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Line 209: from psp_supercede_persons_gt

206: -- for supercede
207: cursor get_supercede_persons is
208: select DISTINCT person_id -- Introduced DISTINCT for bug fix 4429787/4506505
209: from psp_supercede_persons_gt
210: where person_id > 0;
212: -- Introduced for bug fix 4182358
213: CURSOR conc_program_name_cur IS

Line 240: ---select count(*) into l_gt_count from psp_supercede_persons_gt ;

237: l_gt_count integer;
238: BEGIN
240: ---select count(*) into l_gt_count from psp_supercede_persons_gt ;
241: ---hr_utility.trace(' COUNT of supercede persons_gt ='|| l_gt_Count);
243: l_profile_sob_id := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID');
244: l_profile_bg_id := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');

Line 485: select -1 * l_request_id, gt.person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt gt

481: --Bug 5237611: Fixed terminated assignment Issue, added FF suport for assignment
482: /*
483: if l_selection_match_level = 'EMP' then
484: insert into psp_selected_persons_t (request_id, person_id)
485: select -1 * l_request_id, gt.person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt gt
486: where gt.person_id > 0 ;
487: else
488: */
489: insert into psp_selected_persons_t (request_id, person_id, assignment_id)

Line 496: and er.person_id in (select person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt where person_id > 0) ;

492: psp_eff_report_details erd
493: where er.effort_Report_id = erd.effort_Report_id
494: and er.request_id = l_request_id
495: and er.status_code in ('N','A')
496: and er.person_id in (select person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt where person_id > 0) ;
497: g_exec_string := replace(g_exec_string, 'psl.person_id = pspt.person_id' ,
498: 'psl.person_id = pspt.person_id and psl.assignment_id = pspt.assignment_id ');
499: -- end if;
500: g_exec_string := replace(g_exec_string, 'pspt.person_id between :l_start_person and :l_end_person' ,