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1 PACKAGE BODY biv_version_specific_pkg AS
2 	-- $Header: bivvrsnb.pls 115.1 2003/02/18 23:39:16 smisra noship $ */
3 function get_sr_table return varchar2 as
4 begin
5    return('cs_incidents_all_b');
6 end;
7 procedure set_update_program( p_sr_rec in out nocopy
8                            CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.service_request_rec_type) as
9 begin
10   p_sr_rec.last_update_program_code := 'BIV_SR_UPDATE';
11 end;
12 procedure status_lov(p_sr_id number,
13                      p_lov_sttmnt out nocopy varchar2) as
14   l_status_group_id cs_sr_type_mapping.status_group_id % type;
15   l_type_id         cs_incidents_all_b.incident_type_id % type;
16   l_old_status_id   cs_incident_statuses_b.incident_status_id % type;
17   --
18   cursor c_type is
19   select incident_type_id, incident_status_id
20     from cs_incidents_all_b
21    where incident_id = p_sr_id;
22   ---
23   cursor c_status_group1 is
24   select status_group_id
25     from cs_sr_type_mapping
26    where incident_type_id = l_type_id
27      and responsibility_id = fnd_profile.value('RESP_ID');
28   --
29   cursor c_status_group2 is
30   select status_group_id
31     from cs_incident_types_b
32    where incident_type_id = l_type_id;
33   --
34   cursor c_trans_ind is
35   select transition_ind
36     from cs_sr_status_groups_b
37    where status_group_id = l_status_group_id
38     and sysdate between nvl(start_date,sysdate-1) and nvl(end_date,sysdate+1);
39   l_trans_id    cs_sr_status_groups_b.transition_ind % type;
40   l_lov_sttmnt1 varchar2(2000);
41   l_lov_sttmnt2 varchar2(2000);
42   l_lov_sttmnt3 varchar2(2000);
43 begin
44   open c_type;
45   fetch c_type into l_type_id, l_old_status_id;
46   close c_type;
47   -- set lov statements
48   l_lov_sttmnt1 := 'select incident_status_id, name, '' ''
49                         from cs_incident_statuses_vl
50                        where incident_subtype = ''INC''
51                          and sysdate between nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1)
52                                          and nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1)
53                          and upper(name) like upper(?)
54                         order by name asc';
55   -- used when trans_id is Y
56   l_lov_sttmnt2 := '
57         select st.incident_status_id, st.name, '' ''
58           from cs_incident_statuses st,
59                cs_sr_status_transitions st_tran
60          where st_tran.from_incident_status_id = st.incident_status_id
61            and st_tran.from_incident_status_id=' || to_char(l_old_status_id) ||'
62            and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(st.start_date_active, sysdate))
63                                   and trunc(nvl(st.end_date_active, sysdate))
64            and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(st_tran.start_date, sysdate))
65                                  and trunc(nvl(st_tran.end_date, sysdate))
66            and upper(st.name) like upper(?)
67       union
68         select st.incident_status_id, st.name, '' ''
69           from  cs_incident_statuses st
70          where st.incident_status_id = ' || to_char(l_old_status_id) ||'
71       order by 2';
72   -- used when trans_id is NOT Y
73   l_lov_sttmnt3 := '
74        select st.incident_status_id, st.name, '' ''
75          from cs_incident_statuses st,
76               cs_incident_types_b typ,
77               cs_sr_allowed_statuses allowd_st
78         where typ.incident_type_id = ' || to_char(l_type_id) || '
79           and typ.status_group_id = allowd_st.status_group_id
80           and allowd_st.incident_status_id = st.incident_status_id
81           and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(allowd_st.start_date,sysdate))
82                                  and trunc(nvl(allowd_st.end_date,sysdate))
83           and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(st.start_date_active, sysdate))
84                                  and trunc(nvl(st.end_date_active, sysdate))
85           and upper(st.name) like upper(?)
86        order by 2';
87   if (l_type_id is null) then
88      p_lov_sttmnt := l_lov_sttmnt1;
89   else
90     open c_status_group1;
91     fetch c_status_group1 into l_status_group_id;
92     if (c_status_group1%notfound or l_status_group_id is null) then
93        open  c_status_group2;
94        fetch c_status_group2 into l_status_group_id;
95        close c_status_group2;
96     end if;
97     close c_status_group1;
98     if (l_status_group_id is null) then
99        p_lov_sttmnt := l_lov_sttmnt1;
100     else
101        open  c_trans_ind;
102        fetch c_trans_ind into l_trans_id;
103        close c_trans_ind;
104        if (nvl(l_trans_id,'N') = 'Y') then
105           p_lov_sttmnt := l_lov_sttmnt2;
106        else
107           p_lov_sttmnt := l_lov_sttmnt3;
108        end if;
109     end if; -- for status group id
110   end if; -- for type id
112   biv_core_pkg.biv_debug(p_lov_sttmnt,'STATUS_LOV');
113   exception
114     when no_data_found then
115         p_lov_sttmnt := l_lov_sttmnt1;
116 end;
117 end;