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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

PROCEDURE Update_FTE_Results
( p_x_line_tbl           IN OUT  NOCOPY OE_Order_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
 ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */     VARCHAR2);
Line: 60

 | Name        :   Update_FTE_Results                           |
 | Parameters  :   IN OUT NOCOPY p_x_line_tbl                          |
 |                 OUT NOCOPY                                           |
 |                     x_return_status                          |
 |                                                              |
 | Description :   This Procedure updates the FTE Results in db |
 |                 This Calls Process Order to update the FTE   |
 |                 results. Then the Procedure Process delayed  |
 |                 requests and notify is called to execute all |
 |                 pending delayed requests. This is called from|
 |                 procedure Process FTE Requests.              |
 | Change Record :                                              |

PROCEDURE Update_FTE_Results
( p_x_line_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Order_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
 ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */    VARCHAR2)

  l_control_rec               OE_GLOBALS.Control_Rec_Type;
Line: 84

  Print_Time('Entering OE_FTE_INTEGRATION_PVT.Update_FTE_Results..');
Line: 134

  Print_Time('Exiting OE_FTE_INTEGRATION_PVT.Update_FTE_Results..');
Line: 140

        OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('Expected Error in Update FTE Results', 2);
Line: 146

        OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('Unexpected Error in Update FTE Results'||
                               sqlerrm, 1);
Line: 159

Line: 162

END Update_FTE_Results;
Line: 177

                  first Cursor is used to select all the attrib
                  to be passed to FTE. The second cursor is
                  is used to select all the included item
                  parents to process the included items.

                  we process the included items if they are not
                  frozen already. We will exclude all the non
                  eligible lines and prepate the fte input tab
                  at the same time we will also insert the
                  elgible lines in the oe_order_pub line table
                  to be used later.
                  Now we have line table with all the lines
                  beginnning with config lines.

                  The Same Procedure will be used by freight
                  rating also to prepare the Fte input table.
                  All non shippable lines not part of ATO
                  configuration should be marked as not
                  eligible for freight rate calculations.

                 This procedure is called from Process_FTE_Actions
                 API and p_action paramter can not have a NULL value.

  Change Record :


( p_header_id              IN      NUMBER
 ,p_line_id                IN      NUMBER
 ,p_x_fte_source_line_tab  IN OUT  NOCOPY
 ,p_x_line_tbl             IN OUT  NOCOPY  OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
 ,p_action                 IN      VARCHAR2
 ,x_config_count           OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */     NUMBER
 ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */     VARCHAR2)

     SELECT line_id
                   'SCHEDULED','Y','N') scheduled_flag
           ,NVL(fulfilled_flag,'N') fulfilled_flag
           ,nvl(shippable_flag, 'N') shippable_flag
    FROM   oe_order_lines
    WHERE  header_id  =  p_header_id
    AND    NOT (p_action = 'R' AND shipping_method_code is NULL)
    ORDER BY top_model_line_id, ato_line_id, sort_order;
Line: 260

     SELECT line_id
     FROM    oe_order_lines
     WHERE   item_type_code IN ('MODEL', 'CLASS', 'KIT')
     AND     ato_line_id is NULL
     AND     explosion_date is NULL
     AND     NVL(fulfilled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
     AND     open_flag     = 'Y'
     AND     shipped_quantity IS NULL
     AND     line_category_code    <> 'RETURN'
     AND     source_type_code     = 'INTERNAL'
     AND     header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 292

    SELECT open_flag,order_category_code
    INTO   l_open_flag,l_order_category_code
    FROM   oe_order_headers_all
    WHERE  header_id  =  p_header_id;
Line: 354

  SELECT count(*)
  INTO   l_config_count
  FROM   oe_order_lines
  WHERE  item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
  AND    ato_line_id IS NOT NULL
  AND    header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 715

                  we will update the changes in the line and
                  and Call Process Order. Process Order should
                  not be called when there are no lines with
                  operation equal to UPDATE. Count number of
                  lines which have operation as none and do
                  not call update results if there is atleast
                  one line with operation update.

                  o/p parameters are cascaded on CONFIG line
                  from its ato parent line.
  Change Record :


PROCEDURE Process_FTE_Output
( p_x_fte_source_line_tab  IN OUT NOCOPY
 ,p_x_line_tbl             IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.line_tbl_type
 ,p_config_count           IN     NUMBER
 ,x_no_opr_count           OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */    NUMBER
 ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */    VARCHAR2 )
  l_fte_count      NUMBER   :=  1;
Line: 819

            SELECT order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref, orig_sys_line_ref,
                   orig_sys_shipment_ref, change_sequence, source_document_id,
                   source_document_line_id, source_document_type_id
            INTO l_order_source_id, l_orig_sys_document_ref, l_orig_sys_line_ref,
                 l_orig_sys_shipment_ref, l_change_sequence, l_source_document_id,
                 l_source_document_line_id, l_source_document_type_id
            FROM oe_order_lines_all
            WHERE line_id = p_x_fte_source_line_tab(l_fte_count).source_line_id;
Line: 899

        p_x_line_tbl(l_line_offset).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 941

          IF p_x_line_tbl(l_line_offset).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE

            p_x_line_tbl(l_index).shipping_method_code   :=
Line: 1032

                  It is also called from process order delayed
                  requests and actions processing.
                  THe p_action 'C','R'or 'B' to indicate
                  whether the 3 actions that can be performed.

                  First FTE input record is prepared. The FTE procedure
                  Process lines is called to process FTE action.
                  Then based on the p_action we call apprpriate
                  o/p processing API i.e. to save ship menthods
                  and / or rates.

  Change Record :


PROCEDURE Process_FTE_Action
( p_header_id             IN    NUMBER
 ,p_line_id               IN    NUMBER
 ,p_ui_flag               IN    VARCHAR2
 ,p_action                IN    VARCHAR2
 ,p_call_pricing_for_FR   IN    VARCHAR2
 ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   VARCHAR2
 ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   NUMBER
 ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   VARCHAR2)
  l_fte_source_line_tab    FTE_PROCESS_REQUESTS.Fte_Source_Line_Tab;
Line: 1192

         oe_debug_pub.Add('Before Calling Update FTE Results...',3);
Line: 1199

        ( p_x_line_tbl      => l_line_tbl
         ,x_return_status   => x_return_status);
Line: 1204

       oe_debug_pub.Add('After Calling Update FTE Results...'||
Line: 1210

       oe_debug_pub.Add('Donot Call Update Results!!:'||l_line_tbl.count,1);