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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 82

  SELECT sum(decode(bbc.range1_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range2_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range3_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range4_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range5_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range6_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range7_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range8_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range9_low,  null, 0, 1) +
             decode(bbc.range10_low, null, 0, 1)) bucket_count
  INTO l_bucket_ct
  FROM bis_bucket_customizations bbc,
       bis_bucket bb
  AND   bbc.bucket_id  = bb.bucket_id;
Line: 379

    /*This means no particular sort column is selected in the report. So sort on
      the default column in descending order.  NVL is added to make sure the null
      values appear last. */
    l_order_by_clause := 'ORDER BY NVL(FII_AR_CURR_REC_AMT, -999999999) DESC';
Line: 453

            VIEWBYID ';
Line: 523

        SELECT /*+ INDEX(f FII_AR_NET_REC'|| fii_ar_util_pkg.g_cust_suffix ||'_mv_N1)*/
               v.viewby VIEWBY,
               v.viewby_code VIEWBYID,
               sum(f.total_open_amount)      FII_AR_OPEN_REC_AMT,
               sum(f.current_open_amount)    FII_AR_CURR_REC_AMT,
               sum(f.current_open_count)     FII_AR_CURR_REC_CT,
               sum(f.wtd_terms_out_current_num) WTD_TERMS_OUT_CURRENT_NUM,
               sum(f.wtd_terms_out_current_num) / NULLIF(sum(f.current_open_amount),0)     FII_AR_WEIGHTED_TO ' ||
               l_bucket_sql || l_cust_clause || '
        FROM fii_ar_net_rec'||l_cust_suffix||'_mv'||l_curr_suffix||' f,
             (SELECT /*+ no_merge '||l_gt_hint|| ' */ *
              FROM fii_time_structures cal, '||
                   fii_ar_util_pkg.get_from_statement ||
            ' gt WHERE cal.report_date = :ASOF_DATE
              AND   bitand(cal.record_type_id, :BITAND_INC_TODATE) = :BITAND_INC_TODATE
              AND '|| fii_ar_util_pkg.get_where_statement || ') v
        WHERE f.time_id = v.time_id
        AND   f.period_type_id = v.period_type_id
        AND   f.org_id = v.org_id
        AND '||fii_ar_util_pkg.get_mv_where_statement||' '|| l_where_clause ||
        ' GROUP BY v.viewby, v.viewby_code ' || l_cust_clause || ' ) inner_view ' || l_order_by_clause;