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Line 450: p_frequency_meaning := hr_general.decode_lookup( 'FREQUENCY',

446: -- Set the frequency meaning if the frequency is not null and the meaning is
447: -- null
448: hr_utility.set_location ( 'PER_APP_ASG_PKG.insert_row' , 9 ) ;
449: if ( ( p_frequency is not null ) and ( p_frequency_meaning is null ) ) then
450: p_frequency_meaning := hr_general.decode_lookup( 'FREQUENCY',
451: p_frequency ) ;
452: end if;
453: --
454: --

Line 578: if ( p_validation_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time ) then

574: hr_utility.set_location ( 'PER_APP_ASG_PKG.delete_row' , 10 ) ;
576: elsif ( p_delete_mode in ('FUTURE_CHANGE','DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' ) ) then
577: if ( p_new_end_date is null ) then
578: if ( p_validation_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time ) then
579: hr_assignment.tidy_up_ref_int ( p_assignment_id,
580: 'FUTURE',
581: p_validation_end_date,
582: p_effective_end_date,

Line 1404: p_frequency_meaning := hr_general.decode_lookup( 'FREQUENCY',

1400: --
1401: -- Set the frequency meaning if the frequency is not null and the meaning is
1402: -- null
1403: if ( ( p_frequency is not null ) and ( p_frequency_meaning is null ) ) then
1404: p_frequency_meaning := hr_general.decode_lookup( 'FREQUENCY',
1405: p_frequency ) ;
1406: end if;
1407: --
1408: --

Line 1459: if max_apl_date = hr_general.end_of_time

1455: hr_utility.raise_error;
1456: end if;
1457: close get_max_apl_date;
1459: if max_apl_date = hr_general.end_of_time
1460: then
1461: p_status := 'UPD_OR_CORR';
1462: elsif hr_general2.is_person_type(p_person_id,
1463: 'EMP',

Line 1462: elsif hr_general2.is_person_type(p_person_id,

1459: if max_apl_date = hr_general.end_of_time
1460: then
1461: p_status := 'UPD_OR_CORR';
1462: elsif hr_general2.is_person_type(p_person_id,
1463: 'EMP',
1464: max_apl_date + 1)
1465: then
1466: p_status := 'CORR_ONLY';

Line 1592: if ( l_dummy_date < hr_general.end_of_time ) then

1588: --
1589: open c1 ;
1590: fetch c1 into l_dummy_date ;
1591: close c1 ;
1592: if ( l_dummy_date < hr_general.end_of_time ) then
1593: hr_utility.set_message ( 801 , 'HR_ASS_FUTURE_END' ) ;
1594: hr_utility.set_warning ;
1595: p_warning_set := true ;
1596: else

Line 1699: and (apl.effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time

1695: select 'Y' from per_assignments_f apl
1696: where apl.assignment_type = 'A'
1697: and apl.application_id = cp_appl_id
1698: and apl.assignment_id <> cp_asg_id
1699: and (apl.effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time
1700: or exists
1701: (select 'Y' from per_applications apa
1702: where apa.application_id = cp_appl_id
1703: and apa.date_end is not null