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APPS.IGS_HE_ST_PROG_ALL_PKG dependencies on IGS_GE_GEN_003

Line 525: || smvk 13-Feb-2002 call to igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id

521: || Who When What
522: || sbaliga Apr-4-2002 Added 3 new parameters to the function
523: || i.e. x_fte_intensity,x_teach_period_start_dt
524: || and x_teach_period_end_dt
525: || smvk 13-Feb-2002 call to igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id
526: || w.r.t. SWCR006
527: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
528: */
529: CURSOR c IS

Line 569: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,

565: before_dml(
566: p_action => 'INSERT',
567: x_rowid => x_rowid,
568: x_hesa_st_prog_id => x_hesa_st_prog_id,
569: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
570: x_course_cd => x_course_cd,
571: x_version_number => x_version_number,
572: x_teacher_train_prog_id => x_teacher_train_prog_id,
573: x_itt_phase => x_itt_phase,

Line 914: || smvk 13-Feb-2002 Call to igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id

910: || Who When What
911: || sbaliga Apr-4-2002 Added 3 new parameters to the function
912: || i.e. x_fte_intensity,x_teach_period_start_dt
913: || and x_teach_period_end_dt
914: || smvk 13-Feb-2002 Call to igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id
915: || w.r.t. SWCR006
916: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
917: */
918: x_last_update_date DATE ;

Line 949: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,

945: before_dml(
946: p_action => 'UPDATE',
947: x_rowid => x_rowid,
948: x_hesa_st_prog_id => x_hesa_st_prog_id,
949: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
950: x_course_cd => x_course_cd,
951: x_version_number => x_version_number,
952: x_teacher_train_prog_id => x_teacher_train_prog_id,
953: x_itt_phase => x_itt_phase,