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Line 6529: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports

6526: delete_from_idx_tables('cz_rule_folders', 'rule_folder_id', cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_folders_id_old_ref, cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_folders_id_idx_ref);
6527: delete_from_idx_tables('cz_expression_nodes', 'expr_node_id', cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_enodes_enode_id_old_ref, cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_enodes_enode_id_idx_ref);
6529: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6530: WHERE publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;
6532: COMMIT;
6533: cz_pb_mgr.v_status_code := PUBLICATION_ERROR;

Line 6546: -----------procedure updates the status in cz_model_publications and cz_pb_model_exports

6542: RAISE;
6543: END rollback_data;
6545: ------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
6546: -----------procedure updates the status in cz_model_publications and cz_pb_model_exports
6547: -----------@p_publication_id : source publication id
6548: -----------@p_status : publication status
6549: -----------@p_link : database link name
6550: -----------@p_models_exported : source models that have entries in model exports

Line 6567: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports t

6563: IF (p_models_exported.COUNT > 0)
6564: THEN
6565: FOR i IN p_models_exported.FIRST .. p_models_exported.LAST
6566: LOOP
6567: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports t
6568: SET t.status = p_status
6569: WHERE t.model_id = p_models_exported(i) AND t.server_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id AND t.publication_id = p_publication_id;
6570: END LOOP;

Line 6883: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

6879: IF (cz_pb_mgr.v_session_parameter = cz_model_migration_pvt.migrate_model)
6880: THEN
6881: SELECT last_xfr_activity
6882: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6883: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6884: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6885: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6886: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6887: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id

Line 6884: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =

6880: THEN
6881: SELECT last_xfr_activity
6882: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6883: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6884: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6885: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6886: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6887: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id
6888: AND z.server_id = p_server_id

Line 6886: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z

6882: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6883: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6884: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6885: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6886: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6887: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id
6888: AND z.server_id = p_server_id
6889: AND z.status = 'OK'
6890: AND z.publication_id IN(

Line 6899: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

6895: AND publication_mode = cz_model_migration_pvt.mode_migration));
6896: ELSE
6897: SELECT last_xfr_activity
6898: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6899: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6900: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6901: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6902: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6903: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id

Line 6900: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =

6896: ELSE
6897: SELECT last_xfr_activity
6898: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6899: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6900: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6901: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6902: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6903: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id
6904: AND z.server_id = p_server_id

Line 6902: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z

6898: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
6899: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
6900: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
6901: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
6902: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
6903: WHERE z.root_model_id = p_model_id
6904: AND z.server_id = p_server_id
6905: AND z.status = 'OK'
6906: AND z.publication_id IN(

Line 8629: v_last_xfr_activity cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;

8625: record_count PLS_INTEGER := 0;
8626: v_last_update_date cz_ui_defs.last_update_date%TYPE;
8627: v_fc_update_date cz_func_comp_specs.last_update_date%TYPE;
8628: v_eff_update_date DATE;
8629: v_last_xfr_activity cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;
8630: l_max_template_date cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;
8631: l_capt_update_date DATE;
8632: l_ps_node_update_date DATE;
8633: v_descr_date DATE;

Line 8630: l_max_template_date cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;

8626: v_last_update_date cz_ui_defs.last_update_date%TYPE;
8627: v_fc_update_date cz_func_comp_specs.last_update_date%TYPE;
8628: v_eff_update_date DATE;
8629: v_last_xfr_activity cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;
8630: l_max_template_date cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;
8631: l_capt_update_date DATE;
8632: l_ps_node_update_date DATE;
8633: v_descr_date DATE;
8634: BEGIN

Line 9037: ,p_model_id IN cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE

9033: ------@p_model_id --- source model id
9034: ------@x_remote_model_id -- retrieved remote model id
9035: PROCEDURE get_remote_model_id(
9036: p_server_id IN cz_servers.server_local_id%TYPE
9037: ,p_model_id IN cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE
9038: ,x_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
9039: ,x_remote_model_id IN OUT NOCOPY cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE
9040: )
9041: AS

Line 9039: ,x_remote_model_id IN OUT NOCOPY cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE

9035: PROCEDURE get_remote_model_id(
9036: p_server_id IN cz_servers.server_local_id%TYPE
9037: ,p_model_id IN cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE
9038: ,x_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
9039: ,x_remote_model_id IN OUT NOCOPY cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE
9040: )
9041: AS
9042: BEGIN
9043: IF ((x_status <> PUBLICATION_ERROR) AND (cz_pb_mgr.v_session_parameter <> model_copy)) THEN

Line 9050: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

9046: ELSE
9047: IF cz_pb_mgr.v_session_parameter=cz_model_migration_pvt.migrate_model THEN
9048: IF p_server_id=0 THEN
9049: SELECT remote_model_id INTO x_remote_model_id
9050: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9051: WHERE export_id=(SELECT max(export_id)
9052: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9053: WHERE model_id=p_model_id AND server_id=0
9054: AND status='OK' AND migration_group_id=g_migration_group_id);

Line 9052: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

9048: IF p_server_id=0 THEN
9049: SELECT remote_model_id INTO x_remote_model_id
9050: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9051: WHERE export_id=(SELECT max(export_id)
9052: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9053: WHERE model_id=p_model_id AND server_id=0
9054: AND status='OK' AND migration_group_id=g_migration_group_id);
9055: ELSE
9056: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT remote_model_id '

Line 9058: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports'

9054: AND status='OK' AND migration_group_id=g_migration_group_id);
9055: ELSE
9056: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT remote_model_id '
9057: || ' '
9058: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports'
9059: || ' '
9060: || 'WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = :1'
9061: || ' '
9062: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id = '

Line 9060: || 'WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = :1'

9056: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT remote_model_id '
9057: || ' '
9058: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports'
9059: || ' '
9060: || 'WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = :1'
9061: || ' '
9062: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id = '
9063: || ' '
9064: || '(SELECT MIN(export_id)'

Line 9062: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id = '

9058: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports'
9059: || ' '
9060: || 'WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = :1'
9061: || ' '
9062: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id = '
9063: || ' '
9064: || '(SELECT MIN(export_id)'
9065: || ' '
9066: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'

Line 9066: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'

9062: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id = '
9063: || ' '
9064: || '(SELECT MIN(export_id)'
9065: || ' '
9066: || 'FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'
9067: || cz_pb_mgr.v_db_link
9068: || ' farprj'
9069: || ' '
9070: || 'WHERE x.server_id = :2'

Line 9084: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = :5'

9080: || 'AND farprj.post_migr_change_flag = :4'
9081: || ' '
9082: || 'AND x.migration_group_id IS NOT NULL)'
9083: || ' '
9084: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = :5'
9085: || ' '
9086: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = ''OK'''
9087: INTO x_remote_model_id
9088: USING p_server_id, p_server_id, p_model_id, cz_model_migration_pvt.change_flag_unchanged, p_model_id;

Line 9086: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = ''OK'''

9082: || 'AND x.migration_group_id IS NOT NULL)'
9083: || ' '
9084: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = :5'
9085: || ' '
9086: || 'AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = ''OK'''
9087: INTO x_remote_model_id
9088: USING p_server_id, p_server_id, p_model_id, cz_model_migration_pvt.change_flag_unchanged, p_model_id;
9089: END IF;
9090: ELSE

Line 9091: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id

9087: INTO x_remote_model_id
9088: USING p_server_id, p_server_id, p_model_id, cz_model_migration_pvt.change_flag_unchanged, p_model_id;
9089: END IF;
9090: ELSE
9091: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id
9092: INTO x_remote_model_id
9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =

Line 9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

9089: END IF;
9090: ELSE
9091: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id
9092: INTO x_remote_model_id
9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

Line 9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id

9090: ELSE
9091: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id
9092: INTO x_remote_model_id
9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id

Line 9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =

9091: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id
9092: INTO x_remote_model_id
9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id

Line 9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

9093: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)

Line 9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id

9094: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)
9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id

Line 9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id

9095: AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)
9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9103: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK';

Line 9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'

9096: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
9097: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)
9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9103: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK';
9104: END IF;

Line 9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id

9098: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.server_id = p_server_id
9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)
9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9103: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK';
9104: END IF;
9106: cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_ps_nodes_idx_tbl(p_model_id) := x_remote_model_id;

Line 9103: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK';

9099: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9100: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK'
9101: AND migration_group_id IS NULL)
9102: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = p_model_id
9103: AND cz_pb_model_exports.status = 'OK';
9104: END IF;
9106: cz_pb_mgr.v_cz_ps_nodes_idx_tbl(p_model_id) := x_remote_model_id;
9107: END IF;

Line 9147: l_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;

9143: l_max_arc_date DATE;
9144: l_max_ui_date DATE;
9145: l_ps_node_update_date DATE;
9146: l_remote_model_cur ref_cursor;
9147: l_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;
9148: l_remote_proj cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;
9149: l_remote_name VARCHAR2(32000);
9150: child_model_ui_has_changed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
9151: BEGIN

Line 9148: l_remote_proj cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;

9144: l_max_ui_date DATE;
9145: l_ps_node_update_date DATE;
9146: l_remote_model_cur ref_cursor;
9147: l_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;
9148: l_remote_proj cz_pb_model_exports.model_id%TYPE;
9149: l_remote_name VARCHAR2(32000);
9150: child_model_ui_has_changed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
9151: BEGIN
9152: cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported.DELETE;

Line 9194: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

9191: IF (cz_pb_mgr.v_session_parameter = cz_model_migration_pvt.migrate_model) THEN
9192: IF cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id = 0 THEN
9193: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count
9194: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9195: WHERE model_id=v_model_id AND status=publication_ok AND server_id=0
9196: AND migration_group_id=g_migration_group_id;
9197: ELSE
9198: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'

Line 9198: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'

9194: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
9195: WHERE model_id=v_model_id AND status=publication_ok AND server_id=0
9196: AND migration_group_id=g_migration_group_id;
9197: ELSE
9198: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cz_pb_model_exports x, cz_devl_projects'
9199: || cz_pb_mgr.v_db_link
9200: || ' farprj'
9201: || ' '
9202: || 'WHERE x.model_id = :1'

Line 9221: FROM cz_pb_model_exports x

9217: END IF;
9218: ELSE
9220: INTO v_count
9221: FROM cz_pb_model_exports x
9222: WHERE x.model_id = v_model_id AND x.status = publication_ok AND x.server_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id
9223: AND migration_group_id IS NULL;
9224: END IF;

Line 9296: FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y

9293: IF (cz_pb_mgr.v_session_parameter = cz_model_migration_pvt.migrate_model) THEN
9294: IF cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id = 0 THEN
9295: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count
9296: FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y
9297: WHERE x.devl_project_id = y.model_id
9298: AND x.last_update_date < y.last_xfr_activity
9299: AND y.last_xfr_activity > v_expr_last_update
9300: AND y.model_id = v_model_id AND y.server_id = 0

Line 9303: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y, cz_devl_projects'

9299: AND y.last_xfr_activity > v_expr_last_update
9300: AND y.model_id = v_model_id AND y.server_id = 0
9301: AND y.status = 'OK' AND y.migration_group_id = g_migration_group_id;
9302: ELSE
9303: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y, cz_devl_projects'
9304: || cz_pb_mgr.v_db_link
9305: || ' farprj'
9306: || ' '
9307: || 'WHERE x.devl_project_id = y.model_id'

Line 9330: FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y

9326: END IF;
9327: ELSE
9329: INTO v_count
9330: FROM cz_devl_projects x, cz_pb_model_exports y
9331: WHERE x.devl_project_id = y.model_id
9332: AND x.last_update_date < y.last_xfr_activity
9333: AND y.last_xfr_activity > v_expr_last_update
9334: AND y.model_id = v_model_id

Line 9455: INSERT INTO cz_pb_model_exports

9451: INTO v_node_depth
9452: FROM cz_model_ref_expls
9453: WHERE model_id = rootmodelid AND component_id = modelid AND deleted_flag = '0';
9455: INSERT INTO cz_pb_model_exports
9456: (export_id, export_seq, model_id, root_model_id, server_id, publication_id, export_reverse_seq
9457: ,superseded_flag, last_xfr_activity, creation_date, last_update_date, created_by, last_updated_by, migration_group_id
9458: )
9459: VALUES (cz_pb_model_exports_s.NEXTVAL, cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL, modelid, rootmodelid, serverid, publicationid, NVL(v_node_depth, 0)

Line 9459: VALUES (cz_pb_model_exports_s.NEXTVAL, cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL, modelid, rootmodelid, serverid, publicationid, NVL(v_node_depth, 0)

9455: INSERT INTO cz_pb_model_exports
9456: (export_id, export_seq, model_id, root_model_id, server_id, publication_id, export_reverse_seq
9457: ,superseded_flag, last_xfr_activity, creation_date, last_update_date, created_by, last_updated_by, migration_group_id
9458: )
9459: VALUES (cz_pb_model_exports_s.NEXTVAL, cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL, modelid, rootmodelid, serverid, publicationid, NVL(v_node_depth, 0)
9460: ,'N', SYSDATE, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, 1, 1, cz_pb_mgr.g_migration_group_id
9461: );
9463: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL

Line 9463: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL

9459: VALUES (cz_pb_model_exports_s.NEXTVAL, cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL, modelid, rootmodelid, serverid, publicationid, NVL(v_node_depth, 0)
9460: ,'N', SYSDATE, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, 1, 1, cz_pb_mgr.g_migration_group_id
9461: );
9463: SELECT cz_pb_model_exports_s.CURRVAL
9464: INTO cz_pb_mgr.v_export_id
9465: FROM DUAL;
9467: COMMIT;

Line 9489: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports

9485: FOR copyid IN cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported.FIRST .. cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported.LAST
9486: LOOP
9487: create_export_request(cz_pb_mgr.v_root_model_id, cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid), cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id, 0);
9489: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports
9490: SET remote_model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid)
9491: ,status = publication_ok
9492: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id
9493: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid);

Line 9492: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id

9489: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports
9490: SET remote_model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid)
9491: ,status = publication_ok
9492: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id
9493: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid);
9494: END LOOP;
9495: END IF;

Line 9493: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid);

9489: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports
9490: SET remote_model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid)
9491: ,status = publication_ok
9492: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id
9493: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_not_to_be_exported(copyid);
9494: END LOOP;
9495: END IF;
9497: COMMIT;

Line 11414: v_node_ref_export_id cz_pb_model_exports.export_id%TYPE;

11410: v_remote_pers_ui_node_tbl cz_pb_mgr.t_ref;
11411: v_remote_pers_ui_node_ref cz_pb_mgr.t_ref;
11412: ui_def_ref_id_cv ref_cursor;
11413: v_node_ref_proj_id cz_devl_projects.devl_project_id%TYPE;
11414: v_node_ref_export_id cz_pb_model_exports.export_id%TYPE;
11415: v_node_ref_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id%TYPE;
11416: rec_count NUMBER;
11418: CURSOR l_ui_def_cur (p_ui_def_id NUMBER) IS SELECT name FROM cz_ui_defs b WHERE b.ui_def_id = p_ui_def_id;

Line 11415: v_node_ref_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id%TYPE;

11411: v_remote_pers_ui_node_ref cz_pb_mgr.t_ref;
11412: ui_def_ref_id_cv ref_cursor;
11413: v_node_ref_proj_id cz_devl_projects.devl_project_id%TYPE;
11414: v_node_ref_export_id cz_pb_model_exports.export_id%TYPE;
11415: v_node_ref_remote_model cz_pb_model_exports.remote_model_id%TYPE;
11416: rec_count NUMBER;
11418: CURSOR l_ui_def_cur (p_ui_def_id NUMBER) IS SELECT name FROM cz_ui_defs b WHERE b.ui_def_id = p_ui_def_id;
11419: l_ui_def_name cz_ui_defs.name%TYPE;

Line 12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

12297: IF (p_new_model_array.COUNT > 0)
12298: THEN
12299: SELECT remote_model_id
12300: INTO x_new_model_id
12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id
12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id
12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0
12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';

Line 12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id

12298: THEN
12299: SELECT remote_model_id
12300: INTO x_new_model_id
12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id
12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id
12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0
12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';
12306: END IF;

Line 12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id

12299: SELECT remote_model_id
12300: INTO x_new_model_id
12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id
12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id
12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0
12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';
12306: END IF;

Line 12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0

12300: INTO x_new_model_id
12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id
12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id
12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0
12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';
12306: END IF;
12308: ---the above query has been changed to hold good for circular connectors

Line 12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';

12301: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
12302: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = p_publication_id
12303: AND cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_model_exports.root_model_id
12304: ---AND cz_pb_model_exports.export_reverse_seq = 0
12305: AND cz_pb_model_exports.superseded_flag = 'N';
12306: END IF;
12308: ---the above query has been changed to hold good for circular connectors
12309: ---In circular references the root may not have an export rev seq of 0

Line 12310: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports

12306: END IF;
12308: ---the above query has been changed to hold good for circular connectors
12309: ---In circular references the root may not have an export rev seq of 0
12310: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports
12311: SET superseded_flag = 'Y'
12312: WHERE publication_id = p_publication_id AND superseded_flag = 'N';
12313: END IF;

Line 17123: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

17119: IS
17120: CURSOR model_cur(rootmodelid NUMBER, serverid NUMBER, pubid NUMBER)
17121: IS
17122: SELECT model_id
17123: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
17124: WHERE root_model_id = rootmodelid AND server_id = serverid AND publication_id = pubid AND superseded_flag = 'N'
17125: ORDER BY export_reverse_seq DESC;
17127: v_cursor NUMBER;

Line 17784: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

17781: BEGIN
17782: SELECT remote_model_id
17783: INTO v_object_id
17784: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
17785: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
17786: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;

Line 17785: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)

17781: BEGIN
17782: SELECT remote_model_id
17783: INTO v_object_id
17784: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
17785: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
17786: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;
17789: THEN

Line 17786: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;

17782: SELECT remote_model_id
17783: INTO v_object_id
17784: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
17785: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
17786: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;
17789: THEN
17790: cz_pb_mgr.v_err_message := 'Error in retrieving remote model id : ' || SQLERRM;

Line 18120: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports

18117: DELETE FROM cz_model_publications
18118: WHERE remote_publication_id = v_pub_id;
18120: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports
18121: WHERE publication_id = v_pub_id;
18122: END IF;
18124: cz_security_pvt.unlock_model(1.0, fnd_api.g_true, l_locked_models, l_lock_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data);

Line 19122: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

19119: BEGIN
19120: SELECT remote_model_id
19121: INTO v_object_id
19122: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
19123: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
19124: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;

Line 19123: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)

19119: BEGIN
19120: SELECT remote_model_id
19121: INTO v_object_id
19122: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
19123: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
19124: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;
19127: cz_pb_mgr.v_err_message := 'Error in retrieving remote model id : ' || SQLERRM;

Line 19124: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;

19120: SELECT remote_model_id
19121: INTO v_object_id
19122: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
19123: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i)
19124: AND cz_pb_model_exports.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id;
19127: cz_pb_mgr.v_err_message := 'Error in retrieving remote model id : ' || SQLERRM;
19128: cz_pb_mgr.error_msg_populate(cz_pb_mgr.v_err_message, 'cz_pb_mgr.MIGRATEMODEL', SQLCODE);

Line 20988: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports

20984: NULL;
20985: END;
20986: END LOOP;
20988: DELETE FROM cz_pb_model_exports
20989: WHERE publication_id IN(SELECT publication_id
20990: FROM cz_model_publications
20991: WHERE UPPER(export_status) = publication_processing);

Line 22365: ---------- update remote_model id in the source cz_pb_model_exports

22362: insert_devl_projects(cz_pb_mgr.v_new_devl_id, cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i), cz_pb_mgr.v_devl_orig_sys_ref
22363: ,cz_pb_mgr.v_status_code);
22365: ---------- update remote_model id in the source cz_pb_model_exports
22366: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports t
22367: SET t.remote_model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported_new(i)
22368: WHERE t.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id
22369: AND t.server_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id

Line 22366: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports t

22362: insert_devl_projects(cz_pb_mgr.v_new_devl_id, cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i), cz_pb_mgr.v_devl_orig_sys_ref
22363: ,cz_pb_mgr.v_status_code);
22365: ---------- update remote_model id in the source cz_pb_model_exports
22366: UPDATE cz_pb_model_exports t
22367: SET t.remote_model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported_new(i)
22368: WHERE t.publication_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_publication_id
22369: AND t.server_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_server_id
22370: AND t.model_id = cz_pb_mgr.v_models_to_be_exported(i);

Line 23650: v_last_xfr_activity cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;

23646: FUNCTION has_ui_inany_chld_mdl_changed(rootmodelid IN NUMBER) RETURN boolean IS
23648: v_models_tbl cz_pb_mgr.t_ref;
23649: v_last_update_date cz_ui_defs.last_update_date%TYPE;
23650: v_last_xfr_activity cz_pb_model_exports.last_xfr_activity%TYPE;
23651: curr_model_tbl cz_pb_mgr.t_ref;
23653: BEGIN
23654: get_source_models(rootmodelid, v_models_tbl);

Line 23720: FROM cz_pb_model_exports

23716: BEGIN
23718: SELECT last_xfr_activity
23719: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
23720: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
23721: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
23722: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
23723: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
23724: WHERE z.model_id = p_model_id

Line 23721: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =

23718: SELECT last_xfr_activity
23719: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
23720: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
23721: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
23722: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
23723: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
23724: WHERE z.model_id = p_model_id
23725: AND z.server_id = p_server_id

Line 23723: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z

23719: INTO x_last_xfr_activity
23720: FROM cz_pb_model_exports
23721: WHERE cz_pb_model_exports.export_id =
23722: (SELECT MAX(export_id)
23723: FROM cz_pb_model_exports z
23724: WHERE z.model_id = p_model_id
23725: AND z.server_id = p_server_id
23726: AND z.status = 'OK'
23727: AND z.publication_id IN(