.phantom_item_id,
760                p_op_seq_num => phantoms_rec.operation_seq_num,
761                p_comp_txn_id => phantoms_rec.completion_transaction_id,
762                p_txn_temp_id => phantoms_rec.transaction_temp_id,
763                p_line_id => phantoms_rec.repetitive_line_id,
764                p_rtg_rev_date => to_char(p_effDate, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')) = 0 ) then
765             raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
766           end if;
767         end loop;
768       end if;
769     end if;
772   exception
773   when others then
774     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
775     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
776       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',
777                            p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
778                            p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
779                            x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
780     end if;
781   end chargePhantomResource;
783 end wip_flowResCharge;