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Line 949: hr_general.end_of_time

945: - 1),
946: p_end
947: )
948: ),
949: hr_general.end_of_time
950: ) end_date
951: -- simplification of the above code as follows:
952: -- reverting back this change since the cursor returns wrong
953: -- end_date when rt2.start_date is NULL

Line 955: ,hr_general.end_of_time ) end_date*/

951: -- simplification of the above code as follows:
952: -- reverting back this change since the cursor returns wrong
953: -- end_date when rt2.start_date is NULL
954: /* NVL(least(min(rt2.start_date-1),p_end)
955: ,hr_general.end_of_time ) end_date*/
956: FROM hxt_rotation_schedules rt1, hxt_rotation_schedules rt2
957: WHERE rt1.rtp_id = rt2.rtp_id(+)
958: AND rt2.start_date(+) > rt1.start_date
959: AND rt1.rtp_id = p_rtp_id

Line 964: - 1, hr_general.end_of_time)

960: AND p_end >= rt1.start_date
961: GROUP BY rt1.tws_id, rt1.start_date
962: HAVING p_start <=
963: NVL ( MIN (rt2.start_date)
964: - 1, hr_general.end_of_time)
965: ORDER BY rt1.start_date;
967: l_next_index BINARY_INTEGER;
968: l_proc varchar2(100);