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Line 81: lv_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE; -- ## Used for the award year ##

77: (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
78: ***************************************************************/
80: l_cod_year_flag BOOLEAN;
81: lv_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE; -- ## Used for the award year ##
82: lv_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE; -- ## Both cal_seq_num and cal_type forms the award year ##
83: lv_dl_version igf_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE; -- ## Variable for the storing the version number ##
84: lv_batch_id igf_sl_dl_batch.batch_id%TYPE; -- ## Variable to have the batch ID ##
85: lv_dbth_id igf_sl_dl_batch.dbth_id%TYPE;

Line 82: lv_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE; -- ## Both cal_seq_num and cal_type forms the award year ##

78: ***************************************************************/
80: l_cod_year_flag BOOLEAN;
81: lv_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE; -- ## Used for the award year ##
82: lv_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE; -- ## Both cal_seq_num and cal_type forms the award year ##
83: lv_dl_version igf_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE; -- ## Variable for the storing the version number ##
84: lv_batch_id igf_sl_dl_batch.batch_id%TYPE; -- ## Variable to have the batch ID ##
85: lv_dbth_id igf_sl_dl_batch.dbth_id%TYPE;
86: lv_mesg_class igf_sl_dl_batch.message_class%TYPE;

Line 110: CURSOR cur_disb_dtl(lv_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,

106: --If a negative adjustment is done Invoice Number is NOT NULL and
107: --Credit ID will be null
108: --So we consider only SF Status as P
110: CURSOR cur_disb_dtl(lv_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
111: lv_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
112: SELECT '1'
113: FROM igf_aw_db_chg_dtls adtlv,
114: igf_aw_award awd,

Line 111: lv_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS

107: --Credit ID will be null
108: --So we consider only SF Status as P
110: CURSOR cur_disb_dtl(lv_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
111: lv_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
112: SELECT '1'
113: FROM igf_aw_db_chg_dtls adtlv,
114: igf_aw_award awd,
115: igf_sl_loans lar,

Line 133: l_alternate_code igs_ca_inst.alternate_code%TYPE;

130: lcur_disb_dtl cur_disb_dtl%ROWTYPE;
131: l_year VARCHAR2(80);
132: l_para VARCHAR2(80);
133: l_alternate_code igs_ca_inst.alternate_code%TYPE;
135: -- Get the details of school meaning from lookups to print in the log file
136: CURSOR c_get_sch_code IS
137: SELECT meaning