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Line 358: l_outputs := benutils.formula

354: fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92290_NSVU_NO_PROFILES');
355: fnd_message.raise_error;
356: else
357: -- this rule returns an amount.
358: l_outputs := benutils.formula
359: (p_formula_id => p_vrbl_rt_add_on_calc_rl,
360: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
361: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
362: p_assignment_id => null, -- we are not processing a single

Line 375: benutils.rt_typ_calc

371: end if;
372: elsif p_mlt_cd = 'TTLPRTT' then
373: hr_utility.set_location ('ttlprtt p_actl_prem_id:'||to_char(p_actl_prem_id)||
374: ' p_bnft_rt_typ_cd:'||p_bnft_rt_typ_cd, 22);
375: benutils.rt_typ_calc
376: (p_rt_typ_cd => p_bnft_rt_typ_cd
377: ,p_val => ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_no_match_cnt
378: ,p_val_2 => p_actl_prem_val
379: ,p_calculated_val => p_val); -- output p_val

Line 383: benutils.rt_typ_calc

379: ,p_calculated_val => p_val); -- output p_val
380: else -- p_mlt_cd = 'TTLCVG'
381: hr_utility.set_location ('ttlcvg p_actl_prem_id:'||to_char(p_actl_prem_id)||
382: ' p_bnft_rt_typ_cd:'||p_bnft_rt_typ_cd, 24);
383: benutils.rt_typ_calc
384: (p_rt_typ_cd => p_bnft_rt_typ_cd
385: ,p_val => ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_no_match_cvg
386: ,p_val_2 => p_actl_prem_val
387: ,p_calculated_val => p_val); -- output p_val

Line 391: p_val := benutils.do_rounding

387: ,p_calculated_val => p_val); -- output p_val
388: end if;
389: end if;
390: -- round against actl_prem.
391: p_val := benutils.do_rounding
392: (p_rounding_cd => p_rndg_cd
393: ,p_rounding_rl => p_rndg_rl
394: ,p_value => p_val
395: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 407: benutils.rt_typ_calc

403: ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_use_prfls(i).vrbl_rt_prfl_id);
404: fetch c_vrbl_val into l_vrbl_val;
405: if c_vrbl_val%found then
406: if l_vrbl_val.mlt_cd = 'TTLPRTT' then
407: benutils.rt_typ_calc
408: (p_rt_typ_cd => l_vrbl_val.bnft_rt_typ_cd
409: ,p_val =>
410: ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_use_prfls(i).match_cnt
411: ,p_val_2 => l_vrbl_val.val

Line 414: benutils.rt_typ_calc

410: ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_use_prfls(i).match_cnt
411: ,p_val_2 => l_vrbl_val.val
412: ,p_calculated_val => l_val); -- output val
413: else -- l_vrbl_val.mlt_cd = 'TTLCVG'
414: benutils.rt_typ_calc
415: (p_rt_typ_cd => l_vrbl_val.bnft_rt_typ_cd
416: ,p_val =>
417: ben_evaluate_rate_profiles.g_use_prfls(i).match_cvg
418: ,p_val_2 => l_vrbl_val.val

Line 422: l_val := benutils.do_rounding

418: ,p_val_2 => l_vrbl_val.val
419: ,p_calculated_val => l_val); -- output val
420: end if;
421: -- round and check limits against variable rate profiles.
422: l_val := benutils.do_rounding
423: (p_rounding_cd => l_vrbl_val.rndg_cd
424: ,p_rounding_rl => l_vrbl_val.rndg_rl
425: ,p_value => l_val
426: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 428: benutils.limit_checks

424: ,p_rounding_rl => l_vrbl_val.rndg_rl
425: ,p_value => l_val
426: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
427: hr_utility.set_location('Variable Limits Checking',28);
428: benutils.limit_checks
429: (p_upr_lmt_val => l_vrbl_val.upr_lmt_val,
430: p_lwr_lmt_val => l_vrbl_val.lwr_lmt_val,
431: p_upr_lmt_calc_rl => l_vrbl_val.upr_lmt_calc_rl,
432: p_lwr_lmt_calc_rl => l_vrbl_val.lwr_lmt_calc_rl,

Line 770: l_outputs := benutils.formula

766: fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_92290_NSVU_NO_PROFILES');
767: fnd_message.raise_error;
768: else
769: -- this rule returns an amount.
770: l_outputs := benutils.formula
771: (p_formula_id => l_prems.vrbl_rt_add_on_calc_rl,
772: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
773: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
774: p_assignment_id => null, -- we are not processing a single

Line 785: benutils.rt_typ_calc

781: p_jurisdiction_code => null);
782: l_val := l_outputs(l_outputs.first).value;
783: end if;
784: elsif l_prems.mlt_cd = 'TTLPRTT' then
785: benutils.rt_typ_calc
786: (p_rt_typ_cd => l_prems.bnft_rt_typ_cd
787: ,p_val => l_prems.val
788: ,p_val_2 => l_results.num_of_prtts
789: ,p_calculated_val => l_val);

Line 791: benutils.rt_typ_calc

787: ,p_val => l_prems.val
788: ,p_val_2 => l_results.num_of_prtts
789: ,p_calculated_val => l_val);
790: else -- l_prems.mlt_cd = 'TTLCVG'
791: benutils.rt_typ_calc
792: (p_rt_typ_cd => l_prems.bnft_rt_typ_cd
793: ,p_val => l_prems.val
794: ,p_val_2 => l_results.total_cvg
795: ,p_calculated_val => l_val);

Line 798: l_val := benutils.do_rounding

794: ,p_val_2 => l_results.total_cvg
795: ,p_calculated_val => l_val);
796: end if;
797: -- round against actl_prem
798: l_val := benutils.do_rounding
799: (p_rounding_cd => l_prems.rndg_cd
800: ,p_rounding_rl => l_prems.rndg_rl
801: ,p_value => l_val
802: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 806: benutils.limit_checks

802: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
803: end if;
805: hr_utility.set_location('Premium Limits Checking',20);
806: benutils.limit_checks
807: (p_upr_lmt_val => l_prems.upr_lmt_val,
808: p_lwr_lmt_val => l_prems.lwr_lmt_val,
809: p_upr_lmt_calc_rl => l_prems.upr_lmt_calc_rl,
810: p_lwr_lmt_calc_rl => l_prems.lwr_lmt_calc_rl,

Line 837: l_prtt_val := benutils.do_rounding

834: -- Task 416, July 99 : balance individual prem to total prem.
835: -- One person's premium may be more than the others to compenstate.
836: -- round individual prem against actl_prem rounding code
837: l_prtt_val := benutils.do_rounding
838: (p_rounding_cd => l_prems.rndg_cd
839: ,p_rounding_rl => l_prems.rndg_rl
840: ,p_value => l_prtt_val
841: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 986: benutils.write(p_rec => g_rec);

982: g_rec.val := l_prtt_val;
983: g_rec.mo_num := l_mo_num;
984: g_rec.yr_num := l_yr_num;
986: benutils.write(p_rec => g_rec);
988: -- Task 416: set individual prem back to regular value for the rest
989: -- of the prtts.
990: l_prtt_val := l_reg_prtt_val;

Line 1068: benutils.write(p_rec => g_rec);

1064: g_rec.val := l_val;
1065: g_rec.mo_num := l_mo_num;
1066: g_rec.yr_num := l_yr_num;
1068: benutils.write(p_rec => g_rec);
1070: If (p_validate = 'Y') then
1071: Rollback to process_pl_premium_savepoint;
1072: End if;