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1 package ame_rule_utility_pkg as
2 /* $Header: ameruleutility.pkh 120.1 2005/10/24 21:46 tkolla noship $ */
3   ActionNotAllowed constant number := 1;
4   GroupNotAllowed constant number := 2;
5   PosActionNotAllowed constant number := 3;
6   ActionNotAllowedInTTY constant number := 4;
7   GroupNotAllowedInTTY constant number := 5;
8   PosActionNotAllowedInTTY constant number := 6;
9   NoErrors constant number := 7;
10 --+
11   procedure syncRuleObjects(p_rule_id  in           number
12                            ,p_effective_date  in    date      default null);
13 --+
14   procedure checkRuleId(p_rule_id  in           number);
15 --+
16   procedure checkActionId(p_action_id  in           number);
17 --+
18   procedure checkConditionId(p_condition_id  in           number);
19 --+
20   procedure checkApplicationId(p_application_id  in           number);
21 --+
22   procedure getAttributeName(p_attribute_id       in         number
23                             ,p_attribute_name_out out nocopy varchar2);
24 --+
25   procedure checkRuleForUsage(ruleIdIn        in integer
26                              ,applicationIdIn in integer
27                              ,endDateIn       in varchar2
28                              ,resultOut       out nocopy varchar2);
29 --+
30   -- returns 1 if the rule can be re-enabled
31   -- and returns 0 otherwise
32   function isRuleReenabled(ruleIdIn        in integer
33                           ,applicationIdIn in integer
34                           ,endDateIn       in varchar2) return integer;
35 --+
36   procedure enableRule(ruleIdIn        in integer
37                       ,ruleEndDateIn   in date
38                       ,startDateIn     in date
39                       ,endDateIn       in date
40                       ,resultOut       out nocopy varchar2);
41 --+
42   procedure checkAllApplications(ruleIdIn      in integer
43                                 ,conditionIdIn in integer);
44 --+
45   procedure chekActionForAllApplications(ruleIdIn   in integer
46                                         ,actionIdIn in integer);
47 --+
48   function rule_conditions_count(p_rule_id  in integer) return integer;
49 --+
50   function is_action_allowed(p_application_id   in integer
51                             ,p_action_id        in integer) return number;
52 --+
53   function is_rule_usage_allowed(p_application_id in integer
54                                 ,p_rule_id        in integer) return number;
55 --+
56   function is_LM_comb_rule(p_rule_id in integer) return boolean;
57 --+
58   function is_prod_action_allowed(p_application_id in integer) return boolean;
59 --+
60   function chk_rule_type(p_rule_id                    in integer
61                         ,p_rule_type                  in integer
62                         ,p_action_rule_type           in integer
63                         ,p_application_id             in integer
64                         ,p_allow_production_action    in boolean) return boolean;
65 --+
66   function is_condition_allowed(p_application_id in integer
67                                ,p_condition_id   in integer) return boolean;
68 --+
69   function is_action_deletion_allowed(p_rule_id   in integer
70                                      ,p_action_id in integer) return boolean;
71 --+
72   function is_rule_usage_cond_allowed(p_application_id in integer
73                                      ,p_rule_id        in integer) return boolean;
74 --+
75   procedure chk_LM_action_Condition(p_condition_id in integer
76                                    ,p_action_id    in integer
77                                    ,is_first_condition in boolean);
78 --+
79   function is_group_allowed(p_application_id    in integer
80                            ,p_approval_group_id in integer) return boolean;
81 --+
82   function is_all_approver_types_allowed(p_application_id    in integer) return boolean;
83 --+
84   function is_per_approver(p_name in varchar2) return boolean;
85 --+
86   function is_pos_approver(p_name in varchar2) return boolean;
87   --+
88   procedure chk_rule_and_item_class(p_rule_id      in integer
89                                    ,p_condition_id in integer);
90   --+
91   function is_cond_exist_in_rule(p_rule_id      in integer
92                                 ,p_condition_id in integer) return boolean;
93 --+
94   function chk_lm_actions(p_rule_id   in integer
95                          ,p_action_id in integer) return boolean;
96 end ame_rule_utility_pkg;