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Line 4820: okc_rule_groups_v rgp, okc_rules_v rul

4816: SELECT Decode(p_ncol, 1, rul.object1_id1, 2, rul.object2_id1, NULL) retval
4817: from (SELECT id, level lvl from okc_k_lines_b
4818: start with id = p_cle_id
4819: connect by id = prior cle_id) cle,
4820: okc_rule_groups_v rgp, okc_rules_v rul
4821: where rul.rgp_id = rgp.id and rul.RULE_INFORMATION_CATEGORY=p_rule_name
4822: and rgp.dnz_chr_id=p_chr_id
4823: and (rgp.cle_id=cle.id or rgp.cle_id IS NULL)
4824: order by decode(rgp.cle_id,NULL,1,0), lvl;

Line 4827: from okc_rule_groups_v rgp, okc_rules_v rul

4823: and (rgp.cle_id=cle.id or rgp.cle_id IS NULL)
4824: order by decode(rgp.cle_id,NULL,1,0), lvl;
4825: CURSOR c2 IS
4826: SELECT Decode(p_ncol, 1, rul.object1_id1, 2, rul.object2_id1, NULL) retval
4827: from okc_rule_groups_v rgp, okc_rules_v rul
4828: where rul.rgp_id = rgp.id and rul.RULE_INFORMATION_CATEGORY=p_rule_name
4829: and rgp.dnz_chr_id=p_chr_id and rgp.cle_id IS NULL;
4830: l_retval VARCHAR2(250);
4831: begin